1) 数据库软件:'dibase'可以是一个缩写词,代表一个名叫'Dialog Information Base'的数据库管理软件。
2) 硬盘驱动器:'dibase'也可以是代表一个硬盘驱动器的单词。在这种情况下,它可以是"D drive"的缩写词,通常指电脑中第二个硬盘驱动器,第一个驱动器通常是'C drive'。
3) 应用程序:'dibase'也可以是一个特定应用程序的名称,尤其是在Linux等操作系统中。
4) 协议名称:'dibase'可能是某些网络协议的名称。但是,这个缩写词并不常见。
1) The 'dibase' software is widely used for managing and organizing data in many organizations. (dibase软件广泛用于许多组织中管理和组织数据。)
2) I saved all my files on the 'D drive' because my 'C drive' is almost full. ('D drive'是我的硬盘驱动器,因为我的'C drive'几乎满了。)
3) In order to use the 'dibase' application, you need to have a basic understanding of Linux operating system. (为了使用'dibase'应用程序,您需要对Linux操作系统有基本了解。)
4) The 'dibase' protocol is not widely used and is therefore not supported by many networking devices. (dibase协议并不常见,因此许多网络设备不支持它。)
5) The 'dibase' team has been working on improving the performance of the software to make it more user-friendly. (dibase小组一直在努力提高软件性能,使其更加用户友好。)
例句:Associate Professor Dr. Juliana di Matteo. (副教授 Juliana di Matteo医生)
例句:The most commonly-used algorithm is base64. (最常用的算法是base64。)
例句:Di bist ka jid, di bist a shegets. (Di bist ka jid, di bist a shigets.)
例句:Recon, report. Can you see their base? (翻译:Can you see their base?)
1. Di bist ka jid, di bist a shegets. (翻译:Di bist ka jid, di bist a shigets.)
2. Recon, report. Can you see their base? (翻译:Can you see their base?)
3. Di Cosimo asked us if we can provide them with two meals a day. (翻译:Di Cosimo要求我们每天供应他们两餐)
4. "ownership of Villa di Mira, (翻译:因此我的法定继承人我的侄子 享有米拉别墅的)
5. Mr. Di Cosimo, shall I empty all the water? (翻译:Di Cosimo先生,我该把水倒光吗?)
6. We likes to party La-la-di-da-di (翻译:We likes to party La -la -di)
7. Blue Base, this is 6-Tare-14. (翻译:蓝基地,这是6 Blue Base, this is 6)
8. Yeah, yeah The hands are turnin' (翻译:La di da di da di da)
9. The Italians call it la poste di falcone... (翻译:意大利人叫... ... 雄鹰展翅 The Italians call it la poste di falcone...)
10. Just keep on singin' La di da di da (翻译:One little task that I want you to do)
11. Vote for Di Cosimo! For a new way of life! (翻译:请投票给Di Cosimo 为了新的生活方式)
12. Download the latest BASE SOURCE file for "ast-ksh." (翻译:下载“ast - ksh”的最新BASE SOURCE文件。)
13. And this, is Starkiller base. (翻译:而这个 是弑星者基地 And this, is Starkiller base.)
14. How about Roberta Di Piazza? (翻译:那如果是Roberta Di Piazza呢?)
15. You will not leave a stone unturned, he will be found, la-di-da-di-da... (翻译:你们会搜遍每个角落 找出凶手 废话废话废话...)