candice michelle是什么意思 candice michelle的中文翻译、读音、例句

candice michelle是什么意思 candice michelle的中文翻译、读音、例句

Candice Michelle的中文翻译是坎迪斯·米歇尔,读音为"kan di si mi xie er"。


1. Candice Michelle曾是职业摔角手和模特,她因其出色的表现在WWE中备受瞩目。(Candice Michelle was a professional wrestler and model who gained great attention in WWE for her outstanding performance.)

2. 坎迪斯·米歇尔是一位多才多艺的女性,除了摔角和模特工作,她还涉足演艺圈。(Candice Michelle is a versatile woman who has not only worked as a wrestler and model, but also ventured into the entertainment industry.)

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