MIMICS是一个缩写词,意为“多模态图像匹配和分类系统(Multimodal Imaging Matching And Classification System)”。对于这个词,可以从以下四个方面进行说明:
1. 意义:MIMICS是一种图像匹配和分类系统,能够通过分析和比较多种不同类型的图像来识别和分类物体。
2. 应用:MIMICS主要应用于医学影像学、计算机视觉等领域,可以用于医学诊断、物体识别、人脸识别等多种场景。
3. 技术:MIMICS采用多模态图像分析和匹配技术,利用计算机算法对图像进行处理和比较,在匹配和分类方面有着很高的准确性和可靠性。
4. 发展:MIMICS是一项前沿技术,正在不断发展和完善,未来有着广阔的应用前景。
1. The MIMICS system is capable of accurately classifying different types of medical images.
2. The MIMICS software is widely used in the field of computer vision and image analysis.
3. The MIMICS technology can be applied to the identification and tracking of objects in real time.
4. The MIMICS algorithm has high accuracy and reliability in matching and classifying images.
5. The MIMICS system is constantly evolving and improving to meet the needs of various applications.
mimics的意思是模仿,模拟。发音为 /ˈmɪmɪks/。
1. He mimics his boss's mannerisms and speech patterns.
2. The robot mimics human movements with incredible accuracy.
3. The camouflage mimics the natural environment, making it difficult to spot.
例句:It's interesting, because it was six years ago when I was pregnant with my first child that I discovered that the most commonly used preservative in baby care products mimics estrogen when it gets into the human body. (很有趣,因为xx年前 当我怀第一个宝宝的时候 我发现 最常用的防腐剂 用于婴儿制品 进入人体后 酷似雌性激素。)
例句:Everything in this scene, the person, the clothes, chairs, wall, gets covered in a mask of paint that mimics what's directly below it, and in this way, I'm able to take a three-dimensional scene and make it look like a two-dimensional painting. (这个场景里的一切,人、衣服、 椅子、 墙壁、 都被一层画遮盖着 这层画模仿画下的物体, 以这种方式,我就能够创造一个三维的场景 并使它看起来像一幅二维的画。)
例句:And so the encoder does just what I was saying: it mimics the actions of the front-end circuitry -- so it takes images in and converts them into the retina's code. (就像我之前提到的,编码器 模仿前段细胞的功能- 接受图像,并把它转换成 视网膜能接受的编码 )
例句:This flow of water mimics the flow of blood in life. (翻译:这种水流的循环模拟了生命体中的血液循环 )
1. And so the encoder does just what I was saying: it mimics the actions of the front-end circuitry -- so it takes images in and converts them into the retina's code. (翻译:就像我之前提到的,编码器 模仿前段细胞的功能- 接受图像,并把它转换成 视网膜能接受的编码 )
2. This flow of water mimics the flow of blood in life. (翻译:这种水流的循环模拟了生命体中的血液循环 )
3. The other thing it does is that this plant mimics another orchid that has a wonderful store of food for insects. (翻译:它做的另一件事是 这种植物模仿成另一种 富含昆虫喜爱的 食物的兰花。)
4. Babies are also social animals too, so they're natural mimics. (翻译:婴儿也是社会动物,所以他们是天生的模仿者。)
5. A giant wind turbine design that mimics the spiralling motion of a sycamore seed could revolutionise the wind power industry. (翻译:一种模拟悬铃木种子作螺旋运动的巨型风力涡轮机横空出世,它可能给风力发电产业带来革命性变化。)
6. So we coded up a light that mimics this physics -- first, the visibility of the water, and then what happens with the color. (翻译:所以我们编码了一种光源 模拟这种物理现象—— 首先,是水的能见度, 然后是颜色的变化。)
7. It's a viral condition that mimics cancer on CAT scans and X-rays. (翻译:它是病毒性疾病 在医学影像系统 如断层扫描和X光中显示为肿瘤)
8. The dendritic pattern you see mimics the growth of mushroom mycelia, which are the equivalent of plant roots. (翻译:这树状图形 仿照菌丝的形态 相当于植物的根部)
9. And that could help materials scientists trying to create an adhesive-free, reusable tape that mimics the geckos' sticky skills. (翻译:而且,这可能会有助于物料科学家们模仿壁虎的粘贴技巧,创造出一种不用粘合剂的、可重复使用的胶带。)
10. We all do it: Human beings, by nature, are incorrigible mimics. (翻译:我们都在模仿,模仿是人类的天性。)
11. Rita Vrataski was able to kill... hundreds of mimics on only her first day. (翻译:丽塔·沃拉塔斯仅第一天就消灭了 数百只拟态)
12. So, I'll head for the SUV, draw the mimics to me. You go for the minivan. (翻译:我去越野车那儿,吸引注意力,你去开小货车)
13. So perfectly mimics The underside Of a female fly, (翻译:模仿能力最强 它们能逼真地模仿雌蝇的下体)
14. She rolls her eyes to the back of her head and mimics electricity running through her, her LIPS FLAPPING like loose pieces of meat. (翻译:她仰着头翻白着眼睛,模仿着电流通过自己的样子,嘴唇就像两片酥松的肉片那样震颤着。)
15. There's a company here in San Francisco called MR3 that is embedding mimics of the microbes' molecules on filters to mine waste streams. (翻译:旧金山有一家公司叫做 MR3, 他们在过滤器上嵌入模彷自微生物的分子 来采集废水中的矿物 )