词义:'rumored' 意为“传闻中的”,用于描述某种消息或事件存在于广泛的传闻中,但尚未被证实或确认。
词性:'rumored' 是形容词。
词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括“rumored to be”(传闻中是),“rumored affair”(传闻中的恋情)等。
1. There's been a rumored feud between the two actors for years.(这两位演员已经传闻有分歧数年了。)
2. It's rumored that the company is planning to lay off a large number of employees.(据传闻,该公司计划解雇大量员工。)
3. The rumored merger between the two companies has yet to be confirmed.(这两家公司之间的传闻合并尚未被证实。)
4. There have been rumored sightings of Bigfoot in the area for years.(多年来一直有人传闻在该地区看到过大脚怪。)
5. The rumored launch of the new iPhone has tech enthusiasts buzzing with excitement.(新iPhone的传闻发布让技术爱好者们感到兴奋。)
1. There have been rumored changes to the company's management structure. (公司的管理结构存在传闻中的变化)
2. It is rumored that she will be leaving the country soon. (据传她不久将要离开这个国家)
3. The rumored alliance between the two companies turned out to be false. (两家公司之间传闻的联盟最终被证实是假的)
例句:It's rumored that the old guys will vacate their seats, for NT $10 million each from the government. (然后内部决定说 政府付给每一个人一千万 就要你们下台)
例句:It was rumored that he might provide al-Zuhari with funding, but that's it. (有传言说他可能为朱海瑞提供了资金 但仅此而已)
例句:As of late, she has been rumored to be getting a role in a Japanese drama series entitled Bengoshi no Kuzu. (截至年底,她一直传言是越来越重要作用的日本电视剧集,题没有葛根。)
例句:He wanted to leave the entire continent far behind, for Europe or America, where life was rumored to be better. (翻译:他必须完全离开这个大陆,远远离开,去欧洲或者美国,据谣传那里生活能好一点。)
1. As of late, she has been rumored to be getting a role in a Japanese drama series entitled Bengoshi no Kuzu. (翻译:截至年底,她一直传言是越来越重要作用的日本电视剧集,题没有葛根。)
2. He wanted to leave the entire continent far behind, for Europe or America, where life was rumored to be better. (翻译:他必须完全离开这个大陆,远远离开,去欧洲或者美国,据谣传那里生活能好一点。)
3. From what I understand, this auction is drawing particular attention because their newest weapon is rumored to be on the block. (翻译:据我所知 这次拍卖会会引来特别的关注 听说他们将会推出最新的武器)
4. Rumblings of a rumored reconciliation first broke over the summer, but recent sightings seem to confirm they're definitely reunited. (翻译:据传和解的传言首次打破了今年夏天,但最近的目击似乎证实了他们当然是团聚。)
5. My troops are in position to begin searching the swamps... for these rumored underwater villages. (翻译:我的军队正在开始搜索沼泽里... 那些传说中的水下村庄)
6. Gordon Chan: I am "" Wulin rumored " powder" , see three or four times. (翻译:陈嘉上:我是“《武林外传》粉”,看了三四遍。)
7. Lotus is also rumored to be readying a hybrid version of the Esprit, with Toyota undoubtedly behind that vehicle's drivetrain. (翻译:莲花也是传闻说准备一个混合版本的思哲,丰田无疑落后于车辆的动力。)
8. Wulin rumored source plugins, write well, to share with you. (翻译:武林外传外挂源码,写的不错,与大家分享。)
9. If you hear it rumored I'm near marrying, remember what I've said... and doubt it. (翻译:如果你那天听说我要嫁人 记住我刚才说过的话 不要轻信)
10. The rumored date of the long-awaited allied landings in Europe. (翻译:此间传言,就在这天 盼望已久的盟军欧洲登陆将会开始)
11. Can you tell us more about the rumored prosperity programs such as NESARA and the St. Germain World Trust? (翻译:你们能告诉我们更多关于繁荣项目的传闻吗,比如NESARA和圣哲曼世界信托基金)
12. It's rumored that this is the glacier that put out the iceberg that sank the titanic. (翻译:是北半球最多产的冰川 有传言说 就是这片冰川脱落的冰山)
13. It's a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the americas. (翻译:这是一个传奇cryptid 据传栖息 部分美洲。)
14. Later, it came out that she held no such position and was rumored instead to be either a mistress or relative of someone at the Red Cross. (翻译:后来事情证明,郭美美并没有这样的头衔,有传言称,她不是红十字会某人的情妇就是亲戚。)
15. It's rumored that he paid $5 million... to get Lak promoted to be Chief Sergeant Major. (翻译:有人说 Lak哥升总探长花的五百万交际赛 就是波叔给的)