verdi是什么意思 verdi的中文翻译、读音、例句

verdi是什么意思 verdi的中文翻译、读音、例句

Verdi是指意大利著名作曲家吉useppe Verdi的姓氏,但也可能作为缩写词出现在其他领域中。作为英语老师,我将从以下5个方面对此进行讲解:

1. 音乐领域:Verdi作为意大利最杰出的作曲家之一,他的音乐作品被广泛演奏和欣赏。例如:

- Verdi’s Requiem is one of the most famous pieces of choral music in the world. (《维尔第的安魂曲》是世界上最著名的合唱音乐之一。)

- La traviata, Rigoletto, and Aida are three of Verdi's most popular operas. (《茶花女、《包儿皇后》和《阿依达》是维尔第最受欢迎的三个歌剧。)

2. 缩写词:Verdi也可能代表其他领域中的缩写词。例如:

- Vocation, Education, Responsibility, Direction, Initiative (VERDI) is a program designed to help young people become successful. (VERDI是一个旨在帮助年轻人成功的项目,其缩写代表职业、教育、责任、方向和倡议。)

- Video Encoding and Rendering Distribution Infrastructure (VERDI) is a software that helps with video processing. (VERDI是一款可以协助处理视频的软件,其缩写代表视频编码和渲染分发基础设施。)

3. 地名:Verdi也可能作为某些地名的名称。例如:

- Verdi, Nevada is a small town north of Reno. (内华达州的维尔迪是雷诺以北的一个小镇。)

- Verdi, Italy is a small town in the province of Pisa. (意大利的维尔迪是比萨省的一个小镇。)

4. 人名:Verdi也可能是某些人的姓名。例如:

- Laura Verdi is an award-winning journalist. (劳拉·维尔迪是一名屡获殊荣的记者。)

- Marco Verdi is a famous Italian chef. (马可·维尔迪是一位著名的意大利厨师。)

5. 品牌:Verdi也可以是某些商业品牌的名称。例如:

- Verdi Imports is an Italian food and wine distributor in the United States. (Verdi进口是美国的一家意大利食品和葡萄酒分销商。)

- Verdi Eco-Dominiums is a real estate company that builds sustainable housing. (Verdi生态公寓是一家建造可持续住房的房地产公司。)


- The Verdi statue in Milan is a popular tourist attraction. (米兰的维尔迪雕塑是一座受欢迎的旅游景点。)

- Verdi's music is often featured in movies and TV shows. (维尔迪的音乐经常出现在电影和电视节目中。)

- The Verdi Club is a social organization for Italian Americans in San Francisco. (维尔迪俱乐部是旧金山意大利裔社会组织。)

- Verdi's operas are known for their beautiful melodies and dramatic stories. (维尔迪的歌剧以其美妙的旋律和戏剧性的故事而闻名。)

- The Verdi Foundation is a nonprofit organization that promotes education and the arts. (维尔迪基金会是一个非营利性组织,旨在推广教育和艺术。)





1. La bandiera italiana è formata da tre strisce verticali di colori verde, bianco e rosso.


2. La natura è piena di verdi sfumature.





例句:Mr. Frederick, this man says he's from Dr. Verdi. (弗雷德里克先生,他说是威尔第医生叫他来的)


例句:a fashion popular in earlier times; his earlier work reflects the influence of his teacher; Verdi's earliest and most raucous opera. (流行在较早时期的时尚;他早期的作品反映了他老师对他的影响;费迪最早的、最沙哑的歌剧。)


例句:Four acts opera "Aida ", which is created by the composer of Verdi, is one of the the worlds most popular . (四幕歌剧《阿依达》是意大利作曲家威尔第创作的、世界上最受欢迎的歌剧之一。)


例句:To the strains of Verdi's "Va Pensiero", the U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific opened its annual conference Monday. (翻译:在意大利著名作曲家威尔第的音乐声中,联合国亚太经济社会委员会年会星期一在曼谷召开。)


verdi一般作为名词使用,如在Giuseppe Verdi([网络] 威尔第;作曲家威尔第;朱塞佩·威尔第)、Verdi Seamount([地名] 威尔地海山 ( 太平洋 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Giuseppe Verdi[网络] 威尔第;作曲家威尔第;朱塞佩·威尔第
Verdi Seamount[地名] 威尔地海山 ( 太平洋 )


1. Four acts opera "Aida ", which is created by the composer of Verdi, is one of the the worlds most popular . (翻译:四幕歌剧《阿依达》是意大利作曲家威尔第创作的、世界上最受欢迎的歌剧之一。)

2. To the strains of Verdi's "Va Pensiero", the U.N. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific opened its annual conference Monday. (翻译:在意大利著名作曲家威尔第的音乐声中,联合国亚太经济社会委员会年会星期一在曼谷召开。)

3. Giuseppe Verdi, he insists, may have been a great opera composer but he was neither a great patriot nor a nationalist. (翻译:他坚持认为,朱塞佩•威尔第本可以成为一位伟大的歌剧作曲家,而不是一个伟大的爱国主义者,也不是一个民族主义者。)

4. Un bacio ancora is Otello's last line in Verdi's opera. (翻译:再吻一次是威尔第的歌剧奥赛罗的最后一句词)

5. You see, Verdi, he understands that... the voice can express the highest ideals for man. (翻译:凡尔第明白 嗓子可以表达 人类景崇高的理想)

6. Sub-opera, for a maximum of Verdi , Mozart is, not Wagner, Wagner-opera music is coherent, general music at the concert is not easy. (翻译:分段式歌剧,威尔第为最多,莫扎特也是,瓦格纳不是,瓦格纳式歌剧的音乐是连贯的,一般音乐会上不太容易演唱。)

7. Ms. Kallos said Mr. Verdi s approach is the correct one. (翻译:Kallos女士认为Verdi先生的方法是正确的。)

8. He welcomed Jewish performers to Bayreuth, and enjoyed the tuneful, popular music of Verdi and Donizetti. (翻译:他欢迎犹太人到拜罗伊特演出,喜欢威尔第和多尼采蒂旋律优美的音乐。)

9. If it did, it would be a bit like Italy consigning Verdi to a few small halls in Milan and Rome. (翻译:如果真成了那样,就有点像意大利将威尔第的歌剧放到米兰和罗马的小剧场里上演的意味。)

10. Verdi's Dies Irae is arguably the most well known and recognizable movement of the work. (翻译:威尔第的《安魂曲》可以说是最出名最容易辨别的古典音乐。)

11. What are you doing? [Celeste Aida by Giuseppe Verdi] There were four of us in the ballet one year: (翻译:你想干什么? 有xx年我们四个在芭蕾舞团:)

12. This text is a discussion of the character of Oscar in Un Ballo In Maschera Giuseppe Verdi s Opera and interpretations of two solo arias. (翻译:中文摘要本文主要探讨威尔第歌剧《假面舞会》中角色“奥斯卡”的性格和剧中两首独唱咏唱调的诠释。)

13. I have here medicine for Mr. Seward, from his surgeon, Dr. Verdi. (翻译:我来送药给西华德先生 由他的外科医生威尔第开的药)

14. Mozart, Wagner, Verdi, Puccini. (翻译:莫扎特 瓦格纳 威尔第 普契尼 Mozart, Wagner, Verdi, Puccini.)

15. Summary: Verdi and Puccini are both the most prominent Italian opera composer. (翻译:威尔第和普契尼都是意大利最卓越的歌剧作曲家。)



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