downpour是什么意思 downpour的中文翻译、读音、例句

downpour是什么意思 downpour的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:downpour是指短时间内大量的、持续不断的降雨。

2. 词性:downpour是名词

3. 同义词:heavy rain、torrential rain、deluge

4. 反义词:drought

5. 用法:downpour常用作动词或形容词的修饰语,用于形容大雨如注的情景。


1. The downpour lasted for hours, flooding the streets and causing traffic chaos.(暴雨持续了几个小时,淹没了街道,引发了交通混乱。)

2. We were caught in a sudden downpour on our way home, and had to take shelter in a nearby café.(回家的路上我们遇到了突然的暴雨,只得躲进附近的咖啡馆避雨。)

3. The farmers are praying for a downpour to save their crops from the drought.(农民们祈求暴雨来拯救干旱中的农作物。)

4. The downpour was so heavy that it caused a landslide on the nearby hillside.(暴雨太大了,导致了附近山坡上的山体滑坡。)

5. Despite the downpour, the concert went ahead as planned and the audience enjoyed a fantastic night of music.(尽管下着大雨,音乐会照计划进行,观众度过了一个美妙的音乐之夜。)

downpour的意思是暴雨,大雨。其中文翻译为“倾盆大雨”,“暴雨雨”。读音为 /ˈdaʊnˌpɔːr/。


1. The downpour caused flooding in many parts of the city.


2. We got caught in a sudden downpour on our way home.





例句:A heavy downpour interrupted the football match. (一场骤雨中断了这场足球赛。)


例句:Despite the downpour, the stones have heated nicely and are ready for the clams. (虽然大雨倾盆,石头还是被烧得很热,完全可以倒上蛤类。)


例句:It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places. (倾盆大雨已下了一个多星期,造成了许多地区塌方。)


例句:They accidentally skipped a scheduled sprinkle last week, so we need a doozy of a downpour to make up for it, is all. (翻译:上周预定的降雨就因故推迟了 因此我们急需一场大雨弥补)


1. It had been raining cats and dogs for over a week and the downpour had caused landslides in many places. (翻译:倾盆大雨已下了一个多星期,造成了许多地区塌方。)

2. They accidentally skipped a scheduled sprinkle last week, so we need a doozy of a downpour to make up for it, is all. (翻译:上周预定的降雨就因故推迟了 因此我们急需一场大雨弥补)

3. By far, the largest downpour that any city in India has ever received. (翻译:中国亦经常犯水灾 诡异地,暖化不单令泛滥增加)

4. The torchbearer 74-year-old Gina Macgregor was caught in a sudden downpour as she came onto the grounds of Windsor castle. (翻译:xx岁高龄的吉娜·麦格雷戈来到温莎城堡广场上时,遇上了突如其来的暴雨。)

5. These crickets become cannibals. All too soon, the bonanza brought by the rain is over, and the quelea head off in search of the next rare downpour. (翻译:那些蟋蟀开始肢解自己的同类 {\3cH202020}These crickets become cannibals. 奎利亚雀们出发去寻找下一场罕见的大雨 {\3cH202020}and the quelea head off in search of the next rare downpour.)

6. In Saint John Lateran square, a silent, orderly crowd, standing in a downpour, wait for the signal of certainty. (翻译:- 在圣约翰拉特兰广场,一帮安静的,有秩序地群众 - 在倾盆大而中矗立着 - 等待那个确定的信号)

7. On this day, after a downpour, it smells musty. (翻译:那天,一场倾盆大雨过后,房子里有股霉味。)

8. Looking at this downpour with specialist cameras reveals the surprising story of rain. (翻译:例如缓步类节肢动物 就在水龙头滴下的水滴里 就有几十种这些奇特生物)

9. We've all seen rainbows shimmering across the sky as the sun returns after a downpour. (翻译:滂沱大雨后的晴空下,我们往往会看到阳光下若隐若现的彩虹。)

10. A heavy downpour in the first half contributed to Switzerland's opening goal which was scored by Hakan Yakin . (翻译:上半场的倾盆大雨帮助瑞士队首开记录,哈坎·亚金是进球者。)

11. and dropping her sunshade , nana crouched down in the mire under the full force of the downpour. (翻译:娜娜蹲在泥泞里,扔掉了阳伞,任凭暴雨打在身上。)

12. When it does fall, it has an extraordinary effect. Each sporadic downpour may only last minutes, but it can bring life, and in spectacular numbers. (翻译:it has an extraordinary effect. and in spectacular numbers.)

13. I wouldn't mind a downpour to wash the dust off the streets. (翻译:我倒是宁愿来一场大雨 把外面的世界冲刷干净)

14. Because the evaporation off the oceans puts all the moisture up there, when storm conditions trigger the downpour, more of it falls down. (翻译:保险业早发觉这事 他们的重建赔偿费用日增)

15. She got caught in the downpour? (翻译:她被暴雨淋了? She got caught in the downpour?)



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