sticker是什么意思 sticker的中文翻译、读音、例句

sticker是什么意思 sticker的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:sticker 是一个名词,主要指贴纸、标签、胶贴等。



1. bumper sticker 汽车贴纸

2. label sticker 标签贴纸

3. wall sticker 墙贴

4. price sticker 价格标签

5. promotional sticker 促销贴纸

6. laptop sticker 笔记本电脑贴纸

7. decorative sticker 装饰性贴纸


1. stick on 黏贴

2. peel off 揭掉

3. sticker shock 因价格过高而震惊

4. bumper sticker politics 议论热点的汽车贴纸

5. sticker album 贴纸相册

6. sticker book 贴纸书

7. sticker price 标签价



1. Please peel off the sticker before you use it. 请在使用前撕掉贴纸。

2. She decorated her laptop with cute stickers. 她用可爱的贴纸装饰了她的笔记本电脑。

3. The box has a sticker that says "Fragile". 箱子上有一个写着“易碎”的标签。

4. She was shocked by the sticker price of the car. 她被车的标价震惊了。

5. He collects stickers from all over the world in his album. 他在相册里收集了世界各地的贴纸。

6. The child was entertained with a sticker book. 孩子们在玩贴纸书。

7. They handed out promotional stickers at the event. 他们在活动中派发促销贴纸。




1. I love to decorate my notebook with stickers.


2. He put a sticker on the envelope to make sure it gets to the right address.


3. The teacher gave each student a sticker for doing well on the test.





例句:Every book got a glade sticker above the call number. (在每一本书杜威号的上面贴上新的标签。)


例句:With a reflex action he felt for the ailerons with his feet , and his hands steadied an imaginary joy-sticker . (条件反射地伸出脚去控制副翼,双手去找想象中的飞机控制杆。)


例句:The first one is a polyanionic segment, which basically acts as a non-stick backing like the back of a sticker. (第一个是聚阴离子部分 它就像是黏胶纸的背面 执行不粘的功能)


例句:Like the star of the sticker on the wall I do not know when it has been scratched. (翻译:喜欢的明星的贴画在墙上已经不知何时被划得乱七八糟。)


sticker一般作为名词使用,如在insect sticker([农药] 粘虫胶)、parking sticker([网络] 停车许可证;停车贴条;停车证)、pig sticker((铸铁机)粘连铁块)等常见短语中出现较多。

insect sticker[农药] 粘虫胶
parking sticker[网络] 停车许可证;停车贴条;停车证
pig sticker(铸铁机)粘连铁块
pot stickern. 锅贴
revalidation sticker重新确认签条
single stickerna. 〈美口〉单桅帆船\n[网络] 单桅船
spacing sticker间隔垫木
spray sticker喷雾粘着剂
sticker affixer贴签员


1. The first one is a polyanionic segment, which basically acts as a non-stick backing like the back of a sticker. (翻译:第一个是聚阴离子部分 它就像是黏胶纸的背面 执行不粘的功能)

2. Like the star of the sticker on the wall I do not know when it has been scratched. (翻译:喜欢的明星的贴画在墙上已经不知何时被划得乱七八糟。)

3. With another copy of the exact same sticker? (翻译:来遮盖旧的车尾贴? with another copy of the exact same sticker?)

4. The sticker outlasts the sprinter in life's race. (翻译:在人生的长跑中,不屈不挠的人比赛跑好手跑得更远。)

5. Check out the sticker at the bottom of Andy's toy chest for a very familiar clownfish. (翻译:看看安迪玩具箱底部的贴纸,上面有一条非常熟悉的小丑鱼。)

6. [Thatcher] Meredith... I heard... you got married on a sticker. - That's great. (翻译:Meredith 我听说你结婚了 太好了)

7. So sticker prices will ultimately fall to about the same as today, while the driving cost, even from the start, is very much lower. (翻译:所以汽车的定价最终将回落到目前定价相近水平 而驾驶成本,甚至是从一开始开始算起 也低了很多 )

8. Every time we go out on a mission, I'm gonna put a little American flag sticker right here on this door. (翻译:我们每出一次任务 我就要在门上贴一面美国国旗)

9. Then rolling up that sticker -- you know what I mean. (翻译:接着,卷起那个小标签… 你懂我意思的。)

10. That's a tattoo sticker, it could be rubbed off. (翻译:她知道我对酒精敏感,还这样灌我 她想谋杀我!)

11. His wife points to a small sticker above the doorbell that reads: Salesmen and miscellaneous freeloaders will be summarily executed. (翻译:妻子指着门铃上的一小块贴纸:推销员和闲杂人等要就地正法。)

12. What, did you see a kitty or find a sticker on the ground or something? (翻译:什么,你看到一只小猫咪 或找到一个贴纸 在地面上 还是什么?)

13. But remember the Flick rear window sticker can be the only contest sticker of its kind on your car. (翻译:记住弗里克牌后窗胶 同类产品中最好的车窗胶)

14. In fact, the most expensive thing in this demo is that little sticker that says "OWIC." (翻译:实际上,在我的展示里, 最贵的要数写着 “OWIC” 的那张小贴纸了。)

15. So, Officer Mallen, you saw a red sticker on Tyler Beacham's backpack, didn't you? (翻译:那么警官 你看到 Tyler Beacham背包上的红印章了吧)



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