modifies是什么意思 modifies的中文翻译、读音、例句

modifies是什么意思 modifies的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:modifies常见搭配有“slightly modifies(稍微修改)”、“modifies behavior(改变行为)”、“modifies the meaning(修饰意义)”等。

短语:to modify something(修改某物)。



1. This new policy modifies the company's previous strict rules.(这个新政策修改了公司以前的严格规定。)

2. The engineer modified the design based on the client's feedback.(这位工程师根据客户的反馈修改了设计。)

3. Exercise and diet can effectively modify your weight over time.(运动和饮食可以有效地改变你的体重。)

4. The artist subtly modifies the color scheme to create a more harmonious effect.(这位艺术家微妙地修改了色彩方案,以创造更和谐的效果。)

5. The software allows users to modify the settings according to their preferences.(这款软件允许用户根据自己的偏好修改设置。)




1. The company modifies its products to meet the changing demands of the market. (公司调整其产品以迎合市场的不断变化需求。)

2. The doctor prescribed medication to modify the patient's behavior. (医生开了药方以改变病人的行为。)

3. The teacher modifies her teaching style to suit the learning needs of each student. (老师根据每个学生的学习需求调整自己的教学风格。)




例句:For instance, if the hacker enters "42; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT" as his userid, he modifies the query string like this. (例如,如果黑客输入“42;SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT”作为其userid,那么他可修改查询字符串如下。)


例句:After the form is loaded, the initiator or approver modifies the values of the form and submits the form. (加载表单之后,发起人或审批人修改表单的值并提交表单。)


例句:In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'walk'. (在walk slowly中,副词slowly修饰动词walk。)


例句:The example modifies index.zul and renames it to hybrid.zul. (翻译:示例修改 index.zul 并将其重命名为 hybrid.zul。)


1. In 'walk slowly', the adverb 'slowly' modifies the verb 'walk'. (翻译:在walk slowly中,副词slowly修饰动词walk。)

2. The example modifies index.zul and renames it to hybrid.zul. (翻译:示例修改 index.zul 并将其重命名为 hybrid.zul。)

3. While lodsl modifies % eax, the lodsl and stosl instructions use it implicitly. (翻译:当lodsl修改% eax时,lodsl和stosl指令隐含地使用它。)

4. And then some other folk will say, "Actually, what changes civilizations, what modifies them and what changes people's lives are empires, so the great developments in human history are stories of conquest and of war." (翻译:”事实上,改变文明 和人类生活的 是帝国,所以人类历史上最重要的发展 是征服和战争。” )

5. One of the CharacterCasing enumeration values that specifies whether the TextBox control modifies the case of characters. (翻译:CharacterCasing枚举值中的一个值,它指定TextBox控件是否修改字符的大小写格式。)

6. The protein drug PEGylation technology is a technology that chemically modifies protein drug by polyethylene glycol derivatives. (翻译:蛋白药物聚乙二醇化技术是指一项利用聚乙二醇衍生物对蛋白药物进行化学修饰的技术。)

7. That's something worth remembering. When a participial phrase is separated by commas from the main clause, it modifies the subject. (翻译:这是一项值得记住的重点。--当分词片语被分开时,这分词片语就用来形容主词。)

8. It also modifies implementation of the business components layer; in this implementation it does not contain "wrapper" components any more. (翻译:这也修改了企业组件层的实现;在这种实现中它不再包含“包装器”组件。)

9. This award modifies a contract initially granted to General Dynamics in 2002; the total value to date of that contract is now $741 million. (翻译:这份修订合同最初于xx年授予通用动力公司,至今总价值已达7.41亿美元。)

10. Zinc sulfate modifies food sensorial characteristics, rendering the flavor of food unpalatable. (翻译:硫酸锌改变了食物的感官特性,增加了不适口性风味。)

11. A substance, especially an enzyme, that initiates or modifies the rate of a chemical reaction in a living body; a biochemical catalyst. (翻译:能在活的体内产生化学反应或改变生物体内化学反应速度的物质,尤指酶;生物化学催化剂。)

12. If it remains unchecked, this enzyme degrades and modifies surrounding tissues, facilitating the spread of cancer through the body. (翻译:如果不采取进一步的措施,这种酶就会降解并修饰肿瘤细胞周围的组织,从而为肿瘤细胞向身体各处扩散铺路。)

13. Three-coordinate Measure Machine modifies the errors that are easy to establish maths model. (翻译:模型化因素造成的误差由三坐标测量机修正。)

14. Terminate the application, and replan it so that it modifies fewer rows per transaction. (翻译:终止该应用并重新计划它,以便每个事务修改较少的行。)

15. If the non-head lexeme occurs after the head-word, then it modifies the head-word. (翻译:如果非首词出现在首词之后,那么它修饰首词。)



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