draughts是什么意思 draughts的中文翻译、读音、例句

draughts是什么意思 draughts的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 拼写和发音: draughts是英式拼写,而checkers是美式拼写,两者意义相同。发音为/drɑːfts/。

2. 定义: draughts通常指国际跳棋,是一种两人游戏,使用黑白棋子在棋盘上移动,旨在吃掉对方棋子并占领对方王位。

3. 历史:国际跳棋可以追溯到古代,据说是埃及法老玩的游戏。它在欧洲流行,成为一种常见的棋类游戏,特别是在英国。

4. 句式:以下是五个关于draughts的中英例句:

- He played draughts with his grandfather every Sunday. (他每周日都和他的祖父下跳棋。)

- She won the national draughts championship three years in a row. (她连续xx年赢得了全国跳棋冠军。)

- They used to have draughts tournaments at the local pub. (他们过去在当地的酒吧举行跳棋比赛。)

- Can you teach me how to play draughts? (你能教我怎么下跳棋吗?)

- He loves playing draughts, but he's not very good at it. (他喜欢下跳棋,但他不是很擅长。)

5. 其他:除了国际跳棋,draughts还可以指酿造啤酒时正在发酵的麦汁,通常称为“麦芽酒”。此外,draughts还可以是“通风”、“气流”的意思,这个词通常用于句子中,例如:“Open the window to let in a draught.”(打开窗户让气流进来。)





1. We used to play draughts every evening. (我们过去每晚都玩跳棋。)

2. The old man was a master of draughts. (老人是跳棋的高手。)




例句:The reaction proceeds more smoothly if the round- bottom flask is shielded from draughts by being placed in an empty beaker . (如果圆底烧瓶置于空烧杯中,则可屏蔽气流使反应进行平稳。)


例句:From the point of climate disasters, it is a year with serious disasters, especially with draughts. (从气象灾害角度来看,灾情属偏重年份,其中尤以干旱突出。)


draughts一般作为名词使用,如在draughts board(n. (国际跳棋的)棋盘)、morning draughts([网络] 早餐草稿)、Polish draughts([复数,动词用单数或复数]波兰国际跳棋(盛行于18世纪英国,棋盘有100方格,棋手各持20枚棋子))等常见短语中出现较多。

draughts boardn. (国际跳棋的)棋盘
morning draughts[网络] 早餐草稿
Polish draughts[复数,动词用单数或复数]波兰国际跳棋(盛行于18世纪英国,棋盘有100方格,棋手各持20枚棋子)


1. Block draughts around doors and windows. (翻译:挡住门窗周围的风。)

2. And as he drains his draughts of Rhenish down the kettle-drum and trumpet thus bray out the triumph of his pledge. (翻译:每当他饮干一大杯莱茵酒 铜鼓和喇叭就大吹大擂地祝贺他的海量 -这可是风俗)

3. I made my way out there, breathing in great, deep draughts while walking slowly about, still wearing my white cook's hat. (翻译:我信步走去,一边深深呼吸着空气,一边慢慢地踱着步,头上还戴着那顶白色的厨师帽。)

4. Draughts help to circulate air. (翻译:通风有助于循环空气。)

5. You have to have a burning desire like a raging forest fire with all the up-draughts and wind pushing it along. (翻译:你必须和所有的向上者有像一个愤怒的森林火灾一样的燃烧欲望-气流而且转动向前推动它。)

6. As with most sleeping draughts, if taken in sufficient quantities, it is a poison. (翻译:和大多数安眠药一样 过量的话 的确是毒药)

7. From a date far back before the time of Christ comes a representation of a lion and an antelope at play over a draughts board. (翻译:从日期早的时间之前,基督是一种陈述的狮子和羚羊上发挥了吃水董事会。)



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