solar panels是什么意思 solar panels的中文翻译、读音、例句

solar panels是什么意思 solar panels的中文翻译、读音、例句

Solar panels是指太阳能板,也可以缩写为PV板,是一种能够将太阳能转化成电能的装置。下面从三个方面展开说明:

1. 作用

Solar panels 可以将太阳能转化为电能,用于供电。使用太阳能,可以降低对传统能源的依赖,同时也减少对环境的污染。


- Solar panels are widely used in remote areas where there is no access to traditional power grids. (太阳能板广泛用于偏远地区,这些地区无法接入传统电力网。)

- The solar panels on the rooftop of my house generate enough electricity to power my household appliances. (我房顶上的太阳能板可以产生足以为家庭用电器供电的电力。)

2. 结构

Solar panels 由太阳能电池组成,这些电池通过光电效应将太阳光转化为电能。太阳能电池由硅等半导体材料制成,常常采用多层结构来增加能量转化效率。


- A solar panel typically consists of multiple solar cells, which are connected using wires to form a circuit. (一个太阳能板通常由多个太阳能电池组成,这些电池用电线连接起来形成电路。)

- The efficiency of solar panels can be improved by using multi-junction solar cells, which capture a greater range of the solar spectrum. (采用多接触太阳能电池可以提高太阳能板的效率,这些电池可以捕获更广泛的太阳光谱。)

3. 应用领域

Solar panels 可以应用于许多领域,包括家庭、商业和工业等。太阳能板可以为家庭提供电力,为企业减少能源成本,也可以为大型工业项目提供可再生能源。


- Many households are installing solar panels to reduce their electricity bills and lessen their carbon footprint. (许多家庭正在安装太阳能板,以降低电费并减少碳排放。)

- Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular in the commercial sector, as they can help businesses save money on energy costs. (太阳能板在商业领域越来越受欢迎,因为它们可以帮助企业节省能源费用。)

- Large-scale solar panel projects are being developed to provide renewable energy for the grid and meet growing energy demands. (正在开发大型太阳能板项目,以为电网提供可再生能源,满足不断增长的能源需求。)


1. Solar panels can save homeowners thousands of dollars in energy costs over their lifetime. (太阳能板在寿命期内可以为房主节省数千美元的能源成本。)

2. The company is investing in a large-scale solar panel project to provide renewable energy for the local community. (该公司正在投资一个大型的太阳能板项目,为当地社区提供可再生能源。)

3. Solar panels are ideal for powering remote weather stations, as they require little maintenance and can operate independently. (太阳能板非常适合为偏远的气象站供电,因为它们需要很少的维护并可以独立运行。)

4. The solar panels on the spacecraft provide the necessary power to operate the scientific instruments and communication systems. (飞船上的太阳能板为操作科学设备和通讯系统提供必要的电力。)

5. The efficiency of solar panels is affected by factors such as temperature, shading, and the angle at which they are installed. (太阳能板的效率受到诸如温度、阴影和安装角度等因素的影响。)

solar panels 意思为太阳能电池板。


读音:[ˈsəʊlə ˈpæn(ə)lz]


1. The roof of the house is covered with solar panels to provide electricity.


2. Many households are installing solar panels to reduce their carbon footprint.


solar panels的意思是"网络、太阳能板",还有太阳能电池板的意思,读音为[solarpanels],solar panels来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到16个与solar panels相关的句子。

Solar panels的中文翻译

例句:They are powered by the sun. Solar panels power them. (它们用的是太阳能。太阳能板给它们能量。)


例句:You get barefoot solar engineers carrying solar panels into the remote mountains. (还有赤脚太阳能工程师 他们把太阳能电池板带到了遥远的村落)


例句:And she had just put solar panels on her roof and she didn't understand the request. (她已经在她的房顶上装上了太阳能板 她不懂那个要求。)


例句:With these panels, Solar power will be available and affordable for everyone. (翻译:这些太阳能电池板 所有人都负担得起严重。)


solar panels一般作为名词使用,如在panels(n. 镶板( panel的名词复数 ); 面; (门、墙等上面的)嵌板; 控制板)、display panels(【电信学】显示板)、emergency panels(急停堆盘)等常见短语中出现较多。

panelsn. 镶板( panel的名词复数 ); 面; (门、墙等上面的)嵌板; 控制板
display panels【电信学】显示板
emergency panels急停堆盘
electrical panels电面板
ethics panels[网络] 伦理小组\n(ethics panel 的复数)
frontend panels前端蒙板
indicator panelsun. 指示表板;布告栏
instrument panelsna. “instrument board”的变体\n[网络] 仪表面板;压铸镁合金制仪表板;仪器面板
modesty panels活动档布;遮脚板


1. And she had just put solar panels on her roof and she didn't understand the request. (翻译:她已经在她的房顶上装上了太阳能板 她不懂那个要求。)

2. With these panels, Solar power will be available and affordable for everyone. (翻译:这些太阳能电池板 所有人都负担得起严重。)

3. There's a problem with one of the solar panels ... that provide electrical power to the telescope. (翻译:太阳能板中的一块有问题 那是给望远镜提供能源的)

4. - Retro reflective panels? (翻译:好让他进入隐形模式 Retroreflective panels?)

5. At number six, it's rated higher than solar panels and electric cars. (翻译:这个排名比太阳能板和 电动汽车还要高。)

6. The top priority is no longer freeing the rover from the sandpit, but getting its solar panels pointed more to the sun. (翻译:目前的第一要务已经不是让探测器脱离沙坑了。而是让太阳能板更偏向太阳的方向。)

7. And in fact, to add to the irony of it, nuclear power is even safer than solar panels. (翻译:而讽刺的是... SOL ATOM 核电...)

8. Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. (翻译:太阳能电池板只能在日光下起作用。)

9. He has installed an anaerobic digester, a wind turbine, solar panels and a ground-sourced heat pump. (翻译:他建起了厌氧消化池,安装了风轮机、太阳电池板和地源热泵。)

10. In solar power plants, solar trackers enable the cell panels to follow the path of the sun. (翻译:在太阳能电站,太阳能跟踪让太阳能板时时追踪太阳路径。)

11. We can see, for instance, this from rooftop solar panels. (翻译:我们可以见证这一点, 举例而言,屋顶上的太阳能板。)

12. Polymer solar panels differ from most commercial plastics like polythene which are essentially insulators. (翻译:聚合物太阳能板不同于如聚乙烯等大多数商用塑料,其本质上是绝缘体。)

13. A cemetery in Spain has placed solar panels atop its mausoleum. (翻译:西班牙建成太阳能墓地。)

14. "Solar trees" are beginning to shade parking lots, their panels beautifully tilting to face the sun as it moves. (翻译:“日光树”正开始在各停车厂推广普及,它会随日光照射角度的变化,准确地移动倾斜角度。)

15. But in the case of solar panels, there currently isn't any way to affordably store extra energy. (翻译:但太阳能板 现在还不能 储藏多余能源。)


solar panels作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有0、solar、panel/1、s等。

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