underestimated是什么意思 underestimated的中文翻译、读音、例句

underestimated是什么意思 underestimated的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:underestimated importance(低估的重要性)、underestimated potential(被低估的潜力)、underestimated threat(被低估的威胁)

短语:underestimate someone/something(低估某人/某事)



1. He underestimated the difficulty of the task and failed to complete it on time.(他低估了任务的难度,没能按时完成。)

2. The company underestimated the demand for their product and didn't produce enough.(公司低估了市场对他们产品的需求量,未生产足够的产品。)

3. I underestimated how long it would take me to learn a new language.(我低估了学一门新语言需要的时间。)

4. He was a greatly underestimated actor who deserved more recognition.(他是一位被低估的演员,应该得到更多的认可。)

5. The risk of a cyber attack is often underestimated by companies.(公司往往低估了网络攻击的风险。)

6. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is often underestimated by people until they get sick.(健康的生活方式的重要性往往被人们低估,直到他们生病。)

7. The potential of renewable energy sources has been underestimated in the past.(过去,可再生能源的潜力被低估了。)




1. Many experts underestimated the impact of the pandemic on the global economy.(许多专家低估了疫情对全球经济的影响。)

2. Don't underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep.(不要小看良好的睡眠的重要性。)

3. She was underestimated by her colleagues, but she ended up surpassing all of them.(她被同事们低估了,但最终她超越了所有人。)




例句:Garlic gets the most press, But the cruciferous family is not to be underestimated. (最有效的是大蒜 但是十字花科植物也不容小觑)


例句:Zeus : Hmph. I underestimated you. A mistake I do not intend to repeat. (宙斯:恩,我低估了你,我不打算重复这样的错误。)


例句:"We have definitely underestimated their abilities," says Dr Natale. (“我们明显地低估了它们的能力,”纳塔尔博士说。)


例句:I think I may have underestimated the effect that Emily's death would have on me. (翻译:我想我可能低估了 艾米丽的死对我所造成的影响)


1. "We have definitely underestimated their abilities," says Dr Natale. (翻译:“我们明显地低估了它们的能力,”纳塔尔博士说。)

2. I think I may have underestimated the effect that Emily's death would have on me. (翻译:我想我可能低估了 艾米丽的死对我所造成的影响)

3. But we underestimated certain of Gotham's citizens such as your parents. (翻译:们低估了歌谭市某些人的能力 比如你父母这样的)

4. "We underestimated the deep emotional bond consumers had with the original packaging, " said the President of Tropicana. (翻译:纯果乐总裁说:“我们低估了消费者与原包装之间深层的情感联系。”)

5. And don't forget--everyone underestimated elle woods too. (翻译:别忘了 Elle Woods也曾被瞧不起)

6. I only ask you not to underestimate the enemy - like he underestimated us. (翻译:我早就叫你们不要低估敌人的实力 同样他们也不能低估我们的实力)

7. "We have definitely underestimated their abilities, " says Dr Natale. (翻译:“我们明显地低估了它们的能力,”纳塔尔博士说。)

8. - If I have underestimated our enemies... (翻译:-是我低估了我们的敌人 -我们的敌人 - If I have underestimated our enemies...)

9. I think I underestimated you. (翻译:I think I underestimated you. 我想我低估了你)

10. Anybody with five or less digits, you've got to sit down, because you've underestimated. (翻译:你们中有人的答案是等于或少于五位数的,那你得坐下了。因为你们估计少了。)

11. With rising wages and a vastly underestimated underground economy, consumers have the money and the desire to spend. (翻译:随着工资不不断上涨,加上普遍低估的地下经济,中国消费者拥有消费能力及消费意愿。)

12. And for far too long, we have underestimated ourselves and been undervalued by others. (翻译:长久以来, 我们低估了自己 也被其他人瞧不起。)

13. And even if these numbers are impressive, they're most likely underestimated, given the lack of recognition of carers. (翻译:尽管这样的数字已经十分可观, 但因为对他们的忽视, 这个数字仍然很有可能被低估了。)

14. Actually, I underestimated the atrocities, I have to admit. (翻译:现在想起来,我当时还低估了暴行的残忍程度呢。)

15. Maybe I underestimated my little brother. (翻译:也许我低估了我可爱的弟弟 Maybe I underestimated my little brother.)



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