inflict是什么意思 inflict的中文翻译、读音、例句

inflict是什么意思 inflict的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义和用法


2. 同义词


3. 反义词


4. 词源



1. The disease inflicted him with severe pain.(这种疾病使他痛苦不堪。)

2. The judge decided to inflict the maximum penalty on the criminal.(法官决定对罪犯加以最严厉的惩罚。)

3. The country inflicted economic sanctions on its neighbor.(这个国家对邻国实施了经济制裁。)

4. The mother's scoldings inflicted deep psychological damage on her child.(母亲的责骂对孩子造成了严重的心理创伤。)

5. The war inflicted great suffering on the civilian population.(战争给平民带来了巨大的痛苦。)





1. The government's policies are inflicting hardship on people.


2. He was found guilty of inflicting serious bodily harm.


3. The terrorists are trying to inflict fear on the local population.





例句:Pressure on the central bank to revalue the yuan? Obviously part of an attempt to inflict a "Japan malaise" on China. (对中国央行施加压力以造成人民币升值,显然所有的尝试都是给中国造成一个“日本式的衰退”。)


例句:And my parents, unlike yours, don't feel the need to inflict their lives on everybody else. (并且我父母不像你的 不需要因为自己不幸的生活 就让别人也不得安生)


例句:The bursting of the bubble will inflict broad damage. (这场泡沫的破灭将造成广泛的影响。)


例句:If you do not have to look into somebodies eyes, to see the pain of the words you inflict, it is so much easier. (翻译:而这种侮辱更是简单不过了,如果你没有必要望着某人的眼睛,去感受你所说的给别人带来的伤痛。)


inflict一般作为动词使用,如在inflict ... on(un. 遭受\n[网络] 使承受负担;使遭受;施加)、inflict on((将…)强加于…)、inflict damage on(使受损害)等常见短语中出现较多。

inflict ... onun. 遭受\n[网络] 使承受负担;使遭受;施加
inflict on(将…)强加于…
inflict damage on使受损害
inflict damage tona. 损害\n[网络] 对…造成损坏;对…造成损害;对…产生损害
inflict punishment[法] 处以刑罚
inflict the death[法] 处以死刑
inflict upon使…受痛苦;给…以(打击、惩罚)
inflict vengeance on向某人报仇
inflict oneself upon打扰


1. The bursting of the bubble will inflict broad damage. (翻译:这场泡沫的破灭将造成广泛的影响。)

2. If you do not have to look into somebodies eyes, to see the pain of the words you inflict, it is so much easier. (翻译:而这种侮辱更是简单不过了,如果你没有必要望着某人的眼睛,去感受你所说的给别人带来的伤痛。)

3. I get it, but why inflict so much pain on yourself for such a hateful person? (翻译:我懂 但为什么让自己那么痛苦呢 为这么一个面目可憎的人? 他不值得你悲伤)

4. If you're willing to risk the amount of pain I'm about to inflict upon you. (翻译:你必定对Mike Traceur极为重视)

5. There's nothing left but to stake this fight on the Rei-gun! I don't think you can inflict any lethal damage to him! (翻译:没有 与我无关 你不来的话幽助也许会被杀死)

6. Did he ever intentionally inflict emotional distress? (翻译:他是否有在精神上蓄意折磨你? Did he ever intentionally inflict emotional distress?)

7. - Does the director inflict this on all the actors? (翻译:- 平常把这些施加给演员们 真是... - 你是导演兼编剧 折磨演员是分内事)

8. The misery they inflict seems to motivate cyber-stalkers. (翻译:受害者所遭受的痛苦似乎更加刺激了网络跟踪者。)

9. He turned into devotion the vengeance he wished to inflict and which made her quiver when she defied him. (翻译:他开始复仇,并且希望发生冲突 这样在她蔑视他的时候颤抖)

10. When compared to the serious injures a baton, a SAP, or even a punch can inflict, this is definitely a logical and court defendable tradeoff. (翻译:当严重的伤害相比,警棍,一闷棍,甚至可以造成穿孔,这绝对是一个合乎逻辑和法院可防御的权衡。)

11. I didn't come here, Theodore, to inflict any more pain. (翻译:to inflict any more pain.)

12. It's going to have to divide up that pie and inflict pain on people. (翻译:眼看着蛋糕即将被分完 人们因争夺资源了互相伤害)

13. Numerous shallow wounds until Wayne was able to inflict this, the fatal wound. (翻译:有多处浅的伤口 直到Wayne能够在这里下刀 致命伤)

14. Avoid investment vehicles that inflict swingeing charges in exchange for what in most cases will amount to market performance or worse. (翻译:避开产生巨额收费、以换取回报的投资工具,因为多数情况下,这些回报也只能达到市场大盘的水平甚至更糟。)

15. That a war must be waged under the control of a loving disposition, that no man is fit to inflict punishment until he has banished hate from his heart. (翻译:这场战争必须... ... 由精妙的部署所控制)



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