1. 词义:onmouseover是一种HTML事件,当鼠标悬停在某个HTML元素上时,该事件将被触发。
2. 词性:onmouseover是一个名词。
3. 词组搭配:onmouseover通常与其他HTML属性和JavaScript函数配合使用,如onmouseout、document.getElementById()等。
4. 短语:无。
5. 发音拼写:[ɑnˌmoʊvər]
1. The onmouseover event is used to trigger a function when the user moves the mouse pointer over an HTML element.(当用户将鼠标指针移动到HTML元素上时,onmouseover事件用于触发一个函数。)
2. The onmouseover event can be used to create tooltips, show or hide a menu, or change the background color of an element.(onmouseover事件可以用于创建工具提示,显示或隐藏菜单,或更改元素的背景颜色。)
3. You can add an onmouseover event to an image to display a description or enlarge the image.(您可以为图像添加onmouseover事件以显示描述或放大图像。)
4. Some developers use onmouseover to create hover effects, such as highlighting a link or changing the opacity of an image.(一些开发人员使用onmouseover创建悬停效果,例如突出显示链接或更改图像的不透明度。)
5. The onmouseover and onmouseout events are commonly used together to create rollover effects on buttons or images.(onmouseover和onmouseout事件通常一起使用,可以在按钮或图像上创建翻转效果。)
读音:[ɑn mουs əʊvr]
Translation: When the mouse hovers over the image, the image will become brighter.