eternalflame是什么意思 eternalflame的中文翻译、读音、例句

eternalflame是什么意思 eternalflame的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源解释

“Eternal flame”意为“永恒的火焰”,它可以代表一种持久、不变和不朽的力量或情感,也可以指某种长存的精神或信仰。这个词汇或缩写常常出现在文学、音乐、艺术、宗教等各种领域。

2. 文化象征

“Eternal flame”可以象征着光荣、纪念、怀念、爱情、希望等,如美国的肯尼迪火炬、苏联的火炬纪念碑、比利时的永恒之火纪念碑、卡特琳娜宫的不灭之灯等,都是著名的“eternal flame”。

3. 艺术表现

“Eternal flame”也是许多艺术作品的主题,如音乐、电影、小说、诗歌等,这些作品中常常运用到“eternal flame”这个词汇或概念,代表着一种神秘、不可捉摸的情感和精神,如Madonna的歌曲《Eternal Flame》、《黑暗骑士》系列电影、Stephenie Meyer的小说《暮光之城》等都是著名的作品。


1. The eternal flame at the tomb of the unknown soldier symbolizes the sacrifice of all those who have served in the military.

1. 老兵陵园未知战士墓的永恒火焰象征了所有为军队服务过的人所作出的牺牲。

2. Her love for him burned like an eternal flame that never diminished.

2. 她对他的爱就像一个永不减退的永恒火焰一样燃烧着。

3. The eternal flame of hope kept her going during difficult times.

3. 希望的永恒火焰在困难时刻支持着她。

4. The eternal flame of creativity fueled the artist's work for decades.

4. 创造力的永恒火焰长达数xx年地推动着艺术家的创作。

5. The eternal flame in the church represents the holy spirit that guides and protects believers.

5. 教堂里的永恒火焰代表着指引和保护信徒的圣灵。


读音:yǒng héng zhī huǒ

例句:The eternal flame burns bright, illuminating the darkness and reminding us of the sacrifices that were made.(永恒之火燃烧明亮,照亮黑暗并提醒我们所做出的牺牲。)




例句:They're developing weaponized malware like Stuxnet and Flame. (开发像Stuxnet和Flame 这样的恶意软件做武器)


例句:We want our love to be eternal. (We want our love to be eternal.)


例句:The dead rise again to eternal joy or eternal suffering. (亡灵死而复生 享受永恒的欢愉或承受永恒的折磨)


1. The dead rise again to eternal joy or eternal suffering. (翻译:亡灵死而复生 享受永恒的欢愉或承受永恒的折磨)

2. Saw the feeble flame rise and fall. (翻译:微弱的火苗忽上忽下 {\3cH202020}Saw the feeble flame rise and fall.)

3. In a reference frame attached to the flame front, the flame spreading rate becomes an eigenvalue for the flame spreading over a rod fuel. (翻译:当参考坐标系团结在火焰前锋上时,该火焰传播问题成为一准稳态问题,燃料以一固定速度供给火焰。)

4. As thy last body was destroyed by flame thy new one would be born in flame! (翻译:你上次身体毁于火中 [ Hiccups ] As thy last body was destroyed by flame... 新身体要生于火中 thy new one would be born in flame!)

5. ♪ Where there is desire there is gonna be a flame ♪ (翻译:♪Where there is desire♪ ♪There is gonna be a flame♪)

6. Humanity longs for the eternal... (翻译:每一个人都渴望永生 Humanity longs for the eternal...)

7. And so, I came to think that mama eternal, mama eternal, is always wondering: Are all the children in? (翻译:因此,我一直在想永恒的妈妈 一直在问:“所有的孩子都在吗?”)

8. Did you know their power grants eternal youth? (翻译:你知道它们可以使你永葆年轻吗? Did you know their power grants eternal youth?)

9. But you swore eternal devotion to him. (翻译:但你宣誓永远效忠于他 But you swore eternal devotion to him.)

10. From that eternal silence, something more, (翻译:即使生命快结束 from that eternal silence, something more,)

11. Administration is eternal! (翻译:行政代代相传 Administration is eternal!)

12. They vowed eternal friendship. (翻译:他们立誓要友谊长存。)

13. Casanova: : Be the flame - not the moth. (翻译:要做火焰,而不是扑火的飞蛾。)

14. For the wretched of the earth There is a flame that never dies (翻译:人间困苦都尝遍 终得见希望 For the wretched of the earth there is a flame that never dies)

15. The flame sputters out. (翻译:火焰噼啪噼啪地熄灭了。)

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