individualism是什么意思 individualism的中文翻译、读音、例句

individualism是什么意思 individualism的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:individualistic(形容词), individualistically(副词)




1. He valued individualism, believing each person was unique and should be treated as such.(他重视个人主义,认为每个人都是独特的,应该得到相应的尊重。)

2. The film is a tribute to individualism and creativity.(这部电影是对个人主义和创造力的赞美。)

3. Individualism is often seen as a core value of American society.(个人主义常被视为美国社会的核心价值观。)

4. He rejected the collective mentality and embraced individualism.(他拒绝了集体思维,拥抱了个人主义。)

5. The artist's work reflected the individualism of the post-modernist era.(这位艺术家的作品反映了后现代主义时代的个人主义。)

6. The country's political system prioritized individualism over collectivism.(这个国家的政治体系将个人主义置于集体主义之上。)

7. Some argue that individualism can lead to selfishness and a lack of concern for others.(有些人认为个人主义可能导致自私和对他人缺乏关心。)





1. American culture is known for its emphasis on individualism.


2. Some critics argue that excessive individualism can lead to selfishness and isolation.





例句:In football the quarterback dictates the terms of every play. It's top-down control with little room for individualism from anyone else. (在美式足球中,四分卫决定了每场比赛的走向,这是一种自上而下的控制,给其他人留下很小的发挥空间。)


例句:But his treatise on the power of creativity and individualism has inspired art, literature, popular culture, and even political revolution. (但是他的出色想象力 和个人主义精神影响了 艺术、 文学、 流行文化、 甚至是政治革命。)


例句:The growing individualism of Western culture, rooted in Christian doctrine, seems to have contributed significantly. (西方文化中植根于基督教教义的个人主义的兴起,可能在其中起着重要作用。)


例句:We were spending so much time with this leopard and getting to understand her individualism, her personal character, that maybe we were taking it a little bit far. (翻译:我们很长时间和这只花豹在一起, 才得以熟悉她的个性 和特点, 可能我们和她的关系有些过于亲密了。)


individualism一般作为名词使用,如在economic individualism(经济个人主义)、ideology of individualism(个人主义的意识形态)、psychological individualism(心理个人主义)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic individualism经济个人主义
ideology of individualism个人主义的意识形态
psychological individualism心理个人主义
rugged individualism[网络] 个人主义;强烈的个人主义;粗犷个人主义


1. The growing individualism of Western culture, rooted in Christian doctrine, seems to have contributed significantly. (翻译:西方文化中植根于基督教教义的个人主义的兴起,可能在其中起着重要作用。)

2. We were spending so much time with this leopard and getting to understand her individualism, her personal character, that maybe we were taking it a little bit far. (翻译:我们很长时间和这只花豹在一起, 才得以熟悉她的个性 和特点, 可能我们和她的关系有些过于亲密了。)

3. So we have a lot of very romantic ideas in our culture about individualism. (翻译:因此我们的文化中有很多天真的想法 是关于个人主义的 )

4. We were spending so much time with this leopard and getting to understand her individualism, her personal character, that maybe we were taking it a little bit far. (翻译:我们很长时间和这只花豹在一起, 才得以熟悉她的个性 和特点, 可能我们和她的关系有些过于亲密了。)

5. The atomistic and selfish individualism is the philosophy base of New Liberalism , but this philosophy presupposition is not reliable. (翻译:首先,新自由主义以原子式的、自利的个人主义作为其哲学基础,但这种哲学预设是不可靠的。)

6. Capitalism stresses innovation, competition and individualism. (翻译:资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。)

7. Individualism, the isolated action of a person alone in a social environment, must disappear in Cuba. (翻译:个人主义 在社会环境下 某人的孤立行为...)

8. Just as today, the enthusiasts of unrestrained capitalism say it's rooted in human nature, only now it's individualism, inquisitiveness, and so on. (翻译:就像今天,那些热衷于完全自由的资本主义的人 说的资本主义根植于人性中。只是现在是个人主义,爱打听别人隐私,等等。)

9. In the contemporary western world, rapidly changing styles cater to a desire for novelty and individualism. (翻译:在当代西方世界,快速变换着的款式迎合了人们对新奇和独特性的追求。)

10. In a society known for competitive individualism, pay cuts and furloughs are calling forth a spirit of collectivism. (翻译:在一个以竞争性个人主义著称的社会中,裁员和无薪休假却催生出了集体主义。)

11. On the other hand, as its ideological base , individualism embodies the essense of the western values. (翻译:而个人主义作为西方价值观念的思想基础,体现了西方价值观念的根本性质。)

12. But their individualism, anarchy and pessimistic mood Yanshi, the reader will often have a negative effect. (翻译:但是他们的个人主义,无政府主义和悲观厌世情绪,又往往会给读者带来消极的作用。)

13. Prof Layard makes that clear in his comments on the decline of community and the family and the rise of individualism, crime and television. (翻译:莱亚德教授在谈到社团和家庭的衰落以及个人主义、犯罪和电视的兴起时,已明确说明了这一点。)

14. Hofstede's cultural dimension of individualism-collectivism has been widely used in a variety of cross-cultural research. (翻译:霍夫斯坦德提出的个人主义—集体主义这一文化层面被广泛应用于各种跨文化研究中。)

15. Lord Griffith advocates ruthless individualism to push this idea that if bankers get rich, then we get rich too through a process known as trickle down economics. (翻译:格里菲斯勋爵主张无情的个人主义 潜移默化如下观点 银行家若变富有 其他人也会变富有)



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