1. 词义解释:BVDV指的是Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus(牛病毒性腹泻病毒),是一种常见的牛类病毒病。
- The farm was hit hard by an outbreak of BVDV.
- The veterinarian diagnosed the calf with BVDV.
- The BVDV vaccine is highly recommended for all cattle.
- The BVDV testing process takes about a week to complete.
- The farmer implemented strict biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of BVDV.
2. 病因病理学:BVDV是一种RNA病毒,主要通过呼吸道和体液传播,可以引起牛的消化系统和呼吸系统的病理变化。病毒在体内可以引起免疫抑制,导致容易感染其他病原体。
- The veterinarian explained the pathogenesis of BVDV to the farmer.
- The necropsy revealed the presence of BVDV in the calf's lung tissue.
- The BVDV infection can cause severe economic losses in a cattle herd.
- The diagnostic testing detected the presence of BVDV antibodies in the cow's blood.
- The BVDV vaccine can help prevent the spread of the virus in a herd.
3. 临床表现:BVDV的临床症状包括腹泻、发热、呼吸困难、食欲不振等。病症轻重不一,严重的情况下会导致死亡。
- The farmer noticed that the calf had diarrhea and a high fever, which are common symptoms of BVDV.
- The veterinarian recommended isolation and treatment for the cow with clinical signs of BVDV.
- The infected calf had to be euthanized due to severe respiratory distress caused by BVDV.
- The farmer kept a close watch on the herd for any signs of BVDV infection after a previous outbreak.
- The BVDV strain that affected the herd was particularly virulent, causing high mortality rates.
4. 预防和治疗:预防BVDV的最佳方法是通过接种疫苗和实施有效的生物安全措施来预防传播。治疗BVDV主要是通过对症治疗来缓解症状,提高患牛的免疫力。
- The farmer consulted with the veterinarian about the best vaccination protocol to protect the herd from BVDV.
- The quarantine and biosecurity measures implemented on the farm have successfully prevented the spread of BVDV.
- The veterinarian prescribed medications to alleviate the clinical signs of BVDV in the infected cows.
- The farmer implemented a strict management plan for the herd to improve their overall health and immune status, thus reducing their susceptibility to BVDV.
- The BVDV outbreak on the neighboring farm has raised concerns about the need for enhanced biosecurity measures and vaccination programs in the area.
'bvdv'的中文翻译为“Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus”,意为“牛病毒性腹泻病毒”。
读音为:biː viː diː viː.
1. BVDV是一种广泛存在于全球的病毒。
BVDV is a virus that is widely distributed throughout the world.
2. 对于受到BVDV感染的牛,应采取及时、有效的防治措施。
Timely and effective measures should be taken to prevent and control cattle infected with BVDV.
例句:The above preliminary data also makes a basis of serological diagnosis for BVDV. (为将来进一步建立BVDV的血清学诊断方法奠定了基础。)
例句:BVDV infection has resulted in a significant loss in the livestock industry all over the world, especially in USA and New Zealand. (目前该病毒在世界范围内广泛分布,特别是美国、新西兰等养牛业发达的国家。)
1. Strong activity of artemisinin was noticed against the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). (翻译:观察到青蒿素具有抗牛病*性腹泻病*的强活性。)
2. Development of hybridoma cell strains excreting monoclonal antibody against BVDV (翻译:牛病毒性腹泻病毒单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的建立)
3. The animal regression test also verified that the two virus isolations were BVDV. (翻译:动物回归试验进一步证实了所分离的两株病毒均为BVDV。)