reset是什么意思 reset的中文翻译、读音、例句

reset是什么意思 reset的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义:'reset'是一个动词,表示重新开始或使回到原来的状态。

2. 用途:'reset'通常用于描述电子设备、计算机和机器等物品的操作,也可以用于描述个人状态、情绪和生活方式等方面的变化。

3. 意义:'reset'的重要性在于可以使物品或人重新回到正常状态或初始状态,从而恢复其优秀或最佳表现。

4. 变形:'reset'的变形包括过去式'resetted'和过去分词'resetted'或'reset'。

5. 应用:'reset'可以被用于很多场合,例如:

- 电子设备:请您尝试重新启动电脑并'reset'你的密码

- 机器设备:请您按下按钮以重新'reset'机器

- 人类状态:休息和放松可以让您'reset'并重新开始

- 经济市场:市场波动会导致价格' reset'

- 路由器网络: 开关'router'可能会通过重新设置将设备' reset'


1. Can you please 'reset' the computer and see if that solves the issue? (请您尝试重新启动电脑并看看是否解决了问题?)

2. The factory worker had to 'reset' the machine after it malfunctioned. (工厂工人必须在机器故障后将其重置。)

3. Sometimes a good night's sleep can help you 'reset' and start fresh the next day. (有时候好的睡眠可以帮助你重置并在第二天重新开始。)

4. The stock market often needs to 'reset' after a period of rapid growth. (股票市场经常需要在经历快速增长期后进行重新调整。)

5. If your internet connection is slow, try 'resetting' your router to see if that helps. (如果你的互联网连接较慢,请尝试重置路由器以查看是否有所帮助。)




1. You may need to reset the password if you can't remember it.(如果你记不住密码,你可能需要重置密码。)

2. The technician reset the device to its factory settings.(技术人员将设备复位到出厂设置。)

3. After a long day at work, sometimes it's helpful to reset your mind with a good book.(工作了一整天后,有时候阅读一本好书可以帮你重新开始。)




例句:The compressors need time to reset after a power loss, or they overheat. (压缩机重新制冷需要一段时间 这些花会蔫的)


例句:You just press reset and start again. (每个人都相信能够重新开始 只要摁一下重启 一切可以重头再来)


例句:The idea is, if something happens to us and we don't reset it... (这个构想是, 如果我们发生事情 无法去按归零按钮...)


例句:Run the resetdts.bat file to reset the DTS runtime environment. (翻译:运行resetdts . bat文件以重置dts运行时环境。)


reset一般作为名词、动词使用,如在echo reset([计] 信息返回复位)、divided reset(分段反馈;分段重置)、error reset(差复原)等常见短语中出现较多。

echo reset[计] 信息返回复位
divided reset分段反馈;分段重置
error reset差复原
electric reset复位
electrical reset[电] 电复置
external reset外部复位
factory reset[网络] 恢复出厂设置;恢复出厂值;出厂设定
field reset栏(位)重置
flicker reset闪光复位


1. The idea is, if something happens to us and we don't reset it... (翻译:这个构想是, 如果我们发生事情 无法去按归零按钮...)

2. Run the resetdts.bat file to reset the DTS runtime environment. (翻译:运行resetdts . bat文件以重置dts运行时环境。)

3. Let’s reset the clock to the moment the WHO declared the pandemic. (翻译:让我们把时间倒回世界卫生组织 宣布疫情大流行的那一刻。)

4. They hit the sheets with Lysol, reset the meter and wheel the next slob in. (翻译:他们用来苏水给床单消毒 重设温度计 然后把下一个懒汉推进来)

5. United 175, I need you to reset your transponder squawk 2374. (翻译:联航175,我要你重置发射机应答器 应答代码2374)

6. Resetlogs simply means the sequence number for the redo logs is reset. (翻译:resetlogs只表明重新设置了重做日志的序列号。)

7. Which were super hard to get to and to reset. (翻译:超级难取出来 Which were super hard to get to 或是重置 and to reset.)

8. So we can throw it out like that. Let's reset it. (翻译:可以像这样把它们扔开。把它们重新排列一下, )

9. I like it that way, but Wednesday nights I gotta kinda reset. (翻译:but Wednesday nights I gotta kinda reset.)

10. Sensors are reset in 20, 4 minutes less from 20 is 16. (翻译:警报器二十分钟后重置 我们还有十六分钟呢)

11. You don't reset, or recharge your battery every time. (翻译:你不能重置,或者重新充电,你需要每时每刻充电 )

12. Reset the ownership of the PostgreSQL directory. (翻译:重新设置PostgreSQL目录的所有权。)

13. Quick, we need to reset the time circuits. (翻译:快 重设时间电路 Quick, we need to reset the time circuits.)

14. There's an emergency reset at the power plant. (翻译:备用电源之类的 能源局那儿有一个应急处置开关)

15. And right now we have to reset the reactor. (翻译:那么,现在,我们... ... 得复位反应装置)



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