1. 词义解释:
Nikon D2H是一款由尼康公司生产的数码单反相机。其拥有高速连拍、高感光度及快速对焦等特点,适用于运动、野生动物等拍摄场景。
2. 单词构成:
Nikon D2H是由"尼康"(Nikon)和"数码单反相机"(Digital Single-lens Reflex Camera)组成的缩写词。
3. 技术参数:
Nikon D2H的主要技术参数包括:500万像素、8帧/秒的高速连拍、ISO 200-1600的高感光度、11点自动对焦系统等。
4. 应用领域:
Nikon D2H主要适用于体育、新闻、野生动物等需要追踪、捕捉快速运动的场景,以及广告、拍摄大型活动等需要高质量照片的场合。
1. The Nikon D2H is a professional, high-performance digital SLR camera designed for sports, action, and wildlife photography.
2. The Nikon D2H allows up to 8 frames per second continuous shooting, making it perfect for capturing fast-moving subjects like athletes in motion.
3. The high ISO range of the Nikon D2H allows it to capture clear images even in low light conditions, making it ideal for indoor sports or night-time wildlife photography.
4. The Nikon D2H features a sophisticated autofocus system with 11 focus points, allowing for precise focus tracking of moving subjects.
5. With its advanced features and high image quality, the Nikon D2H is the perfect choice for professional photographers who need reliability and versatility in their camera equipment.
Nikon D2H是一款由尼康公司推出的数码单反相机,于xx年上市。其特点是具有高速连拍和高机动性能,被广泛应用于体育和新闻摄影领域。
读音:nái kāng D2H
1. The Nikon D2H is a professional camera designed for action photography.
2. The Nikon D2H is equipped with a 4.1-megapixel DX-format image sensor.