coughing是什么意思 coughing的中文翻译、读音、例句

coughing是什么意思 coughing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:coughing是指咳嗽的动作或过程。缩写词COUGH可表示“咳嗽”的同义词,也可以表示临床上所称的慢性阻塞性肺病(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)。

2. 语法:coughing是动词的现在分词形式,可以作为动词的补语或形容词修饰名词。例如,He is coughing badly.(他咳嗽得很厉害。)She is suffering from a coughing fit.(她正在遭受一次咳嗽的折磨。)

3. 发音:coughing的发音为/kɒfɪŋ/,其中/k/和/f/是爆破音,/ɒ/是开后不圆唇元音,/ɪ/是前不圆唇元音,/ŋ/是鼻音。

4. 词源:coughing这个单词源于古英语的copian,意思是“咳嗽”,后来演变为现代英语的coughing。它与拉丁语的tussis有联系,tussis也指“咳嗽”。COUGH则是缩写词,每个字母代表一个单词,分别是Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease。


1. I heard him coughing all night.(我听到他整夜都在咳嗽。)

2. The baby can't stop coughing.(这个宝宝止不住地咳嗽。)

3. The coughing and sneezing spread the germs.(咳嗽和打喷嚏传播细菌。)

4. She was embarrassed by her coughing during the meeting.(会议期间,她的咳嗽让她感到尴尬。)

5. COUGH is a common respiratory disease.(COUGH是一种常见的呼吸道疾病。)

coughing 的中文翻译为咳嗽(késòu),读音为/kɔfɪŋ/。


1. I heard someone coughing in the next room. (我听到隔壁房间有人在咳嗽。)

2. If you keep coughing like this, you should see a doctor.(如果你一直这样咳嗽下去,你应该去看医生。)

3. She couldn't stop coughing after inhaling too much smoke.(她因吸入太多烟而无法停止咳嗽。)




例句:(SCOFFlNG) So he can die with people around him, coughing and snoring. (,这样他就可以跟人死亡 他的周围,咳嗽和打呼噜。)


例句:They do not suffer coffering coughing, increased body temperature or other signs of active TB. (他们忍受不了不停的咳嗽,体温的上升或者肺结核的别的症状。)


例句:Last night I heard it coughing. (昨晚我听它一直在咳 Last night I heard it coughing.)


例句:He was coughing, and I just wanted to help him-- Aren't you a dear. (翻译:- 他咳嗽 我只是想帮他... - 你不是个可爱的人)


coughing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Soul Coughing([网络] 表演者;灵魂咳嗽)、throat coughing(喉咳)等常见短语中出现较多。

Soul Coughing[网络] 表演者;灵魂咳嗽
throat coughing喉咳


1. Last night I heard it coughing. (翻译:昨晚我听它一直在咳 Last night I heard it coughing.)

2. He was coughing, and I just wanted to help him-- Aren't you a dear. (翻译:- 他咳嗽 我只是想帮他... - 你不是个可爱的人)

3. Or coughing accomplice in the audience? (翻译:还是在观众里安插了帮手 咳嗽著给你提示?)

4. [Brian coughing] I'm looking for a world where there's no fences. (翻译:[Brian 笑]我在寻找一个没有防护栏的世界)

5. I have a violent fit of croupy coughing. (翻译:时常会有一阵子哮吼性咳嗽。)

6. June 60 Liushicheng suddenly constantly coughing, and by big mouth emesis of blood. (翻译:xx月xx日,xx岁的刘世成突然不停地咳嗽,并伴随大口吐血。)

7. - [coughing] lt's kind of cool. (翻译:- [coughing] 感觉蛮high的.)

8. Do not strike matches or lighters, and try to avoid coughing whilst your opponent is at the table. (翻译:当你的对手在台面击球时,不能划火柴或点燃打火机,另外要避免咳嗽出声。)

9. Spiking fever, congested chest, coughing up green sputum, pain in breathing. (翻译:持续高烧, 肺充血, 咳出的痰呈绿色, 呼吸困难.)

10. I know the world has changed a great deal in the past 50 years [All Coughing] (翻译:我知道过去xx年中 世界变化很大... 但英国...)

11. Lini stopped coughing and Claire freed her mouth. (翻译:林妮停止咳嗽,克莱尔也就松开了她的嘴巴。)

12. The laugh was so deep and cathartic that people were coughing up pieces of "lung." (翻译:瑙鲁变得如此之深 - 人们几乎咳嗽 肺子里。)

13. Unless it's a clown bleeding internally and coughing it all over your money. (翻译:但一个内出血的小丑 把血都咳到你钞票上 才真是人间惨剧)

14. Somebody grabbed him... and then I heard someone panting' and coughing'. (翻译:有人抓住了他... 然后我听到有人喘气和咳嗽)

15. Wrinkled face, sallow eyes and his darn coughing kept me up all night. (翻译:皱巴巴的脸,灰黄的眼睛 而他的咳嗽声让我整晚都睡不着)

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