melodia是什么意思 melodia的中文翻译、读音、例句

melodia是什么意思 melodia的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:melodia有一些固定的词组搭配,如:melodia sacra(圣乐旋律)、melodia popolare(民间音乐旋律)、melodia d'amore(爱情曲调)。




1. The melodia flowed out of the violin, filling the room with a beautiful sound. (这把小提琴发出的旋律流淌而出,填满了房间,声音美妙动听。)

2. He hummed the melodia to himself as he walked down the street. (他一边走在街上,一边哼起了那首旋律。)

3. The choir sang the melodia sacra with such passion and beauty that it brought tears to her eyes. (合唱团演唱的圣乐旋律如此充满激情和美感,它让她热泪盈眶。)

4. She composed a new melodia d'amore for her husband's birthday, which brought him great joy. (她为丈夫的生日创作了一首新的爱情曲调,让他非常高兴。)

5. The melodia popolare of the Italian village was so catchy that she found herself humming it all day. (那个意大利村庄的民间音乐旋律非常引人入胜,她整天都在哼唱。)


1. La melodia della canzone è molto orecchiabile.(这首歌的旋律非常易于记忆。)

2. Mi piace la melodia di questa opera.(我喜欢这部戏曲的曲调。)

3. Lui ha scritto la melodia, mentre lei ha scritto i testi.(他写了旋律,她写了歌词。)

4. Questa melodia mi ricorda il mio paese natale.(这个旋律让我想起我的故乡。)

5. Il violino ha una melodia molto dolce.(小提琴的曲调非常温柔。)

6. Il cantante ha un tono diverso per ogni melodia.(歌手对每个曲调都有不同的唱法。)

7. La melodia di questa canzone mi mette di buon umore.(这首歌曲的旋律让我感到快乐。)

8. La melodia di questa danza è molto vivace.(这个舞蹈的曲调非常活泼。)

9. Il pianoforte suona la melodia in modo impeccabile.(钢琴演奏旋律非常完美。)





1. Esta melodia es muy hermosa. (这个旋律非常美丽。)

2. Me encanta escuchar las melodías clásicas. (我喜欢听古典音乐旋律。)




例句:She raised that heavy crystal and repeatedly struck Dia's head? (是她举起那个沉重的水晶 然后反复敲击Dia的脑袋?)


例句:But you're going to have to check the forecast in order to get a read on DIA or NSA. (但是你要是想看DIA和NSA的报告得看运气了)


例句:That last stat is something of a surprise because steals are a defensive category, and Melo has never been much of a defensive player. (最后的一样统计数据多少有些让人吃惊,因为抢断是一个防守方面的统计数据,而安东尼从来就不是一个防守型的球员。)


例句:Relationship Between Relative Peptide of Plasma Calcitonin Gene, Endothelin and Nail Fold Microcirculation in Patients with Dia-betes (翻译:型糖尿病患者血浆降钙素基因相关肽及内皮素与甲襞微循环的关系)


melodia一般作为名词使用,如在Melospiza melodia([网络] 北美歌雀;躲躲闪闪的歌雀;歌带鹀)等常见短语中出现较多。

Melospiza melodia[网络] 北美歌雀;躲躲闪闪的歌雀;歌带鹀


1. That last stat is something of a surprise because steals are a defensive category, and Melo has never been much of a defensive player. (翻译:最后的一样统计数据多少有些让人吃惊,因为抢断是一个防守方面的统计数据,而安东尼从来就不是一个防守型的球员。)

2. Relationship Between Relative Peptide of Plasma Calcitonin Gene, Endothelin and Nail Fold Microcirculation in Patients with Dia-betes (翻译:型糖尿病患者血浆降钙素基因相关肽及内皮素与甲襞微循环的关系)

3. No. No, Dia did. I told you that. (翻译:没有,没有,是Dia打的电话,我告诉过你)

4. If they get 'Melo, they get him on the agent's desire to include cap-crushing Richard Hamilton(notes) into the deal. (翻译:如果他们得到了卡梅隆,他们就得接受经纪人把能挤爆工资帽的汉密尔顿加到交易中。)

5. And here is an inspiration from a group called Midia Ninja in Brazil. (翻译:这里是启示 从在巴西的一群叫做Mídia Ninja那里 )

6. 'Cause Dia's claiming that Kent tricked her into giving up their love child. (翻译:因为Dia声称Kent哄骗她, 把他们心爱的孩子送人)

7. Dia knew that he was going out for his anniversary, so she wanted to punish him. (翻译:Dia知道他要外出去他的大学 所以她想惩罚他)

8. No one in Serie A has three strong central midfielders like Aquilani, Marchisio and Melo. Just one of them would make any Coach happy. (翻译:没有其他任何一支意甲球队可以拥有一个由阿奎拉尼,马尔基西奥以及梅洛所组成的强大的中场线。)

9. But in dia lacks a robust measure of core in flation, or comprehensive measures of employment and wage pressures. (翻译:但印度缺少对核心通胀的强有力的衡量,或者对就业和薪酬压力的全面衡量指标。)

10. Today, you are promoted to the rank of captain. Dia Vandy. boss man. (翻译:今天,你的军衔被晋升为上尉迪亚·范迪,好样的。)

11. In fact, he said Stefanski would warrant the regal moniker even if he made the trade and 'Melo only played one minute in a Sixers uniform. (翻译:他说,事实上,如果斯特范斯基达成了这单交易,那么哪怕是甜瓜仅仅为76人出战一分钟,斯特范斯基都将保证获得那华丽的绰号。)

12. Mamadou Dia, head of the Senegalese water company Senegalaise des Eaux, was among the African entrepreneurs scouting for business partners. (翻译:马马杜迪亚,自来水公司的负责人塞内加尔塞内加尔德水务集团,是为商业伙伴之间的球探非洲企业家。)

13. "The ruling was against us, but leave to appeal was granted and it is business as usual until the appeal is finalised," said Dia Wilson, marketing manager of Piggs Peak Casino. (翻译:“这项裁决是反对我们,但上诉许可获批,这是一切如常,直至上诉敲定,”威尔逊说直径,营销皮格斯·皮克赌场经理。)

14. He said he wants to challenge many different characters such as a scamp not only a melo-character. (翻译:他说,他想挑战多种不同的字符,如恶棍不仅达拉梅洛字符。)

15. Reporters from Diario El Tiempo and El Nuevo Dia also came to cover the event. (翻译:DiarioElTiempo及ElNuevoDia报社的记者也前来讲座会场采访。)

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