orenda是什么意思 orenda的中文翻译、读音、例句

orenda是什么意思 orenda的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'orenda'是一个来自于美国原住民族语言的术语,意思是一种神秘的力量或者能量,能够影响物质世界和人的生命。它通常被用来形容一种精神上的力量,可以是正面的,也可以是负面的。

2. 历史:'orenda'最早是由伊罗quo伊斯族使用。在美国原住民的信仰体系中,'orenda'是一种基本的神秘力量,被认为是一种超自然的力量,能够帮助人们实现自己的目标,包括保护家族和部落,增加人们的智慧和力量。

3. 应用:'orenda'可以被用来指代各种形式的精神力量和能量,包括内心的自我力量,灵性的启迪和创造力。它可以被用来描绘一个人的能量和力量,也可以用来描述一个社区或团体的能量和意志力。

4. 文化意义:'orenda'在美国原住民文化中有着重要的地位,它代表了一个人或群体的共同的精神力量和信仰,是一种文化认同的体现。同时,'orenda'也被视为自然和人类之间的联系,传承了美国原住民丰富的自然哲学和信仰体系。


1. The community's orenda was strengthened by their shared cultural traditions and beliefs. (社区的orenda因他们共同的文化传统和信仰而得到加强。)

2. She summoned all of her orenda to face the challenges ahead. (她调动了自己所有的orenda来迎接未来的挑战。)

3. The shaman's orenda was so powerful that he could heal people with his words and touch. (萨满的orenda非常强大,他能够用言语和触碰治愈众人。)

4. The tribe believed that their orenda was linked to the natural world around them, and that they were part of a greater whole. (部族认为他们的orenda与身边的自然世界相连,他们是整个宇宙的一部分。)

5. The artist's orenda was evident in her paintings, which were full of color and emotion. (艺术家的orenda在她的绘画作品中得到了体现,那些画作充满了色彩和情感。)



1. Aboriginal people believe that everything has orenda, a life force that connects all things in the universe.


2. She called upon the orenda of the earth to heal her wounds.





例句:♪ in the end it seems there was no room for me ♪ (♪In the end it seems there was no room for me♪)


例句:Could contribute to a high-end military operation. (-end military operation.)


例句:Makes your hair stand on end. (Makes your hair stand on end.)


例句:This is not the end of the word! (翻译:Cheer up, Yannis! This is not the end of the word!)


1. Makes your hair stand on end. (翻译:Makes your hair stand on end.)

2. This is not the end of the word! (翻译:Cheer up, Yannis! This is not the end of the word!)

3. That's, the end of part one. (翻译:the end of part one.)

4. Can this really be the end of it? (翻译:Can this really be the end of it?)

5. At the end of the haircut, (翻译:每次理完发 At the end of the haircut,)

6. ♪ These three days on end ♪ (翻译:♪ These three days on end ♪)

7. Like a sumptuous meal, the bill comes at the end. (翻译:the bill comes at the end.)

8. Is there no end to your torture? (翻译:Is there no end to your torture?)

9. More than anything, I just want this moment to end. (翻译:I just want this moment to end.)

10. DADDY: We are ancient nations, we both want this war to end. (翻译:we both want this war to end.)

11. We, uh, case it, yank it, be back here by the end of the week. (翻译:be back here by the end of the week.)

12. In the end we all took pity on him. (翻译:In the end we all took pity on him.)

13. When they appear, the end of days is neigh. (翻译:the end of days is neigh.)

14. ♪ For these three days on end ♪ (翻译:♪ For these three days on end ♪)

15. Was it because of this, whatever this is? (翻译:Why did we end it? Was it because of this, whatever this is?)

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