complication是什么意思 complication的中文翻译、读音、例句

complication是什么意思 complication的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和用途:


2. 相关词汇:


- Further/more complication (更加复杂)

- Complication rate (发生率)

- Complications of (某种疾病或手术的并发症)

- Complication management (处理并发症的方法)

3. 应用场景:


- 在医学会议或者病例报告中,描述某种疾病或手术的并发症;

- 在商务或者法律案件中,描述某个计划或者决策出现了新的麻烦或问题;

- 在日常生活中,形容某件事情本来很简单,但后来出现了一些难题,变得复杂了。


1. The patient developed a complication after the surgery and had to stay in the hospital for another week. (手术后病人出现了并发症,需要再住一周院。)

2. The project faced further complications when the main contractor went bankrupt. (当总承包商破产时,该项目面临更加复杂的问题。)

3. She suffered a serious complication during childbirth and had to be rushed to the intensive care unit. (她在分娩过程中出现了严重的并发症,需要紧急送往重症监护室。)

4. The complications of diabetes can include nerve damage, kidney disease, and blindness. (糖尿病的并发症可能包括神经损伤、肾脏疾病和失明。)

5. The doctor explained the various options for complication management and advised the patient on the best course of action. (医生向患者解释了各种处理并发症的方法,并建议其选择最佳方案。)




1. The complication of the case made it difficult to find a solution.(这个案子的复杂性使得找到解决方法很困难。)

2. Smoking can lead to a number of health complications.(吸烟会引起许多健康并发症。)

3. He suffered a complication after the surgery.(他在手术后出现了并发症。)




例句:Specially to has the complication parturient woman. (特别是对有并发症的产妇。)


例句:Despite this complication, we must focus on keeping Maxine safe. (撇开目前混乱状况不谈 必须确保Maxine的安全)


例句:It's important because misreading is really the chance for complication and opportunity. (因为误读确实会给 复杂化以可能性和机会。)

4.复杂化 、使复杂化的难题

例句:The premature delivery, Fetal distress and postpartum hemorrhage was the main complication of ICP. (翻译:早产、胎儿宫内窘迫、产后出血是其主要并发症。)


complication一般作为名词使用,如在heart complication(心脏并发症)、intracranial complication(颅内并发病)、late complication([网络] 晚期并发症;晩発障害)等常见短语中出现较多。

heart complication心脏并发症
intracranial complication颅内并发病
late complication[网络] 晚期并发症;晩発障害
ocular complication[医] 眼并发症
operative complication手术并发症
postexodontic complication拔牙后并发症
pregnancy complication妊娠并发症
respiratory complication[医] 呼吸系并发症
surgical complicationun. 外科并发症


1. It's important because misreading is really the chance for complication and opportunity. (翻译:因为误读确实会给 复杂化以可能性和机会。)

2. The premature delivery, Fetal distress and postpartum hemorrhage was the main complication of ICP. (翻译:早产、胎儿宫内窘迫、产后出血是其主要并发症。)

3. The major complication were corneal edema and posterior capsular rupture. (翻译:主要并发症有角膜水肿和后囊膜破裂。)

4. Shapes which are of such complication, such harmony and such beauty. (翻译:多么复杂、多么和谐、 多么美丽的形状啊。)

5. Monocular diplopia is mostly resulted from operative complication. (翻译:单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。)

6. Shapes which are of such complication, such harmony and such beauty. (翻译:多么复杂、多么和谐、 多么美丽的形状啊。)

7. Objective To explore curative effect and prevention of complication of tumescent Liposuction technique . (翻译:目的探讨下腹部肿胀吸脂术的疗效与并发症的预防。)

8. We found that after they adopted it the complication rates fell 35 percent. (翻译:我们发现,当他们使用了这份检查表之后 复杂程度大大降低 降低了35%)

9. Exogenetic thrusts out island t to be possible to reduce the trunk complication the occurrence. (翻译:外源性腆岛t可减少大血管并发症的发生。)

10. It's a complication with the umbilical cord, and it means there will be a procedure, and it would help if Dad was around. (翻译:这是一个复杂 脐带, 它意味着将有一个程序, 而这将有助于如果爸爸身边。)

11. The age difference was a complication to the relationship. (翻译:年龄差异是使该关系复杂化的一个因素。)

12. Clostridium difficile colitis remains a serious and common complication after liver transplantation. (翻译:艰难梭菌结肠炎是肝移植后的常见和严重的并发症。)

13. Prolapse is a complication that can occur in women. (翻译:脱垂是一种并发症,可以发生在妇女。)

14. Objective To evaluate the effect and the postoperative complication of the non penetrating deep sclerectomy (NPDS). (翻译:目的评价非穿透性深层巩膜切除术的疗效及其术后并发症。)

15. Meanwhile, cubitus varus is the most common complication of the supracondylar fracture of humerus. (翻译:肘内翻畸形是小儿肱骨髁上骨折常见的并发症。)

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