debut是什么意思 debut的中文翻译、读音、例句

debut是什么意思 debut的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义及用法:debut指的是某人或某物的首次亮相或登场,通常用于形容艺人、音乐家、作家、演员等在公众面前第一次展示自己的作品或表演。


- Her debut novel was a huge success and earned her critical acclaim.

- The actress made her debut in a small independent film before landing her breakthrough role.

- The young pianist's debut concert sold out in minutes.

- The fashion designer's debut collection received mixed reviews from critics.

2. 派生词汇:debutante是指上流社会中被认为成熟、可嫁人的年轻女子,她们通常会参加社交舞会或者其他正式场合来展示自己。而debut album则是指某位艺人、乐队的首张专辑。


- The debutante was the belle of the ball in her stunning gown.

- The singer's debut album was a huge commercial success and launched her career.

- The band's debut album was praised for its fresh sound and innovative lyrics.

3. 注音及度量:debut这个单词的发音是 /ˈdeɪbjuː/,重音在第一音节。同时,我们也可以用debut作为动词,表示某人或某物的首次亮相。


- The young actor debuted in a local theater production before moving on to bigger roles.

- The fashion designer debuted her new collection at New York Fashion Week.

4. 常见用法:debut这个单词通常用于正式场合或者流行文化中,比如电影、音乐、文学、时尚等领域。同时,我们也可以用adjective debut来形容某人或某物的首次亮相或表演,比如successful debut、disappointing debut等。


- The author's debut novel was a critical and commercial success.

- The actress gave a captivating debut performance in her latest film.

- The band's debut album was a game-changer for the indie rock scene.

- The designer's debut collection was heavily influenced by 80s fashion trends.

- The restaurant's debut night was a chaotic disaster, with long wait times and mixed reviews.



1. J'ai assisté au debut de ce spectacle, c'était magnifique.(我参加了这场演出的首演,非常精彩。)

(法语:J'ai assisté au debut de ce spectacle, c'était magnifique.)

2. Le film a fait ses débuts au festival de Cannes.(这部电影在戛纳电影节上首映。)

(法语:Le film a fait ses débuts au festival de Cannes.)

3. Le nouvel employé fera ses débuts demain.(新员工将在明天首次上班。)

(法语:Le nouvel employé fera ses débuts demain.)

4. Le musicien a fait ses débuts à l'âge de 15 ans.(这位音乐家在xx岁时首次登台演出。)

(法语:Le musicien a fait ses débuts à l'âge de 15 ans.)

5. La marque a fait ses débuts sur le marché français.(这个品牌在法国市场上首次亮相。)

(法语:La marque a fait ses débuts sur le marché français.)

6. L'équipe de football a fait ses débuts dans la compétition.(这支足球队在比赛中首次亮相。)

(法语:L'équipe de football a fait ses débuts dans la compétition.)

7. Le jeune chanteur a fait ses débuts avec une chanson originale.(这位年轻歌手以一首原创歌曲初次亮相。)

(法语:Le jeune chanteur a fait ses débuts avec une chanson originale.)

8. La pièce de théâtre a fait ses débuts dans un petit théâtre local.(这部话剧在一家小型本地剧院首演。)

(法语:La pièce de théâtre a fait ses débuts dans un petit théâtre local.)

9. Le restaurant a fait ses débuts avec un menu gastronomique.(这家餐厅以一份美食菜单首次亮相。)

(法语:Le restaurant a fait ses débuts avec un menu gastronomique.)





1. She made her debut in a small theater production at the age of 19.


2. The new company will debut its latest product at the trade show next month.


3. He received rave reviews for his debut novel.





例句:Tabbed palettes also had their debut in 3.0. (Tabbed面板也在3.0版本首次露面。)


例句:The Yngling will make its Olympic debut in 2004. (英灵级作为奥运会项目将在xx年首次登场。)


例句:And today marks the Wimbledon debut of American Lizzie Bradbury. (另外今天还是美国选手莉兹. 布拉德伯里, 在温布敦的首次登场)


例句:In his debut earnings call with investors, Page made nary a mention of social. (翻译:佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。)


debut一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在make ... debut([网络] 首次演出)、make one's debut(首次登场)等常见短语中出现较多。

make ... debut[网络] 首次演出
make one's debut首次登场


1. And today marks the Wimbledon debut of American Lizzie Bradbury. (翻译:另外今天还是美国选手莉兹. 布拉德伯里, 在温布敦的首次登场)

2. In his debut earnings call with investors, Page made nary a mention of social. (翻译:佩奇与投资者的首度收入会议对社交网络只字未提。)

3. It's his debut song, and on the cover is a picture of the very handsome Mummy Lao (翻译:这是最新发行的处女作歌曲 封面上面有我们的 大帅哥翁坤先生)

4. Mussina walked three, struck out four and hit a batter in his 2007 debut. (翻译:xx年首战先发,老穆保送三次,三振四个人,并投出一次触身球。)

5. She made her film debut, as an infant, in an uncredited role in The Godfather. (翻译:她首次在电影银幕上露面,是在她还未成年时,在《教父》中扮演一个无名角色。)

6. Her debut single, "A Soft Place To Fall, " was featured in the film The Horse Whisperer . (翻译:她的首支单曲,“温柔的坠落”成为了《马语者》的主题曲。)

7. Friends we have the pleasure to witness the debut of a new maiko. (翻译:各位 我们今天欣逢 一位新舞伎出道,干杯!)

8. Everything since her debut! (翻译:据说从美纪的初次登场 网罗了所有有关的东西呢)

9. It seems that you'll have your debut as an artist soon! (翻译:想做的话就做吧 而且 也已经决定了要出版个人唱片了)

10. Christian Eriksen made his debut for the Danish A-team. (翻译:克里斯蒂安·埃里克森已经打了他代表丹麦国家队的首秀。)

11. But Lotte Lindenthal wants you as her partner in her comedy debut here. (翻译:只不过是洛特·琳登塔尔小姐 想跟你搭戏 在她参加的一出小喜剧里)

12. My debut against Canada was one of the proudest moments of my life. (翻译:我对加拿大的处子战是我一生中最值得骄傲的事情之一。)

13. NARRATOR: Tot Story 2 made its debut in theaters on its scheduled release date, (翻译:《玩具总动员2》在预定上映的日期初次登场)

14. It made its debut at the IEE conference on computer communications in 2008 as a potential carer for the elderly. (翻译:在xx年举行的IEE计算机通讯大会上,Kobian第一次以潜在老年人护理员身份登台亮相。)

15. This 1951 Elia Kazan film... marked Warren Beatty's screen debut. (翻译:凯赞电影... 标志这华伦. 比提的电影首次出现)

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