wga是什么意思 wga的中文翻译、读音、例句

wga是什么意思 wga的中文翻译、读音、例句

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中文翻译:编剧工会(Writers Guild of America)



1. WGA是美国电视和电影编剧的职业组织。

Translation: WGA is a professional organization for television and film writers in the United States.

2. 在WGA会员中,有很多著名的编剧和作家。

Translation: Among the members of WGA, there are many famous writers and authors.




例句:Mr Omer Khan said WGA was committed to long term investment in Australia, and was impressed with Australia's economic durability. (奥马尔汗先生宣称WGA决心长期在澳大利亚投资,而且澳大利亚的经济耐受性给他留下了深刻的印象。)


例句:Objective: To explore the relationship between neural tube development of the mouse embryos and lectin windings of WGA, RCA and ECL. (目的:探讨WGA、RCA和ECL凝集素受体与小鼠胚胎神经管发育的关系。)


例句:The WGA program detects a blocked product key or a counterfeit product key. (WGA程序检测到被阻止的产品密钥或伪造的产品密钥。)


例句:The WGA's negotiating committee and the guild's board have recommended the deal to members, and now the voting begins. (翻译:WGA谈判委员会和行业的董事会已经向全体会员们知会了协议的内容,并开始投票。)


1. The WGA program detects a blocked product key or a counterfeit product key. (翻译:WGA程序检测到被阻止的产品密钥或伪造的产品密钥。)

2. The WGA's negotiating committee and the guild's board have recommended the deal to members, and now the voting begins. (翻译:WGA谈判委员会和行业的董事会已经向全体会员们知会了协议的内容,并开始投票。)

3. The WGA program detects incorrect activation binary files or modified activation binary files. (翻译:WGA程序检测到不正确的激活二进制文件或已修改的激活二进制文件。)

4. The preparation technique of WGA was improved and optimized. (翻译:对于WGA的制备工艺进行了改进和优化。)

5. The tentative three-year WGA deal builds upon gains obtained by the Directors Guild of America in its negotiations with studios last month. (翻译:上个月,美国导演协会与制作方达成了一个临时的xx年WGA协议,获得了应得的利益。)

6. "The strike was worthwhile, " says WGA member Keith Glover. "It needed to be done for the future. " (翻译:“这次罢工是值得的,”WGA的成员KeithGlover说,“这次努力是为了未来。”)

7. A relevant question, therefore, is: "Is the WGA strike well-timed, well-aimed, and has it gathered sufficient force? " (翻译:因此,一个相关的问题:编剧协会的罢工是否选好了时机,意图明确,并且有足够的实施力量?)

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