1. 定义及词源:revue是一种包含歌舞、滑稽、诗歌等表演形式的轻松娱乐节目。该词源自法语,意为“回顾”或“评论”。
例句1:This year's school revue is going to be amazing!
例句2:We went to see a revue at the local theatre last night.
2. 历史:revue起源于19世纪晚期的巴黎,是一种流行的娱乐形式,后传入英国、美国等欧美国家。
例句3:The revue was a popular form of entertainment during the Roaring Twenties.
例句4:Many famous entertainers got their start in revues before making it big in Hollywood.
3. 格式和表现形式:revue通常由多个节目构成,每个节目有自己的演出形式,如歌舞、小品、讲故事等。
例句5:The revue featured a variety of performers, from singers to stand-up comedians.
4. 应用领域:revue通常在剧院、咖啡馆等场所演出,是一种受众广泛的娱乐形式。
例句6:The local community center is putting on a revue as a fundraiser for a new playground.
例句7:The cabaret was packed every night for the revue's run.
5. 视听表现:revue通常以视觉和听觉效果为主要特点,带给观众丰富多彩的体验。
例句8:The revue was a feast for the eyes and ears.
例句9:The costumes in the revue were stunning, with lots of glitter and sequins.
1. La revue de mode présente les dernières tendances en matière de vêtements.(时装杂志介绍最新的服装趋势。)
2. Nous avons apprécié la revue de danse hier soir.(昨晚的歌舞杂志表演很精彩。)
3. La revue de magie a ébloui le public.(魔术表演让观众大为惊奇。)
4. La revue de théâtre va commencer dans quelques minutes.(剧场刊物几分钟后就要开始了。)
5. Les journalistes de la revue ont publié un article sur l'environnement.(杂志记者发表了一篇关于环境的文章。)
6. La revue littéraire présente les écrivains du moment.(文学杂志介绍当下的作家。)
7. La revue d'art expose les œuvres des artistes contemporains.(艺术杂志展示当代艺术家的作品。)
8. J'ai acheté une revue sur les voyages pour préparer mes prochaines vacances.(我买了一本旅游杂志,为我的下一个假期做准备。)
9. La revue culinaire propose des recettes de cuisine du monde entier.(美食杂志提供世界各地的菜谱。)
1. She writes for a fashion revue magazine.
2. The film received rave reviews in the revue section of the newspaper.
3. The literary revue publishes articles about contemporary authors and new books.
例句:The film, Hollywood Revue. (The film, Hollywood Revue.)
例句:"Watch Your Step, " the first musical revue to feature a score composed entirely by Irving Berlin, opened in New York. (年,“你们看一步”为特征的第一高分音乐杂志完全由顾柏林在纽约开幕。)
例句:La Chauve-Souris (The Bat) was a touring revue during the early 1900s. (《蝙蝠》是xx年代xx年代初期的一个巡回讽刺歌舞剧。)
例句:The pageant started as a local bathing suit revue in Long Beach, California, organized by a swimwear company. (翻译:整个赛事从加州长滩当地的一个泳衣节目开始,由一家泳装公司组织。)
1. La Chauve-Souris (The Bat) was a touring revue during the early 1900s. (翻译:《蝙蝠》是xx年代xx年代初期的一个巡回讽刺歌舞剧。)
2. The pageant started as a local bathing suit revue in Long Beach, California, organized by a swimwear company. (翻译:整个赛事从加州长滩当地的一个泳衣节目开始,由一家泳装公司组织。)
3. Or do I have to remind you of Mr. Jumbo's Circus Town and Wild Animal Revue? (翻译:或是需要我提醒你 关于大马戏城 或是野生动物剧团?)
4. Oh, and I've volunteered you and Hilda to perform the Dance of the Dying Swan for the War Widows' Revue. (翻译:还有我提出让你和希尔达在这次的战后遗孀追述会 参加天鹅之死的表演)
5. The pageant started as a local bathing suit revue in Long Beach, California, organized by a swimwear company. (翻译:整个赛事从加州长滩当地的一个泳衣节目开始,由一家泳装公司组织。)
6. I had been the star of a hit musical revue on the Paris stage for a year. (翻译:我那时整整xx年都因参演一部叫座的舞台滑稽剧作为巴黎舞台上的明星存在着。)
7. Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theater group. (翻译:美雪,也因她的厨艺而出名,她有xx年的时间在宝冢市的一家全女性的音乐剧组表演。)
8. You didn't finish Gulag Annual Revue, and you didn't even say goodbye. (翻译:你还没完成古拉格的年度喜剧秀 你甚至没有道别)
9. Bunk 10's doing an all-drag Stephen Schwartz revue for evening activity tonight. (翻译:双层10的做一个全拖斯蒂芬施瓦茨 歌剧团为晚上活动今晚。)
10. Miyuki, also known for her culinary skills, spent six years acting in the Takarazuka Revue, an all-female musical theater group. (翻译:也因烹饪技术而著称的称鸠山美由纪在宝冢剧团,一个全是女性的音乐剧团,表演了xx年。)
11. Smith and his 10-piece party band, The Tyrone Smith Revue, was asked to do "Lovin' in My Baby's Eyes" for the newlyweds' first dance. (翻译:史密斯与他的十人乐队为新郎新娘伴奏的第一支舞是《宝贝眼中的爱》。)
12. At the revue, there was diabetic comedian. He always injected before a performance. (翻译:剧团里有个患糖尿病的喜剧演员 每次演出前都要进行注射)
13. Well, there's the War Widows' Revue, the craft fair the hunt. (翻译:因为要举行战后遗孀追述会,工艺展 还有狩猎)
14. and seeing a gay friend's boyfriend in a Broadway revue. (翻译:在百老汇歌舞剧中看到男同性恋友人的男朋友)
15. Japan: The Tokyo Takarazuka Theatre, The Takarazuka Revue- Tokyo, Japan. (翻译:日本:东京宝冢剧院,宝冢剧团——日本东京。)