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2. 词汇释义:查阅词典,了解这个词汇的各种含义和用法,可以帮助我们更准确地使用它。
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5. 实际运用:查找相关的例句和语料,可以帮助我们更加真实地了解这个词汇的用法和含义。
1. PDRN stands for PolyDeoxyRiboNucleotide, which is a biological component found in human plasma. (PDRN是PolyDeoxyRiboNucleotide的缩写,是人类血浆中的一种生化成分。)
2. PDRN is widely used in the field of regenerative medicine, especially in wound healing and skin rejuvenation. (PDRN在再生医学领域得到广泛应用,特别是在创伤愈合和皮肤修复方面。)
3. The efficacy of PDRN in treating skin aging has been demonstrated in clinical trials. (临床试验已经证明了PDRN在治疗皮肤老化方面的有效性。)
4. PDRN is often combined with other treatments, such as microneedling and laser therapy, to achieve better results. (通常将PDRN与微针和激光治疗等其他疗法结合使用,以达到更好的效果。)
5. Some people worry about the safety of PDRN, but studies have shown that it is a relatively safe and well-tolerated treatment. (一些人担心PDRN的安全性问题,但研究表明它是一种相对安全且耐受性良好的治疗方法。)
pdrn的中文翻译是聚腺苷酸肽。读音为 jiù xiàn sān péi。
1. PDRN是一种生物激活剂,常用于皮肤治疗和再生医学领域。
2. 经过使用PDRN治疗后,皮肤有明显的改善和回复。
The Chinese translation of PDRN is 聚腺苷酸肽 (jù xiàn sān péi). It is a biologically active agent commonly used in skin treatment and regenerative medicine fields.
Example sentences:
1. PDRN is a biologically active agent commonly used in skin treatment and regenerative medicine fields.
2. After treatment with PDRN, the skin visibly improves and regenerates.