vertebrae是什么意思 vertebrae的中文翻译、读音、例句

vertebrae是什么意思 vertebrae的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义



- The human body has a total of 33 vertebrae.

- The vertebrae in the spinal column help protect the spinal cord.

- The giraffe has the same number of cervical vertebrae as humans, but they are much longer.

2. 生物学



- The evolution of vertebrae was a major step in the evolution of animals from simple invertebrates to more complex organisms.

- The vertebrae of reptiles are often different from those of mammals because of their unique evolutionary history.

- The study of the morphology and development of vertebrae is an important area of research in biology.

3. 医学



- The patient suffered a fracture of the thoracic vertebrae in the car accident.

- Kyphosis is a condition in which the vertebrae in the upper back become more rounded than normal.

- Scoliosis is a condition in which the vertebrae in the spine twist and curve abnormally.

4. 解剖学



- The lumbar vertebrae are the largest and strongest bones in the spine.

- The vertebral arch is a bony structure that protects the spinal cord.

- The anatomy of the vertebrae includes the vertebral body, lamina, pedicle, spinous process, and transverse process.

5. 脊椎动物的行为



- The flexibility of the vertebrae in the trout's spine allows it to swim in different directions.

- The movement of the vertebrae in snakes helps them move forward in a serpentine motion.

- The fusion of the vertebrae in the bird's neck allows it to form different shapes when flying.


- 'vertebrae'是一种骨骼结构,由脊椎骨组成。

- 它是生物学、医学和解剖学中的重要概念。

- 在脊椎动物的行为中也扮演着重要角色。

- 希望以上解释和例句能帮助您更好地理解和掌握这个单词。

英 [ˈvɜːtɪbriː] 美 [ˈvɝːtəbreɪ]

n. 脊椎骨;脊柱


1. The spinal column is composed of 33 vertebrae.


2. The shark's backbone is made up of cartilage instead of vertebrae.





例句:We began to find limb bones; we found finger bones, the bones of the pelvis, vertebrae, ribs, the collar bones, things that had never, ever been seen before in Homo erectus. (我们陆续发现了尺骨,指骨, 骨盆、脊椎、肋骨、锁骨, 这些对于直立猿类来说都是史无前例的发现。)


例句:And actually, by the end of the day, I had a reasonable skull, a moderately good vertebrae and half of a pelvis. (最后到那天结束,我已经有了个不错的头骨 一个恰到好处的脊椎和半个骨盆 )


例句:I crawl up on the cliff face and I see three articulated vertebrae, and from that point on, (我攀爬到崖面上,然后看到3块脊椎骨。从那一刻起,)


例句:Now, place a 10.16 centimeter-wide plank underneath her cervical vertebrae. (翻译:在她的颈椎下添置一条10.16厘米宽的木条)


vertebrae一般作为名词使用,如在dorsal vertebrae(胸椎【与 Thoracic vertebrae 所指同为一物】)、embolomerous vertebrae(楔状椎骨)、false vertebrae(假椎, 假椎【即动椎】)等常见短语中出现较多。

dorsal vertebrae胸椎【与 Thoracic vertebrae 所指同为一物】
embolomerous vertebrae楔状椎骨
false vertebrae假椎, 假椎【即动椎】
fixed vertebrae固定椎骨
flexion vertebrae[医] 屈伸椎(第一、二颈椎除外)
foramen vertebrae椎孔
gastrocentrous vertebrae腹椎, 腹间椎体;腹椎
heterocoelous vertebrae鞍形椎体, 鞍形嵴椎
lepospondylous vertebrae荚椎


1. I crawl up on the cliff face and I see three articulated vertebrae, and from that point on, (翻译:我攀爬到崖面上,然后看到3块脊椎骨。从那一刻起,)

2. Now, place a 10.16 centimeter-wide plank underneath her cervical vertebrae. (翻译:在她的颈椎下添置一条10.16厘米宽的木条)

3. While the filling itself did not fail in these vertebrae, the cancellous bone around the cement collapsed progressively. (翻译:虽然椎体内的填充物本身没有发生破裂,但骨水泥周围的松质骨却逐渐地发生了塌陷。)

4. We began to find limb bones; we found finger bones, the bones of the pelvis, vertebrae, ribs, the collar bones, things that had never, ever been seen before in Homo erectus. (翻译:我们陆续发现了尺骨,指骨, 骨盆、脊椎、肋骨、锁骨, 这些对于直立猿类来说都是史无前例的发现。)

5. Conclusion The pain nature of cervical vertebrae syndrome is belong to deep body tissue pain. (翻译:结论颈椎综合征的疼痛性质属于躯体深部组织痛。)

6. About eight foot up the side of the cliff, there were three articulated vertebrae and a couple of other pieces of bone sticking out. (翻译:在一块岩壁的大约8英尺高处, 有3块脊椎骨化石 还有一些其他骨骼化石裸露出来)

7. Bits of gold foil imbedded deep within bite marks along the T-11 and T-12 vertebrae. (翻译:有金箔碎屑嵌在T -11和T -12 椎骨间的齿痕里面)

8. The former racing driver suffered three broken vertebrae in the accident, but doctors expect him to make a full recovery. (翻译:事故中这位前赛车驾驶员摔伤了三节脊椎骨,但是医生认为他有望完全康复。)

9. And the shape of the vertebrae in women tapers off toward the back, creating a wedge shape that further facilitates arching, Whitcome said. (翻译:妇女身体里的椎骨呈椎形向后,形成一个楔形更容易搭成拱形。)

10. The fusion of the vertebrae paresthesia is a complication due to the inflammation of the tissue surrounding nerves. (翻译:融合的椎骨感觉是一种并发症,由于炎症的周围神经。)

11. Pregnant 50 day onward, FOXC2 mainly expressed in dorsal aorta, arch arteries, archae-endocardium and cells of vertebrae rudiment. (翻译:孕50天后表达于背主动脉、弓形动脉和原始心脏内膜、锥体雏形细胞;)

12. Clinical observation on auricular point sticking for treatment of 25 children of semiluxation of circo-axis vertebrae (翻译:耳穴贴压治疗小儿环枢椎半脱位25例临床观察)

13. The biomechanical properties of proximal femur, femoral shaft and L5 vertebrae were tested with INSTRON 3367. (翻译:应用INSTRON3367电子拉伸试验机检测股骨近端、股骨干和L5的生物力学性能。)

14. Huh. Jagged crenellations between the seventh and eighth vertebrae indicate the path of the murder weapon. (翻译:第7和第8节椎骨间的锯齿状剁口 显示了凶器划过的路径)

15. The neck's right side and throat were sufficiently hacked as to separate the cervical vertebrae from the torso. (翻译:脖子正面对著,喉咙完全被割断 颈部椎骨从尸体分开来)



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