1. 词义:'graph search' 指的是图搜索算法,用于在图数据结构中查找特定的信息或者路径。
2. 词性:'graph search' 是一个名词短语,常用于计算机科学领域。
3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有 'breadth-first graph search' (广度优先图搜索)和 'depth-first graph search' (深度优先图搜索)。
4. 短语:无
5. 发音拼写:[græf sɜːtʃ]
以下是 5 个中英文例句:
1. The graph search algorithm is used to find the shortest path between two nodes in a graph.(图搜索算法被用于在图中查找两个节点之间的最短路径。)
2. Breadth-first graph search is often used in puzzle-solving applications, such as finding the solution to a Rubik's Cube.(广度优先图搜索常被用于解决谜题,例如寻找魔方的解法。)
3. Depth-first graph search is often used in artificial intelligence, particularly in game-playing algorithms.(深度优先图搜索常被用于人工智能领域,尤其是游戏算法中。)
4. Google uses a specialized graph search algorithm to optimize its search results.(谷歌使用专门的图搜索算法来优化其搜索结果。)
5. The graph search function is a powerful tool for visualizing relationships between different pieces of data.(图搜索功能是可对不同数据之间的关系进行可视化的强大工具。)
读音:[ɡræf sɜːrtʃ]
1. Facebook's Graph Search allows users to search for people, photos, places and interests based on their social graph.(Facebook的图搜索功能可以让用户根据他们的社交网络搜索人、照片、地点和兴趣。)
2. Graph Search is a powerful tool that can help you find things you never even knew you were looking for.(图搜索是一个功能强大的工具,可以帮助您找到您甚至不知道自己正在寻找的东西。)
graph search在中文中有"计"的意思,还有图搜索的意思,发音音标为[graphsearch],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到77个与graph search相关的例句。
Graph search的中文翻译
例句:The size of the blob in this graph represents the size of the population, and the level of the graph represents GDP per capita. (这图表中有颜色线的粗细变化说明了人口的增长变化。图标水平坐标 代表了人均国内生产总值。)
例句:Search the marina, report back to me. (去搜查码头 回来跟我汇报 Search the marina, report back to me.)
graph search一般作为名词使用,如在search graph([计] 搜索图)、Facebook Graph Search([网络] 社交图表搜寻;搜索技术的拓展;图路径关系)、graph search control(图搜索控制)等常见短语中出现较多。
search graph | [计] 搜索图 |
Facebook Graph Search | [网络] 社交图表搜寻;搜索技术的拓展;图路径关系 |
graph search control | 图搜索控制 |
graph search strategy | [计] 图搜索策略 |
state graph search | [计] 状态图搜索 |
uninformed graph search | [计] 无启发图搜索 |
graph | 图表 |
graph on | 图形启动 |
search | 搜寻 |
1. Using graph theory of adjacency matrix as a conversion, a depth-first search to the entire map, can be cut at all possible paths. (翻译:利用图论中的邻接矩阵作为转换点,深度优先搜索整个有向图,可以得到所有可能的切分形式。)
2. By cross-connecting all that content with your social graph, Delver aims to deliver search results that are truly relevant to you. (翻译:Delver用你的社交网络把所有的相关内容交错连接在一起,皆在为你呈现与你真正相关的搜索结果。)
3. How is the search going for his replacement? (翻译:找到替代他的人了吗 How is the search going for his replacement?)
4. A graph or record made by a kymograph. (翻译:与图表有关或用图表表达。)
5. And so, here... we embark upon a search for justice. (翻译:我们开始了一项正义的调查 we embark upon a search for justice. 一项真相的调查 A search for truth.)
6. This graph looks boring, but this graph is the reason I get excited and wake up every morning. (翻译:这个图表看起来很枯燥 但是它恰恰就是我每天保持兴奋并醒来的原因)
7. Map generator DEGG, can automatically generate various figures attributes, note the graph, rather than the image. (翻译:图生成器DEGG,能够自动生成各种属性的图,注意是graph,而不是image。)
8. Click the Search dropdown menu. (翻译:单击search下拉菜单。)
9. Rather than use a web, Portia ventures out in search of prey. (翻译:Rather than use a web, Portia ventures out in search of prey.)
10. They say they got a search warrant. (翻译:他们说有搜查令 They say they got a search warrant.)
11. "rather than, 'A search for a father'?" (翻译:而不是去寻找父亲? rather than a search for a father?)
12. Search the place, top to bottom. (翻译:彻底搜查这里 Search the place, top to bottom.)
13. In the Start Search box, type conf. (翻译:在Start Search对话框中输入conf。)
14. Spread out and search the floor. (翻译:全体分散 搜查整层楼房 Spread out and search the floor.)
15. Do you want me to search you? (翻译:想让我搜身吗? Do you want me to search you?)