divano是什么意思 divano的中文翻译、读音、例句

divano是什么意思 divano的中文翻译、读音、例句



divano的相关短语包括divano letto(沙发床)、divano in pelle(真皮沙发)、divano a due posti(双人沙发)等,其中“posti”指座位数。





1. Nel soggiorno c'è un divano comodo dove ci possiamo sedere tutti insieme.


2. Ho comprato un nuovo divano per la mia camera da letto, è molto elegante.





例句:Wait, so you don't know Sylk Diva? (Morning 等等 你不知道Sylk Diva?)


例句:Even when, thanks to my films, she became a diva She never forgotten where she was from. (即便我的电影让她成了明星 她也永远忘不了她来自何处)


例句:It's fair to call him the most widely adored and admired male diva of the late 20th century. (可以公平地说他是20世纪末最广受爱戴和尊敬的男演员。)


例句:Does he like diva singers? (翻译:他是否喜欢天后歌手? )


divano一般作为名词使用,如在Divano(人名 意 迪瓦诺)等常见短语中出现较多。

Divano人名 意 迪瓦诺


1. It's fair to call him the most widely adored and admired male diva of the late 20th century. (翻译:可以公平地说他是20世纪末最广受爱戴和尊敬的男演员。)

2. Does he like diva singers? (翻译:他是否喜欢天后歌手? )

3. Pop diva Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" was a huge hit in the late 1970s. (翻译:流行天后葛罗莉亚盖罗的“我要活下去”曾是xx年代后期的大热歌曲。)

4. Diana was also many things-icon, diva, charity worker, moderniser, lightning rod-but she wasn't a joke. (翻译:戴安娜也有诸多身份——偶像、女主角、慈善工作者、现代主义者、引火烧身者——但是她不是一个笑话。)

5. You just heard the Casta Diva aria from Bellini's Norma performed by Miss Veda Pierce. (翻译:您刚才听到的是由维黛·皮尔斯小姐 表演的贝里尼的《诺玛》选段 《圣洁的女神》咏叹调)

6. From the tecno brega diva of northern Brazil, Gaby Amarantos to a female ensemble in Chechnya. (翻译:从巴西北部盖比 的tecno brega diva 到车臣的女生合奏 )

7. "DIVA Premium Vodka" is triple distilled vodka produced by the Blackwood Distillers of Scotland. (翻译:“DIVA高档伏特加酒”是由苏格兰的黑木蒸馏生产的三重蒸馏伏特加。)

8. When it was first played on the radio and in clubs, many fans mistook Madonna for an Afro-American disco diva. (翻译:当首次在电台和各俱乐部演放此单曲时,许多歌迷把麦当娜误认为一为美国黑人迪斯科舞厅的女歌手。)

9. Lois goes out like the Diva she is. . . She went in dignity, no need for crash cart, a dramatic exit to say the least. (翻译:洛伊丝的离去就像歌剧中的女主角,她有尊严的进场,不需要急救车,但是却是以一种非常戏剧性的退场。)

10. You know for a Deva you can be a bit of diva. (翻译:你身为保卫勇士 不过还是像女人一样的婆妈)

11. Bollywood diva Hema Malini's secret of fitness and evergreen beauty is dancing as well as yoga. (翻译:宝莱坞天后赫马马利尼的秘密健身和常绿美丽舞蹈以及瑜珈…)

12. People say that you are a diva. (翻译:人们说你是一位歌剧女神 你认为你是一个...)

13. She's not a diva, she's an award-winning journalist with 15 years experience. (翻译:她不是娘娘 她是一个有xx年工作经验 拿过奖的记者)

14. All right, you diva dog, but I'm in charge of this band, and ain't no one's indispensable. (翻译:好吧 你是主唱 可我是乐队的队长 乐队少了谁都不行)

15. I got to walk the red carpet flanked by soap diva Susan Lucci and the iconic Loreen Arbus. (翻译:我曾和肥皂剧的女主角Susan Lucci 以及偶像Lorraine Arbus 一起走过红地毯 )

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