1. Roland est un ami fidèle.(法语:罗兰是一个忠实的朋友。)
2. Roland est un prénom courant en France.(法语:罗兰是法国常见的名字。)
3. Roland garros est un tournoi de tennis célèbre.(法语:法网是一项著名的网球赛事。)
4. Roland a gagné un concours de chant.(法语:罗兰赢得了一场歌唱比赛。)
5. Le chevalier Roland a combattu avec courage.(法语:骑士罗兰勇敢地战斗。)
6. Roland a grandi dans une petite ville.(法语:罗兰在一个小城镇长大。)
7. Roland aime la musique classique.(法语:罗兰喜欢古典音乐。)
8. Roland est un joueur talentueux de jeux vidéo.(法语:罗兰是一个有才华的视频游戏玩家。)
9. Roland est un sujet de conversation fréquent entre les amis.(法语:罗兰是朋友之间经常谈论的话题。)
1. Roland is a talented musician who plays multiple instruments.(罗兰德是一位多才多艺的音乐家,会弹奏多种乐器。)
2. Roland's leadership skills helped his team win the competition.(罗兰德的领导才能帮助他的团队赢得了比赛。)
例句:I replaced, uh, Roland's offering with mine that night, your party. (那晚我用自己的... ...调换了罗伦的 你那派对)
例句:He said that Roland was hiding things from him. (弧霉孽癸留縡ぐ或 He said that Roland was hiding things from him.)
例句:oland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him. (Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。)
例句:This is Dr. Alexander Roland Isaacs. (翻译:我是亚历山大·罗兰德·艾萨克斯博士 This is Dr. Alexander Roland Isaacs.)
roland一般作为名词使用,如在roland barthes([网络] 罗兰巴特;巴尔特;罗兰巴尔特)、Roland circle(罗兰圆)、Roland Garros([网络] 法国网球公开赛;罗兰盖洛斯球场;罗兰加洛斯)等常见短语中出现较多。
roland barthes | [网络] 罗兰巴特;巴尔特;罗兰巴尔特 |
Roland circle | 罗兰圆 |
Roland Garros | [网络] 法国网球公开赛;罗兰盖洛斯球场;罗兰加洛斯 |
Roland Young | [网络] 罗兰·扬;杨老师;客座教授杨希石 |
song of roland | [网络] 罗兰之歌;羅蘭之歌 |
Faraketen Panzer Roland | [德语] 【军事】(德国的)一种装甲步兵车辆 |
Myristica surinamensis Roland | [医] 苏里南肉豆蔻 |
Roland de Lassus | [网络] 拉索 |
roland de lassuss | [网络] 拉索\n(roland de lassus 的复数) |
1. oland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him. (翻译:Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。)
2. This is Dr. Alexander Roland Isaacs. (翻译:我是亚历山大·罗兰德·艾萨克斯博士 This is Dr. Alexander Roland Isaacs.)
3. Well, Roland had some misgivings, but I think he's on board now. (翻译:Roland有点不服 但估计现在他也同意了)
4. Please welcome our friends Tounette and Jackie Roland-Michel! (翻译:请大家欢迎... ...我们的朋友Tounette和Jackie Roland -Michel!)
5. Nomos Glashutte was likewise re-established in 1990 by entrepreneur Roland Schwertner. (翻译:诺莫斯·格拉苏蒂同样于xx年由企业家罗兰·施韦纳重新建立。)
6. I am talking about Assistant Cheer Coach Roland Sharp. (翻译:我在说Roland Sharp助理教练.)
7. The magnolia trees hadn't read Roland Barthes. (翻译:玉兰树并没有读过罗兰·巴特。)
8. You made your point, Roland. He's my responsibility. (翻译:行了 罗兰 你说了你想说的 要对它负责的人是我)
9. 18, recruit named Glenn Roland. (翻译:最高记录是多少来着 十八小时 格伦・罗兰创下的)
10. Roland Barthes'semiotic theory is of great help in the research of the connotations of logos. (翻译:进而说明符号学是用于对徽标这种视觉符号意义分析的有效手段。)
11. - Will didn't think Roland Umber was discarded; he escaped. (翻译:威尔认为罗兰·安伯不是被抛弃的 而是逃脱了)
12. Roland was running, the sound of his footfalls frantic, pounding through the darkness ahead of him. (翻译:Roland一直在奔跑,他的脚步声听来很慌乱,在Neal前方的夜幕中回响。)
13. Roland: But you do, so just take a Brewski and chill , all right? (翻译:但是你们需要我,去喝点酒冷静下,好吗? )
14. Andy Roland bulldozed through to score. (翻译:安迪•罗兰强攻得分。)
15. Ginger may be grown up enough... to try to save us all from nuclear catastrophe, Roland... but she's also young enough to still need some looking after. (翻译:Ginger也许已经长大了... 她已经懂得要从核灾难中拯救大家, 但是Roland... 她还年轻,仍然需要照顾。)