habor是什么意思 英文名habor[哈博尔]的翻译、发音、来源

habor是什么意思 英文名habor[哈博尔]的翻译、发音、来源

1. 定义:'habor' 是一个拼写错误单词,正确的拼写应为 'harbor',表示港口、码头的意思。

2. 用法:'harbor' 在英语中可以作动词或名词使用,表示为港口的地方或者在港口停泊船只的动作。

3. 派生词:harborless(没有港口的)、harborage(码头费)、harborer(藏匿者)

4. 地理位置:'harbor' 经常出现在贸易、旅游等方面,特别是在沿海城市和一些小镇上。

5. 用途:这个单词可以用来描述某个地方的商业和旅游发展以及航运活动的发展。


1. The ship stopped in the harbor, waiting to unload its cargo.(船只停泊在港口,等待卸载货物。)

2. The harbor view from the hotel's balcony was breathtaking.(从酒店的阳台上看到的港口景色令人惊叹。)

3. The city built a new harbor to attract more shipping companies.(这个城市建造了一个新的港口,以吸引更多运输公司。)

4. The harbor master regulates the flow of ships in and out of the port.(港口管理员控制着船只进出港口的流动。)

5. The hurricane caused severe damage to the harbor infrastructure.(飓风给港口基础设施带来了严重破坏。)

habor的中文翻译为“港口”,读音为[héi bó]。


1. The ship docked at the habor after a long voyage.(这艘船经过漫长的航行后停靠在港口。)

2. The development of the habor has greatly contributed to the local economy.(港口的发展对当地经济做出了重大贡献。)

3. The fishermen set out to sea from the habor early in the morning.(渔民清早从港口出发去海上捕鱼。)




例句:Does it habor imperial ambitions? (它有帝王的野心么? )


例句:In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and deported the Israelites to Assyria. He settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in the towns of the Medes. (何细亚第xx年亚述王攻取了撒玛利亚,将以色列人掳到亚述,把他们安置在哈腊与歌散的哈博河边,并玛代人的城邑。)


例句:Boston Habor is so polluted that scientists say it won't recover until the next century at least. (波士顿海湾被污染的如此严重以至于科学家称至少下个世纪才能恢复。)


例句:The king of Assyria deported Israel to Assyria and settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in towns of the Medes. (翻译:亚述王将以色列人掳到亚述,把他们安置在哈腊与歌散的哈博河边,并玛代人的城邑。)


habor一般作为名词使用,如在Habor([网络] 哈博;哈博尔;海港)、habor boat(港勤艇)、habor generating set(停泊发电机组)等常见短语中出现较多。

Habor[网络] 哈博;哈博尔;海港
habor boat港勤艇
habor generating set停泊发电机组


1. Boston Habor is so polluted that scientists say it won't recover until the next century at least. (翻译:波士顿海湾被污染的如此严重以至于科学家称至少下个世纪才能恢复。)

2. The king of Assyria deported Israel to Assyria and settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in towns of the Medes. (翻译:亚述王将以色列人掳到亚述,把他们安置在哈腊与歌散的哈博河边,并玛代人的城邑。)

3. With such fine natural conditions , Dalian Habor must have a lot of berths . (翻译:大连港的天然条件有这么好,那应该有很多泊位吧。)

4. Boston Habor is so polluted that scientists say it won't recover until the next century at best. (翻译:波斯顿港污染非常严重,科学家说,最乐观地来看,也要到下个世纪才能恢复。)

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