1. 定义:Diploma可以指学位证书,也可以指毕业证书,通常是某个学校或机构颁发的证书,证明学生完成了一定的学业或培训课程。
1. He received his diploma from Harvard at the graduation ceremony last week.(他上周在哈佛的毕业典礼上获得了学位证书。)
2. The training program offers a diploma for students who complete all the required courses.(培训课程为完成所有必修课程的学生颁发毕业证书。)
2. 权威性:Diploma证明了学生在某个领域拥有一定的知识和技能,通常由一个权威机构颁发,具有较高的权威性。
1. He was chosen for the job because of his impressive diploma from a top university.(他因为来自一所顶尖大学的出色学位证书而得到这份工作。)
2. The diploma from this institution is widely recognized in the industry.(这家机构的毕业证书在行业内被广泛认可。)
3. 实用性:Diploma通常是为了证明学生具备某个领域的实用技能而颁发的,对于找工作或提升职业能力具有很大的帮助。
1. She decided to enroll in a diploma program to improve her chances of getting a better job.(她决定报名参加一份毕业证书课程,以提高自己获得更好工作的机会。)
2. John's diploma in computer science helped him land a job at a top tech company.(约翰的计算机科学学位证书帮助他在一家顶尖科技公司找到了工作。)
4. 等级:Diploma有不同的等级,通常分为普通证书和高级证书,对于学生的职业发展和学业规划具有重要意义。
1. In order to apply for the higher-level diploma program, he needs to complete the lower-level courses first.(为了申请更高级别的毕业证书课程,他需要先完成更低级别的课程。)
2. Many employers require job candidates to hold at least a diploma in their field of work.(许多雇主要求求职者在自己的工作领域持有至少一份毕业证书。)
5. 行业范围:Diploma可以用于各种行业和领域,如商业、医疗、法律、设计等,是学生证明自己在某个领域有能力的重要资格。
1. She completed a diploma in business administration and is now working at a large corporation.(她完成了一份商业管理毕业证书,现在在一家大公司工作。)
2. The nursing diploma program is designed for students who want to become registered nurses.(护理毕业证书课程旨在培养想要成为注册护士的学生。)
1. I received my diploma from Harvard University last year. (我去年从哈佛大学毕业)
2. She framed her diploma and hung it on the wall. (她把自己的毕业证书装裱起来挂在了墙上)
3. He needed to provide his diploma in order to apply for the job. (他需要提供自己的毕业证书才能申请这份工作)
4. The diploma will be mailed to you within four weeks. (这份证书将在四周内邮寄给你)
5. I lost my diploma and had to order a replacement. (我丢失了自己的毕业证书,只能重新申请一个)
6. She proudly showed off her diploma to her family. (她自豪地向家人展示了自己的毕业证书)
7. He needed to have his diploma translated into English for the job application. (他需要将自己的毕业证书翻译成英文来申请这份工作)
8. The diploma ceremony was held in the school auditorium. (毕业典礼在学校礼堂举行)
9. The university requires all students to submit their diploma for verification. (大学要求所有学生提交自己的毕业证书进行核实)
1. He was awarded a diploma for his outstanding academic achievements.(他因杰出的学术成就获得了一份文凭。)
2. She earned her diploma in graphic design from a prestigious university.(她从一所知名大学获得了平面设计的文凭。)
3. The company provided training programs that would lead to diplomas in various fields.(公司提供各种领域的培训课程,可获得相应的文凭。)
例句:Instead of this picture of you with a diploma, we get this picture of you here getting your Margarita on. (把这个你和你文凭的照片 改成你正在喝鸡尾酒的这张照片)
例句:She studied for four years at the Academy of Eurythmy in Munich , where she received her Diploma. (她在慕尼黑音语舞学院学习了xx年,拿到学位。)
例句:All students enrolling in Diploma units at SIBT, Macquarie City Campus are eligible for the bursary . (所有就读在麦考瑞大学市中心校区SIBT文凭课程的学生都有资格申请奖学金。)
例句:ND YEAR ENTRY INTO UTS Extended Diploma of Business Studies Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. (翻译:提供商学和信息技术两个专业的延展文凭课程。)
diploma一般作为名词、动词使用,如在diploma mill(文凭工厂, 野鸡大学)、diploma mills([网络] 文凭作坊;文凭工厂;文凭加工厂)、diploma of graduating(毕业证书)等常见短语中出现较多。
diploma mill | 文凭工厂, 野鸡大学 |
diploma mills | [网络] 文凭作坊;文凭工厂;文凭加工厂 |
diploma of graduating | 毕业证书 |
diploma of graduation | 毕业证书 |
diploma piece | (学术或艺术学会)会员资格作品;(仅为拿文凭而撰写的)文凭论文 |
diploma project | 毕业设计 |
graduate diploma | [网络] 研究生文凭;硕士文凭;研究生文凭课程 |
higher diploma | 高级文凭 |
medical diploma | [医] 医学文凭 |
1. All students enrolling in Diploma units at SIBT, Macquarie City Campus are eligible for the bursary . (翻译:所有就读在麦考瑞大学市中心校区SIBT文凭课程的学生都有资格申请奖学金。)
2. ND YEAR ENTRY INTO UTS Extended Diploma of Business Studies Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. (翻译:提供商学和信息技术两个专业的延展文凭课程。)
3. Chad Danforth: So I guess when they hand us that diploma, were actually done here. (翻译:查德:我猜他们把咱们的学历给咱,这儿跟咱们就两清了。)
4. I have degrees in history of art and chemistry and a London University diploma, with distinction, in advanced criminology. (翻译:以及伦敦大学高级刑事学的 优秀毕业生证书.)
5. At least for the early years of their working life, the diploma and the major are their only bargaining chips in the market for talent. (翻译:至少在他们工作后的最初几年,文凭和专业是他们在人才市场上仅有的讨价还价的砝码。)
6. I have to get a diploma , I promised my mother , (翻译:我得拿到毕业文凭, 这是我对老妈承诺的,)
7. When I was young, I studied in Canada and got a diploma in gemology. (翻译:我年轻时曾在加拿大留学,并获得宝石学文凭。)
8. Either way, this kid's gonna be picking up his diploma in diapers and a wheelchair. (翻译:总之 这孩子要穿着尿布坐在轮椅上领取他的毕业证书了)
9. The task is clear. After a year, I will obtain my diploma. (翻译:但任务也很清楚, 明年我要答辩毕业论文,)
10. I've got a manicure diploma and everything. (翻译:我已经得到了一张修指甲术文凭 我对头和头发不感兴趣)
11. I got the diploma, and he got... what? (翻译:我拿到了文凭 而他得到了... 什么? I got the diploma, and he got...)
12. I only care for you to get the diploma. This country must be raised from ruins. (翻译:我只关心你能否拿到毕业证书 国家百废待兴)
13. i need you for my grants, you need me for your diploma. (翻译:我需要你因为我的补助金, 你需要我因为你的毕业证书.)
14. You get your diploma, I'll get mine. (翻译:- 怎么了? 你拿到你的文凭 我就拿我的)
15. Everything is rising in price, but the ony college diploma is depreciating. (翻译:最近发觉扛的一句话很有哲理,什么都在涨价,只有大学生在降价。)