geilivable是什么意思 geilivable的中文翻译、读音、例句

geilivable是什么意思 geilivable的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源和含义:geilivable 是一个新词,由“geil”和“可信”的组合词汇组成。类似于“amazing”、“fantastic”、“incredible”等词汇,用于形容某件事物让人感到非常印象深刻或令人敬佩的。

2. 用法和语气:这个单词或者缩写词主要用于口语或者社交媒体上,尤其是年轻人之间的交流,其语气比较轻松、随意和幽默。

3. 语法和拼写:geilivable 不是一个正式的单词,因此它没有规范的语法和拼写方法。在不同人之间,它的拼写方式也会有所不同。

4. 运用范围:这个词汇主要用于形容那些有趣、吸引人或者挑战性的事情,例如一个好看的电影、一首动听的歌曲或者一个刺激的游戏等。

5. 文化背景:geilivable 是一种基于中国和德国文化背景的新词汇,结合了中文的“geil(酷)”和德语的“lebhaft(生动)”之意。因此,在这两个国家和地区,它的使用最为普遍。


1. 这场比赛真是太geilivable了!(This game is so geilivable!)

2. 我刚刚看了一部geilivable的电影,你也该去看看。(I just watched a geilivable movie, you should check it out.)

3. 这首歌真的是太geilivable了,我已经听了好几遍了。(This song is really geilivable, I've listened to it several times.)

4. 这个新游戏真是太geilivable了,我已经沉迷其中了。(This new game is so geilivable, I'm addicted to it.)

5. 你设计的这个网站真是太geilivable了,非常易用和美观。(The website you designed is so geilivable, very user-friendly and beautiful.)

'geilivable' 的中文翻译是“极棒的”或者“非常好的”;读音为“杰-利-维布尔”;例句:“这个新游戏的画面和音效都非常geilivable,一定会很流行。”(The graphics and sound effects of this new game are both very geilivable, it is sure to be popular.)




例句:MCM wants to help see that this development is livable, sustainable and as beautiful as possible. (MCM愿意帮助中国发展是宜居、可持续和尽善尽美的生活环境。)


例句:If we can change the dynamic, by first of all creating cities that are denser and more livable ... (假如我们能够改变这一点 去建造一些更紧凑、更适合居住的城市)


例句:So, uninhabited since '86. I hear it won't be livable again for another 20,000 years? (自从xx年就是空城 听说两万年内都不适合人类居住)


1. So, uninhabited since '86. I hear it won't be livable again for another 20,000 years? (翻译:自从xx年就是空城 听说两万年内都不适合人类居住)

2. But there also are economic advantages and intrinsic benefits, because the dissemination of the clean technologies is going to bring us cleaner air, better health, better transportation, more livable cities, more energy security, more energy access to the developing world. (翻译:但其中也有经济优势, 以及内在利益, 因为清洁技术的散播, 能够带给我们更新鲜的空气, 使我们更健康, 交通也更顺畅,更多宜居的城市, 更多能源保证, 以及会有更多能够助于世界发展的能源出现。)

3. And that's a good thing because it keeps the temperature of the Earth within certain boundaries, keeps it relatively constant and livable. (翻译:令它相对稳定,适宜居住 问题是大气层正在变厚)

4. In fact, facing such inadaptable extreme environment, it is necessary for humans to seek another livable environment. (翻译:事实上,面对无法适应的极端环境,人类只能另觅可居的环境。)

5. The apartment is barely livable, but the guy is cute. (翻译:虽然房子很差 但是住是没有问题的 - 他也挺可爱的)

6. It's happening all over the Developed World, probably for loss of habitat, but also because our cities are a little bit more livable than they have been. (翻译:它一直都发生在这发达的世界 可能是因为失去了居住地 也可能是因为城市更适合它们居住 相比于它们过去的栖息地。)

7. In 2003, Gei Weijie Watercolor Painting and Opaque Watercolor Painting was published by the Sichuan Art Publishing House. (翻译:xx年由四川美术出版社出版《葛伟杰。水彩。水粉》个人画册;)

8. Is Lang Gei the joy, my air seasoning has been lonely. (翻译:是郎给的快乐,我风干了寂寞。)

9. Villa design "four areas" refers to the Olympic Sports Center Comprehensive service area, the Olympic livable communities, residential communities Guangdan, Tangxia residential community. (翻译:别墅设计公司“四区”指奥体中心综合服务区、奥林匹克宜居社区、广氮居住社区、棠下居住社区。)

10. Everything that we need to make an atmosphere on Mars, and to make a livable planet on Mars, is probably there. (翻译:我们所需的能在火星上建造大气层, 及可以生存环境的一切东西,都可能在火星上存在。)

11. Everything that we need to make an atmosphere on Mars, and to make a livable planet on Mars, is probably there. (翻译:我们所需的能在火星上建造大气层, 及可以生存环境的一切东西,都可能在火星上存在。)

12. The planning concept of "One Belt, One Center and Four Plates" builds an ecological and livable modern industrial new city. (翻译:“一带一心四版块”的规划理念,构建起一座生态宜居的现代工业新城。)

13. I wanted to make it a livable place for my family my two little girls. (翻译:我想出一分力 我有两个小女儿,我希望家人... 有安稳日子过)

14. If we can change the dynamic, by first of all creating cities that are denser and more livable ... (翻译:假如我们能够改变这一点 去建造一些更紧凑、更适合居住的城市 )

15. Maybe you've seen some of the rhetoric: mixed-use designs, zero net energy buildings, smart mobility, green, livable, wonderful cities. (翻译:也许你见过一些修辞: 多功能设计,零能耗建筑, 智能移动, 绿色宜居,美好的城市。)

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