irresistible是什么意思 irresistible的中文翻译、读音、例句

irresistible是什么意思 irresistible的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:irresistible是一个形容词,意为“难以抗拒的;不可抵挡的”。

2. 近义词和反义词:近义词有:unstoppable, compelling, overwhelming,反义词有:resistible, avoidable, repelling。

3. 派生词:irresistibly(副词)、irresistibility(名词)

4. 用法及搭配:常用搭配有make something irresistible、irresistible attraction、irresistible charm 等。

5. 例句:

- She found him irresistible and agreed to go out with him.(她觉得他很有吸引力,同意和他约会。)

- The smell of fresh coffee was irresistible to me this morning.(今天早上。)

- The little girl's pout was irresistible, and he had to give her another cookie.(小女孩的噘嘴看起来太可爱了,他不得不再给她一块饼干。)

- The band's new album is simply irresistible and has been receiving rave reviews.(乐队的新专辑非常吸引人,一直获得好评。)

- The temptation to eat the entire cake was simply irresistible.(吃掉整个蛋糕的诱惑太大了,简直无法抗拒。)




1. The smell of freshly baked cookies is irresistible.(新鲜出炉的饼干的味道非常诱人。)

2. She had an irresistible urge to go skydiving.(她有一种难以抑制的冲动去跳伞。)

3. The puppy's big eyes and wagging tail were irresistible.(小狗那双大眼睛和摇摆的尾巴让人难以抗拒。)

4. The singer's voice was so beautiful that it was irresistible.(那个歌手的声音太美了,让人难以抵挡。)

5. The new model of the car is absolutely irresistible.(这辆新车型绝对是让人难以抗拒的。)

6. The chocolate cake was so rich and decadent that it was irresistible.(巧克力蛋糕非常浓郁,令人难以抗拒。)

7. The temptation of the forbidden fruit was irresistible.(禁果的诱惑是难以抗拒的。)

8. His charms were irresistible, and she fell in love with him instantly.(他的魅力无法抵挡,她瞬间爱上了他。)

9. The scent of the ocean breeze and the sound of the waves was irresistible.(海风和海浪的声音是无法抗拒的。)




1. The smell of freshly baked cookies was irresistible.


2. She had an irresistible urge to buy the dress.


3. His charm was irresistible and everyone was drawn to him.





例句:But Father's not looking and the temptation to join the others is irresistible. (可父亲没有看着她 加入大家的诱惑 又实在无法抗拒)


例句:Colour, perfume, nectar and shape all act to make a flower irresistible. (色彩,香气,蜜汁和形状 为的是让花朵 拥有难以抗拒的魅力)


例句:The music is irresistible. (这段音乐非常有感染力。)


例句:Monopole Stores seemed to have an irresistible attraction for him. (翻译:“专卖商店”似乎对他有不可抗拒的吸引力。)


irresistible一般作为形容词使用,如在irresistible cause([法] 不可抗拒的原因)、irresistible force([法] 不可抗力)、irresistible grace([网络] 恩典;不可抗拒的恩典;无可抗拒的恩典)等常见短语中出现较多。

irresistible cause[法] 不可抗拒的原因
irresistible force[法] 不可抗力
irresistible grace[网络] 恩典;不可抗拒的恩典;无可抗拒的恩典
irresistible impulse[法] 不可抑制的冲动
irresistible impulses不可抑制的冲动\n不可抗拒的冲动
irresistible incident不可抗拒的事件
simply irresistible[电影]魔法一点灵


1. The music is irresistible. (翻译:这段音乐非常有感染力。)

2. Monopole Stores seemed to have an irresistible attraction for him. (翻译:“专卖商店”似乎对他有不可抗拒的吸引力。)

3. I need a flawless plan, an irresistible scene, for her to accept the real me. (翻译:我需要一个无懈可击的计划 无可抗拒的场面 让她可以接受真正的我)

4. But the potential for speculative gains is irresistible to some would-be connoisseurs. (翻译:但是投机潜在的高额回报令一些“自以为”的鉴赏家们无法抗拒。)

5. Since then a Team Yatai group with irresistible force, finally aspires to seize the superior. (翻译:自此之后亚泰队一路势如破竹,最终问鼎中超。)

6. The leader of one faction was an irresistible force named Mrs. Follett. (翻译:小派系的一个带头者是一股无法抗拒的力量,名叫法力脱太太。)

7. Other orchids have evolved contrasting colours and ultraviolet spots– invisible to humans but irresistible to insects. (翻译:其他兰花进化出了 对比色和紫外线斑—— 人类看不见, 但是对昆虫来说无法抗拒。)

8. It's not their fault, Marinette. We're just too irresistible. (翻译:不是他们的错,马尼提 我们只是太不可抗拒了)

9. A woman is less likely to think of herself as irresistible or to take it for granted that an attractive man will chat her up . (翻译:女人则相对较少认为自己魅力四射,或者将一个迷人男性的搭讪当成理所当然的事。)

10. The Sirens with their deadly yet irresistible allure. (翻译:警报器,用自己的魅力 irezistibil? 但致命的。)

11. These alkali flies, for them, are an invaluable and irresistible feast. (翻译:这些咸水蝇对它们而言 是无法抗拒的珍贵飨宴)

12. The leader of one faction was an irresistible force named Mrs. Follett. (翻译:小派系的一个带头者是一股无法抗拒的力量,名叫法力脱太太。)

13. This is irresistible in my opinion. (翻译:我对此难以抗拒。但是,还有另一个点子。)

14. I mean, your brother is cute, but you're irresistible. (翻译:我的意思是,你哥们 看起来很帅,而你却是让人无法抗拒.)

15. What happens when the irresistible force meets the immovable object? (翻译:绞岍奻郔瑟瞳腔获勤奻岍奻郔澄茞腔吗ㄛ赋别颇崋欴ˋ)

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