luminescence是什么意思 luminescence的中文翻译、读音、例句

luminescence是什么意思 luminescence的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:luminescence phenomenon(发光现象)、bioluminescence(生物发光)、chemiluminescence(化学发光)、electroluminescence(电致发光)

短语:luminescence emission(发光发射)、luminescence intensity(发光强度)、luminescence spectrum(发光光谱)



1. The luminescence of the fireflies in the forest created an enchanting atmosphere.

2. The scientist observed the luminescence of the material under ultraviolet light.

3. The chemiluminescence of the reaction can be used to detect the presence of certain chemicals.

4. The electroluminescence of the LED light bulb provides energy-efficient lighting.

5. The luminescence emission of the stars in the night sky is a breathtaking sight.




1. The luminescence of the moon lit up the entire room.


2. The phosphorescence in the water was caused by luminescent plankton.





例句:Bathed in luminescence, a door seems to open to another reality, always present, yet rarely witnessed. (沐浴在室内冷光中的一扇门却似乎通向另一个现实---虽然永远存在,却极少被关注。)


例句:Studies on Correlation between Protonation and Tautomerism and Luminescence Characteristics of Quinolone (喹诺酮类药物的质子化作用及互变异构现象与荧光特性的相关性研揪)


例句:It has been designed to provide the very best in microplate Luminescence technology. (是微板冷光技术领域的经典系列产品。)


例句:Little me gently in the night was ablaze with lights, and my finger in the light of faint luminescence rhythm. (翻译:小小的我,在那夜温柔的灯火辉煌之中,我的指尖在灯光的律动中隐隐发光。)


luminescence一般作为名词使用,如在diode luminescence(二级发光)、electrochemical luminescence(电化学发光)、excitonic luminescence(激子发光)等常见短语中出现较多。

diode luminescence二级发光
electrochemical luminescence电化学发光
excitonic luminescence激子发光
extrinsic luminescence非本征发光
field luminescence场致发光
galvano luminescencen. [物] 电流发光
hot luminescence过热发光
induced luminescence[化] 诱导发光
injection luminescence注入发光


1. It has been designed to provide the very best in microplate Luminescence technology. (翻译:是微板冷光技术领域的经典系列产品。)

2. Little me gently in the night was ablaze with lights, and my finger in the light of faint luminescence rhythm. (翻译:小小的我,在那夜温柔的灯火辉煌之中,我的指尖在灯光的律动中隐隐发光。)

3. Ormosils-PVA BOD sensing film based on oxygen luminescence quenching (翻译:基于氧猝灭的有机改性溶胶-凝胶微生物传感器测定BOD的研究)

4. The luminescence characteristics of quartz in Habahe granite body and its adjacent gold deposits in Altay, Xinjiang and their significance (翻译:新疆阿尔泰地区哈巴河花岗岩体及邻近金矿床中石英的释光特征及其意义)

5. And he coined three terms, which are "focal glow," "ambient luminescence" and "play of the brilliants" -- three very distinctly different ideas about light in architecture that all together make up this beautiful experience. (翻译:他提出了三个概念, 焦点光, 环境光, 以及华光。这三种光在建筑设计的概念中 差别很大, 正是这三种光一起 缔造了现代建筑带来的美妙体验。)

6. Using proper sensitized ways is one of the most efficient ways which will improve the efficiency of the up-conversion luminescence. (翻译:选择合适的稀土离子敏化是提高上转换发光效率的最有效途径之一。)

7. Firstly, the microwave and far-infrared properties of MgF2 which is an important laser luminescence media and optical window material were studied. (翻译:首先对重要的激光发光介质和光学窗口材料氟化镁晶体的微波和远红外光学性质进行研究。)

8. And you normally don't get to see this because we've exhausted the luminescence when we bring them up in nets. (翻译:你平常是看不到这些的, 因为当我们拉起渔网的时候,它们的冷光已经耗尽了。)

9. Also the mechanism of the electro-luminescence and the route to vary the luminescence color of PPV are dis- cussed. (翻译:同时也探讨了该材料的发光机理和改变其发光颜色的途径。)

10. We also determined ultraweak luminescence and all kinds of antioxidase activity of young panicles in the heading stage. (翻译:在小麦的抽穗期又对其幼穗进行了超微弱发光与各种抗氧化物酶活性的测定。)

11. Pixel: in full picture element; smallest resolved unit of a video image that has specific luminescence and colour. (翻译:像素:全名图像元素,视讯影像最小的解析单位,有特定的光度和颜色。)

12. And he coined three terms, which are "focal glow," "ambient luminescence" and "play of the brilliants" -- three very distinctly different ideas about light in architecture that all together make up this beautiful experience. (翻译:他提出了三个概念, 焦点光, 环境光, 以及华光。这三种光在建筑设计的概念中 差别很大, 正是这三种光一起 缔造了现代建筑带来的美妙体验。)

13. The non-native matter is in a radioisotopic form, ionizing the nitrogen molecules in the air and blood to create the luminescence. (翻译:这种非原生的物质是一种放射性同位素 The non -native matter is in a radioisotopic form, 能使空气和血液中的氮分子发生电离 ionizing the nitrogen molecules in the air and blood)

14. Luminescence special point of view, higher prices. (翻译:特殊的发光角度,价格较高。)

15. That sparkle you're seeing is not luminescence, that's just electronic noise on these super intensified cameras. (翻译:你现在看到的并不是生物性光, 是高敏相机上的 电子噪音。)



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