词组搭配:enter the bloodstream(进入血液循环),flow through the bloodstream(在血液中循环),a bloodborne infection(血液传播的感染)等。
短语:in the bloodstream(在血液中),out of the bloodstream(脱离血液循环)
1. The virus can easily enter the bloodstream through an open wound.
2. Thankfully, the chemotherapy drugs were effective in battling cancer cells in her bloodstream.
3. High levels of caffeine in the bloodstream can lead to insomnia and anxiety.
4. Hemoglobin is a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen through the bloodstream.
5. The doctor ordered a blood test to check for any abnormalities in her bloodstream.
1. The virus can enter the bloodstream and infect other parts of the body.(这种病毒可以进入血液流,并感染身体的其他部位。)
2. This medication is designed to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.(这种药物旨在快速被吸收进入血液流。)
例句:In rare cases, the fungi travel up the bloodstream and latch onto the brain, causing a lesion or inflammation. (少数情况,这种病菌通过血液传染,封闭在大脑里 导致身体的伤害和炎症)
例句:The coroner's report indicated that he had high levels of THC and MDMA in his bloodstream. (验尸官的报告指出 他有很高的水平 THC和摇头丸 在他的血液中。)
例句:The particles are introduced into the bloodstream, and when triggered, it leads to acute vascular degeneration. (颗粒被注入血液中 一旦毒发 会导致急性血管变性)
例句:Chip comes apart, disintegrates in the bloodstream. Yeah, it's gone. (翻译:芯片崩解了并且溶解在血液中 这是不存在的)
1. The particles are introduced into the bloodstream, and when triggered, it leads to acute vascular degeneration. (翻译:颗粒被注入血液中 一旦毒发 会导致急性血管变性)
2. Chip comes apart, disintegrates in the bloodstream. Yeah, it's gone. (翻译:芯片崩解了并且溶解在血液中 这是不存在的)
3. Okay, the mutagen is now entering his bloodstream. (翻译:好,诱导有机体突变的物质是现在 进入他的血流。)
4. They’re injected into the bloodstream, which delivers them to cells all over the body. (翻译:这是一种注射型药物, 被输送到所有细胞内。)
5. Then by placing it in your bloodstream... like this, your white blood cells learn to recognize that germ. (翻译:进行改造,好让它变得无害 然后放入你的血液中)
6. Will microrobots live in our bloodstream, as common as bacteria? (翻译:微型机器人会不会就像细菌一样 生活在我们的血液中? )
7. The moment it makes it into the bloodstream... it finds its way to different centers or different parts of the body. (翻译:当肽释放到血流中的一瞬间 它就找到通向身体不同中心或部分 的道路)
8. They found traces of ethembutol in the dog's bloodstream. (翻译:他们发现ethembutol的痕迹 在狗的血液中。)
9. Toxins can leak from the gut into the bloodstream. (翻译:毒素能够从肠道渗透到血液里。)
10. The latter are often lethal, since once Klebsiella infects the bloodstream it can spread to every organ in the body. (翻译:后者经常是致命的,因为一旦克雷伯氏细菌感染了血液,它就能扩散到身体的每个器官。)
11. DESCRIPTION CHOLESTEROL is a sterol and lipid present in the cell membranes, and is transported in the bloodstream of all animals. (翻译:产品说明胆固醇是一种类脂,也称胆甾醇,主要存在于细胞膜中,并经血液来运输。)
12. As it's swept away in the bloodstream, it joins 25 trillion others whizzing around your body. (翻译:被释放的细胞在血液中 汇入其它25万亿个细胞 在我们的体内移动循环)
13. Most of the cells are neutrophils, a type of phagocyte that normally circulates in the bloodstream. (翻译:大多数免疫细胞是嗜中性白细胞,一种通常在血液中循环的噬菌细胞。)
14. Suddenly, a digital screen reads out the oxygen level in our bloodstream. (翻译:电子频幕立刻就显示出 我们血液中的氧气水平。)
15. Results The index of the PIH fetal umbilical arterial bloodstream's asistance increases more or less. (翻译:结果妊高征胎儿脐动脉血流阻力指标不同程度增高; )