looking是什么意思 looking的中文翻译、读音、例句

looking是什么意思 looking的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'looking'可以是动词的现在分词形式,也可以是形容词。

2. 意义:'looking'作为动词的现在分词形式,表示正在寻找或正在观察;作为形容词,表示外观或外貌。

3. 词源:'looking'源于中古英语的“lōcian”,意为“注视”。

4. 用法:'looking'常用于进行时态、被动语态、复合形式等语法结构中。作为形容词时,通常与形容词'good'或'bad'搭配使用,并表示外貌的好坏。


1. 看起来你很紧张。 (You are looking nervous.)

2. 我正在寻找我的钥匙。 (I am looking for my keys.)

3. 这个地方看起来有点荒凉。 (This place is looking a bit deserted.)

4. 她穿得看起来很漂亮。 (She is looking very pretty in that dress.)

5. 我们正在寻找一位经验丰富的翻译。 (We are looking for an experienced translator.)


1. He was looking at the stars. (他正在看星星)

2. She is looking forward to seeing her friends again. (她期待再次和朋友见面)

3. The town is looking for ways to reduce traffic congestion. (该城镇正在寻找减少交通拥堵的方法)

4. This bakery is looking to hire a new baker. (这家面包店正在寻找一名新面包师)

5. The sunset was looking particularly beautiful tonight. (今晚的日落看起来尤其美丽)

looking的意思是“看”、“寻找”,也可以表示外表、样子的“看起来”。其读音为英 [ˈlʊkɪŋ]。


1. He is looking for his keys. 他正在找钥匙。

2. She is looking gorgeous in that dress. 她穿着那条裙子看起来很漂亮。

3. We were looking at the stars last night. 昨晚我们在看星星。




例句:Why are they looking for you? (Four, why are they looking for you?)


例句:So, what are you looking for? (So, what are you looking for? A left)


例句:♪ looking at millions of signs? (♪ looking at millions of signs?)


例句:Stammets is looking for connections. (翻译:Stammets is looking for connections.)


looking一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在looking at(睊睊)、looking for(寻找)、looking in(na. 看看;顺便访问 (on somebody)\n[网络] 注视;向里张望;看进去)等常见短语中出现较多。

looking at睊睊
looking for寻找
looking inna. 看看;顺便访问 (on somebody)\n[网络] 注视;向里张望;看进去
looking intona. 窥视;调查;过问\n[网络] 刑事追究
looking onna. 旁观;面向;看做\n[网络] “观看;观望;旁观图片
looking tona. 依赖;注意;照料;〈美〉倾向…
forward looking[计划] 前瞻性
good looking貌美的,漂亮的
just looking只是看看(电影名,Just Looking)\n只是看看(歌名,Just Looking)


1. ♪ looking at millions of signs? (翻译:♪ looking at millions of signs?)

2. Stammets is looking for connections. (翻译:Stammets is looking for connections.)

3. - What you looking at me for? (翻译:What you looking at me for?)

4. ♪ looking for something dumb to do ♪ (翻译:♪Looking for something dumb to do♪)

5. - Looking for something, Moll? (翻译:- Looking for something, Moll?)

6. - What are you looking at? (翻译:-What are you looking at?)

7. Looking for the two and four (翻译:∮ Looking for the two and four)

8. Truth is, I was scared they stopped looking. (翻译:I was scared they stopped looking.)

9. Looking through sympathetic eyes (翻译:Looking through sympathetic eyes)

10. Well, i don't want to ruin the surprise, (翻译:Really, what are you looking at?)

11. I was just... - Are you looking for something? (翻译:- Are you looking for something?)

12. When he didn't return, we came looking for him. (翻译:we came looking for him.)

13. - Yeah, cops looking for you. (翻译:cops looking for you.)

14. Spent a lifetime looking for somebody (翻译:∮ Spent a lifetime looking for somebody)

15. - What are you doing? - Uh, looking for something. (翻译:looking for something.)



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