haulotte是什么意思 haulotte的中文翻译、读音、例句

haulotte是什么意思 haulotte的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Haulotte是一家专业生产和销售高空作业平台设备的法国公司。在单词中,Haulotte通常用作公司名称,而在缩写中,HAULOTTE则表示横架式升降平台设备。

例句1:As a leading manufacturer in the industry, Haulotte Group provides a wide range of aerial work platforms for various applications.(作为行业领先的制造商,Haulotte集团为各种应用提供广泛的高空作业平台设备。)

例句2:HAULOTTE offers innovative and safe solutions for working at height, ensuring high productivity and operator comfort.(HAULOTTE提供创新和安全的高空作业解决方案,确保高生产率和操作员舒适。)

2. 品牌识别:Haulotte旗下的高空作业平台设备通常被称为Haulotte Boom Lifts或Haulotte Scissor Lifts。

例句3:The Haulotte Boom Lift is designed for working at height in a variety of industries, including construction, maintenance and warehousing.(Haulotte的横臂式升降平台设备适用于各种行业的高空工作,包括建筑、维护和仓储。)

例句4:The Haulotte Scissor Lift is a versatile and reliable equipment that allows operators to easily access hard-to-reach areas.(Haulotte的升降式平台设备是一种多功能和可靠的设备,允许操作员轻松进入难以到达的区域。)

3. 技术特点:Haulotte的高空作业平台设备通常具有高度调节、稳定性和安全性能等方面的特点。

例句5:The Haulotte Boom Lift features a telescopic arm that allows for precise positioning of the platform at high elevations.(Haulotte横臂式升降平台设备具有伸缩臂,可以在高海拔位置精确定位平台。)

4. 应用场景:Haulotte的高空作业平台设备通常用于建筑、电力、矿业、航空航天等各种行业。

例句6:Haulotte Boom Lifts are widely used in the construction industry, providing a safe and efficient way to work at height.(Haulotte的横臂式升降平台设备广泛应用于建筑行业,为高空工作提供安全和高效的方式。)

例句7:Haulotte Scissor Lifts are ideal for maintenance and repair work in factories and warehouses.(Haulotte的升降式平台设备非常适用于工厂和仓库的维护和修理工作。)



例句:Haulotte的升降机被广泛应用于建筑和工业领域,为用户提供高效、安全的升降解决方案。 (Haulotte's aerial work platforms are widely used in the construction and industrial fields, providing users with efficient and safe lifting solutions.)




例句:Ishikawa is also becoming the prince of promotional work, cutting ads for ANA, Toyota and Lotte. (此外,石川还成为了广告商的宠儿,先后为ANA,丰田和乐天代言。)


例句:Subtitles provided by Lotte Entertainment (THE LAST FANTASY _BAR_ TLF HALFCD TeaM 基因危机: 天才科学家的xx日 _BAR_)


例句:And wind-bearing frames inside or outside the building can absorb the remaining wind force, such as in Seoul’s Lotte Tower. (而建筑内或外的承风框架 可以同化剩余的风力, 例如首尔的乐天大厦。)


例句:Only she and Lotte saw me. And I got arrested at the Checkpoint. (翻译:只有她和Lotte看到我了,然后我就在检查站被捕了)


haulotte一般作为名词使用,如在Haulotte(人名 法 奥洛特)等常见短语中出现较多。

Haulotte人名 法 奥洛特


1. And wind-bearing frames inside or outside the building can absorb the remaining wind force, such as in Seoul’s Lotte Tower. (翻译:而建筑内或外的承风框架 可以同化剩余的风力, 例如首尔的乐天大厦。)

2. Only she and Lotte saw me. And I got arrested at the Checkpoint. (翻译:只有她和Lotte看到我了,然后我就在检查站被捕了)

3. Lotte, this is Fritzi. Fritzi, this is Lotte. (翻译:Lotte,这是Fritzi Fritzi,这是Lotte)

4. The main purpose of the project is to reconstruct the temple roof and to strengthen the main walls of the Tin Hau Temple . (翻译:工程项目主要是重建铜锣湾天后古庙的屋顶及加固其主要的墙壁。)

5. "Many retailers find China tough, " says Yi Il-min, Lotte's director of international business development. "We're quite comfortable. " (翻译:乐天的国际事务部主管YiIl-min先生说:“许多零售商发现在中国举步维艰,我们却感觉比较舒适。”)

6. There's nothing like a good laugh, is there, Lotte? (翻译:没什么比得上灿烂的笑容,不是么,Lotte?)

7. What we observed has a number of interesting fundamental and practical implications, Hau says. (翻译:“我们所观察到的现象有一系列有趣的根本与实用的含义,”Hau说。)

8. Hau had previously said that the problems related to the exams were "technical" and could be solved fairly easily. (翻译:郝龙斌之前说,联测相关的问题是“技术上的”很容易就可以解决。)

9. It dances to music. Lotte Reiniger, an amazing shadow puppeteer in the '20s, that started doing more elaborate things. (翻译:它会随着音乐跳舞,Lotte Reiniger, 在xx年代,它是一个令人惊奇的拉线木偶表演者。他开始做一些精细的东西。)

10. Yeah, well, Martha Lotte and Beth Lane would take it off for anybody. (翻译:是呀 玛莎洛蒂和贝丝雷恩会为任何人脱掉衣服)

11. Hau, Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Third Reserved Apartment. A Bedroom. (翻译:爱德华·彼得罗维奇-冬宫的内饰。第三保留的公寓。一间卧室。)

12. Hau, Edward Petrovich - Interiors of the Winter Palace. The Fourth Reserved Apartment. The Dressing Room. (翻译:爱德华·彼得罗维奇-冬宫的内饰。第四次保留的公寓。更衣室里。)

13. Lotte's latest winter line includes Bacchus, and Rummy: Cognac-filled, and rum and raisin respectively. (翻译:Bacchus与Rummy是乐天最新的冬季产品之一,分别配搭干邑白兰地夹心与提子朗姆酒夹心。)

14. Hitler had written to Lotte von Mossel but the letters got lost. (翻译:希特勒写信给洛特范·莫瑟尔 但那些信已经不见了)

15. The process created problems for students and parents, and Hau was told not to jeopardize any other students' futures. (翻译:这个过程对学生和家长都造成很大的问题,而郝龙斌也被告诫说不要危害任何学生的未来。)

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