observer是什么意思 observer的中文翻译、读音、例句

observer是什么意思 observer的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义解释:observer指“观察者”,“观测员”,主要指的是对某个事物进行观察和记录的人。

2. 语法用法:observer通常作为名词使用,常常在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等。

3. 用法搭配:observer常与其他词语搭配使用,如news observer表示“新闻观察员”,weather observer表示“气象观察员”,等等。

4. 同义词:watcher, spectator, bystander等均有“观察者”的意思。

5. 短语用法:observer还有几个常用的短语,如observe carefully表示“仔细观察”,observe silence表示“保持沉默”。


1. The astronomers used a powerful telescope to observe the stars. 天文学家使用了一台强大的望远镜来观测星星。

2. The international observers were sent to monitor the election process. 国际观察员被派去监督选举过程。

3. The wildlife observer patiently waited for hours to catch a glimpse of the rare bird. 野生动物观察员耐心地等了几个小时才看到了那只稀有的鸟。

4. It is important to observe traffic rules in order to prevent accidents. 遵守交通规则很重要,可以避免事故的发生。

5. The coach observed the players' performance during the game and made some adjustments accordingly. 教练在比赛中观察球员的表现,并根据情况作出了一些调整。





1. As an observer, I noticed that the team lacked communication skills.


2. The UN sent a team of observers to monitor the elections.


3. He sat quietly, a silent observer of the events around him.





例句:Meanwhile, I have to stay here as an observer... but I report directly to Ike. (同时,我留在你的军部观察,直接向艾克报告)


例句:So a ray of light could go down, be bent up into the observer's eye, and the observer sees a ray of light here. (一束光也可以往下走,然后弯曲 进入观察者的眼睛, 这个观察着便会在这里看到一束光。)


例句:The light reflected and refracted several times by a droplet and then finally returned to the observer is therefore white . (光由粒子反射和折射数次,最后到达观察者,所以是白色的。)


例句:I've tried to become a better artist by becoming a better observer of images. (翻译:我试着通过成为一个更好的观察者, 去成为更好的艺术家。)


observer一般作为名词使用,如在the observer([电影]鹳鸟者)、Forward observer(前进观察员)、ground observer(【军事】地面对空观察员;对空监视哨)等常见短语中出现较多。

the observer[电影]鹳鸟者
Forward observer前进观察员
ground observer【军事】地面对空观察员;对空监视哨
ideal observer[计] 理想观察者
inertial observer惯性观察者
informed observerun. 消息灵通的观察家
laser observer[军] 激光观察仪
Luenberger observer龙伯格(Luenberger)观测器
Mars Observer火星观察机


1. The light reflected and refracted several times by a droplet and then finally returned to the observer is therefore white . (翻译:光由粒子反射和折射数次,最后到达观察者,所以是白色的。)

2. I've tried to become a better artist by becoming a better observer of images. (翻译:我试着通过成为一个更好的观察者, 去成为更好的艺术家。)

3. Zaitsev and his aides raised an observer wearing helmets at the head. (翻译:扎伊采夫和他的观察员助手举起一个戴着钢盔的假人头。)

4. Each company will have an artillery observer ... but do not expect the support of artillery. (翻译:每单位分配1台炮火指引器 但别指望炮火支援)

5. The approach is axiomatic and formulated in terms of geometric invariance with respect to the position of the observer. (翻译:这种方法是无须证明的并且用与观察者的位置有关的几何学不变方式阐述。)

6. You forget you're dealing with a clinical observer of the human carnival. (翻译:别忘了 你对付的是一个 人类狂欢节上的冷静的观察家)

7. Become an investigator of what you can observer about each point. (翻译:成为一个侦查员:侦查你在每一点上你所观察到的。)

8. A sliding mode perturbation observer (SPO) was designed for linearization of robot manipulators. (翻译:动控制设计了一种滑动模态扰动观测器。)

9. Comrade Maring, an observer from Comintern. (翻译:马林同志 是共产国际派来参加本次大会的代表)

10. Even Stalin, no guileless observer, believed in and, to his later regret, protected Mao. (翻译:甚至斯大林这么一个相当狡滑的旁观者,也曾相信并保护了,虽然他后来有些后悔。)

11. What this suggests is that no one is an outside observer of nature. Okay? (翻译:这些暗示我们没有任何一个人是置身于自然界之外的观察者 是吗?)

12. No sound is heard as it approaches an observer because the object is traveling faster than the sound it produces. (翻译:当它靠近时,观测者听不到任何声音 因为物体比它自己制造的声音还快 )

13. Is there any other ray of light that could make into the observer's eye from that galaxy? (翻译:这里还有其它的 可以进入观察者眼睛的光线嘛? )

14. Besides. Maybe my observer was following my orders. (翻译:而且,我的空战员说不定 是在遵从我的命令.)

15. The agency was as conservative and careful as it could in compiling the report, he told the Observer. (翻译:他告诉《观察家报》的记者,机构在撰写报告时十分的保守和小心翼翼。)



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