词义:bullies 是 bully 的名词复数形式,指恃强凌弱的人或组织。
1. bully pulpit: 威望大、能够影响舆论的职位或讲坛;
2. bullyrag: 威吓或欺侮的行为或话语;
3. playground bully: 操场霸凌者;
4. cyber bully: 网络欺负者;
5. school bully: 学校欺负者。
1. bully for you: 恭喜你,好极了;
2. to bully around: 威吓、欺侮;
3. to stand up to a bully: 对抗欺凌者;
4. to bully someone into doing something: 用威吓手段迫使某人做某事;
5. to be a bully pulpit: 是一个威望大、能够影响舆论的职位或讲坛。
发音拼写: ['bʊliz]
1. The school has a strict policy against bullies.
2. The boys on the playground were being bullies and pushing around the new students.
3. She stood up to the playground bully and told him to stop bothering her little brother.
4. He was too scared to tell his teacher that he was being bullied by a classmate.
5. Cyber bullies can cause a lot of harm and emotional distress to their victims.
1. She was constantly picked on by bullies at school.
2. The school has a zero-tolerance policy towards bullies.
3. He was a bully in his youth, but he has since changed his ways.
例句:Klein, Naomi. No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies. New York: Picador, 2000. (内欧米·克莱恩,《没有标识:关注小品牌》。纽约:斗牛士出版公司,xx年版。)
1. He protected me from the bullies. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs19\bord1\shad1\1cHD8AFAF\4cHC08000\b0}他替我赶走了那些坏小子)
2. I've run from bullies, dogs, angry chickens... and one particularly persistent P.E. teacher determined to bend me over and give me a scoliosis test. (翻译:我遇到小流氓 狗狗 发狂的鸡时 都跑过 还有个顽固的体育老师 他铁了心要让我弯腰 测我的脊柱测凸)
3. All you bullies get out of my way Because I am really ticked off (翻译:你们这些欺负弱小的家伙通通给我闪开 因为我现在很不爽)
4. As he was dying of cancer in 2000, Schulz, aged 77, was still talking about getting even with the bullies of his youth. (翻译:xx年,xx岁的舒尔兹因患癌症,处在弥留之际。但他仍说要和自己年轻时的那个恶棍形象算账。)
5. Come on. The trip is over 'cause some tattooed bullies pushed us around? (翻译:得了吧 难道就因为一些有纹身的 野牛四处乱撞这次旅行就完结了?)
6. If you back down to bullies today, there's always going to be another bully tomorrow. (翻译:如果今天被这样的威胁吓退 明天就会又有新的威胁)
7. Bullying results in fear, for fear is the means by which all abusers, including bullies, disempower and control their victims. (翻译:恫吓会导致恐惧,因为恐惧是包括欺负者在内任何虐待者控制他们受害人,使他们丧失力量的工具。)
8. Tiger always bullies small animals. His teeth are very sharp. Therefore, the forest animals are afraid of him very much. Look. . . (翻译:老虎总是欺负森林里的小动物。他的牙齿特别锋利。因此,动物们非常害怕他。看……)
9. Well, bullies and... getting needles. (翻译:当然 混蛋和打针... 我都忍不了 Well, bullies and... getting needles.)
10. And since bullies only respond to strength, from now onward, I will be prepared to be much stronger. (翻译:既然对方吃硬不吃软 从现在起我也会更强势)
11. Let's do it. Bullies and insulters first. You lead the way. (翻译:好了我们进去吧 欺凌弱小的优先 请带路吧)
12. I too built my lab up high to keep the bullies out! (翻译:我也把实验室建得高高的 不让欺凌弱小的恶霸靠近!)
13. He bullies you again in front of his children. (翻译:他又一次在他的孩子面前欺负了你 He bullies you again in front of his children.)
14. "Bullies sneak into companies disguised as high performers and desirably ambitious go-getters, " Namie says. (翻译:纳米表示:“混进公司的职场恶棍总是把自己装扮成行动高效、雄心勃勃的能人。”)
15. 10 bullies against one guy. What receipt? Fuck all of you. (翻译:那么多人来对付我这么个没腿的家伙 这张是啥收据?)