clog是什么意思 clog的中文翻译、读音、例句

clog是什么意思 clog的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和意义:'clog'是一个动词,意思是阻塞、堵塞、拥塞。

2. 拼写和发音:'clog'的拼读方式是/klɑːɡ/,重音在第一音节。

3. 同义词和反义词:'clog'的同义词包括block、obstruct、jam等,反义词包括unblock、clear、free等。

4. 用法和搭配:'clog'通常用于描述物体或者流体的堵塞情况,如clog up a pipe(堵塞管道)、clog the drain(堵住排水口)。另外,'clog'还可以用于描述思想和心理上的阻碍,如clog someone's mind(阻碍某人思考)。

5. 实用提示:'clog'是一个常见的单词,需要注意与其他单词的区别,如blog(博客)、catalog(目录)等。


1. The heavy rain clogged up the drain, causing flooding in the street. (暴雨堵塞了排水管,导致街道发生了洪水。)

2. Yesterday's traffic accident clogged up the highway for hours. (昨天的交通事故造成高速公路拥堵了几个小时。)

3. A buildup of grease and oil clogs arteries and leads to heart disease.(油脂的积累会堵塞血管,导致心脏病。)

4. Her mind was clogged with anger and she couldn't think clearly.(她的愤怒让她的思想变得混乱,无法清晰思考。)

5. The kitchen sink is clogged again, we need to call a plumber.(厨房的水槽又堵了,我们需要叫一个管道工来解决。)




1. She wore a pair of clogs with her traditional Dutch costume.


2. The drain is clogged with hair and soap scum.


3. The traffic was clogged up for hours due to the accident.





例句:I knew them when they were a Lancashire clog-dancing trio! (还在兰开夏跳木鞋踢踏舞的时候 我就认识他们)


例句:Since technical pens often clog when used over waxy colored pencils, it is hest to use felt-tipped and ordinary fountain pens . (由于技术钢笔经常堵塞时使用了含蜡彩色铅笔,它的效果最好用毡尖和普通钢笔。)


例句:Cold snaps could make winters numbingly harsh and clog key navigation routes with ice. (短冷期里的冬季让人冻僵,重要航道也因而结冰堵塞;)


例句:Hydrates occur naturally in pipelines, and are unpopular because they clog the flow of oil. (翻译:水合物可以在输油管道中自然形成,因为它们阻碍石油的流动,因而不受欢迎。)


clog一般作为名词、动词使用,如在wooden clog(木屐)、Yule clog([网络] 尤乐堵塞)、molded rubber clog(模制橡胶套鞋)等常见短语中出现较多。

wooden clog木屐
Yule clog[网络] 尤乐堵塞
molded rubber clog模制橡胶套鞋


1. Cold snaps could make winters numbingly harsh and clog key navigation routes with ice. (翻译:短冷期里的冬季让人冻僵,重要航道也因而结冰堵塞;)

2. Hydrates occur naturally in pipelines, and are unpopular because they clog the flow of oil. (翻译:水合物可以在输油管道中自然形成,因为它们阻碍石油的流动,因而不受欢迎。)

3. To block, congest, or clog. (翻译:阻塞,塞满,堆满。)

4. Within a few years the pipes began to clog up. (翻译:没有几年管子就开始堵塞了。)

5. One day our toilet clogged so badly in the restroom, we were forced to close our library for two days because the culprit of the clog was discarded needles. (翻译:有一天,厕所里的马桶严重堵塞, 我们被迫闭馆两天, 而导致堵塞的罪魁祸首就是废弃针头。)

6. You can't touch me, Sheriff! I brought my attack clog with a built-in force field. (翻译:你休想, 警长,我带了我那只 凶狠的斗犬来了)

7. It happens because we have jammed so much into the base of the natural ocean pyramid that these bacteria clog it up and overfill onto our beaches. (翻译:因为我们把太多垃圾 扔到了海洋食物链的底部 这些细菌大量繁殖, 并回溢到我们的海滩上。)

8. So if you ever have a clog... or something. (翻译:如果你的水管被堵了... 或是其他什么.)

9. He opened my eyes to the arts: music, clog-dancing, WrestleMania. (翻译:他启蒙我对艺术、音乐的欣赏 还教我木屐舞,角力)

10. Lunchtime, Zach, clog up the men's room toilet. Go get the janitor and bring him there. (翻译:Zach 中饭时间锁上男厕所的门 把工友带到这里来)

11. The ballet "La fille mal gardee" contains a well-known clog dance. (翻译:芭蕾《关不住的女儿》中有一段知名的木屐舞。)

12. In England, the sabot took the form of the clog, a fabric mounted on a wooden platform. (翻译:在英格兰,脱壳采取的形式的堵塞,织物固定在一个木制的平台。)

13. But eventually the mind slows, the arteries clog, the ability to deal with new challenges dulls. (翻译:但是最终头脑会变得迟钝,动脉会阻塞,处理各种新挑战的能力也会减弱。)

14. Think about it with the Corexit hitting the membranes, and it will clog up the gills, and then these animals are going to be getting something like what you call chemical pneumonia, trying to aspirate the compounds. (翻译:让我们想象一下 Corexit遇到粘膜以后的情况。它会阻塞鱼的鳃, 然后这些动物就会 得一种类似于被你们叫做 化学性肺炎的病, 因为它们在尝试吸出这些东西。)

15. Did you clog the sink on purpose? (翻译:我干嘛那么做 No, why - -why would I do that?)

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