chronology是什么意思 chronology的中文翻译、读音、例句

chronology是什么意思 chronology的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'chronology'是一个名词,意为按时间顺序排列的事件或事物的记录。它也可以用来描述一本按时间顺序排列的事件的历史记录。

2. 词根:'chronology'一词来自希腊语中的'chronos',意为时间。这个词根还出现在其他一些单词中,比如chronic(慢性的)和chronometer(计时器)。

3. 同义词:chronology还可以用一些近义词来替代,比如timeline、calendar、schedule等。

4. 历史:chronology在历史学中非常重要,因为它可以帮助学者们准确地记录历史事件的发展。许多历史书籍都是按时间顺序排列事件的chronology。

5. 学科:chronology在法律、考古学、天文学等学科中都有重要的应用,因为这些学科需要将事件或事物按照时间顺序排列。


1. The chronology of the ancient civilization is a fascinating subject for historians.


2. The timeline of the civil rights movement in the United States is well documented.


3. The chronology of the excavation suggests that this artifact is from the Tang Dynasty.


4. The schedule for the conference has been carefully planned to ensure a smooth event.


5. The calendar used by the Mayan civilization was based on precise astronomical observations.






1. The book presents a detailed chronology of the French Revolution. (这本书详细介绍了法国革命的年表。)

2. The study of chronology can help us understand historical events better. (研究年代学可以帮助我们更好地理解历史事件。)

chronology在中文中有"年代学 、年表"的意思,还经常被翻译为按事件发生的年代排列的顺序,读音为[krә'nɔlәdʒi],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到23个与chronology相关的句子。



例句:This course features a number of downloadable readings and a selective chronology of events during Augustan Rome. (本课程以许多可从网络资源下载的罗马奥古斯都时期文学作品,及精选的事件年表为主。)


例句:to reach conclusions about the dating of the script changes and expect that this chronology will revolutionize the attempts at decipherment. (目前我们正努力断定这文字发生改变的各个年代,预料这份年表将使文字的辨读有突破性进展。)


例句:Chronology protection is still just a conjecture, so time travel remains a possibility. (时序保护还只是个臆测而已,所以时光旅行仍是可能的。)


例句:And "chronology in mind, " the account of the historical facts, mostly in line with the historical records handed down. (翻译:而且《编年记》所记述的史实,大都与传世的史书记载相符。)


chronology一般作为名词使用,如在environmental chronology(环境年代学)、geologic chronology(地质编年学)、geological chronology(地质年代学)等常见短语中出现较多。

environmental chronology环境年代学
geologic chronology地质编年学
geological chronology地质年代学
geomagnetic chronology地磁年代学
glacial chronology[地质] 冰川年代学
glacier chronology冰河年代学
isotope chronology[地质] 同位素年代学
lunar chronology月面年代学
pottery chronology[古] 陶器年代学


1. Chronology protection is still just a conjecture, so time travel remains a possibility. (翻译:时序保护还只是个臆测而已,所以时光旅行仍是可能的。)

2. And "chronology in mind, " the account of the historical facts, mostly in line with the historical records handed down. (翻译:而且《编年记》所记述的史实,大都与传世的史书记载相符。)

3. Requests made over the past five days to WHO spokesmen for a rough chronology of events and interviews with experts have not been answered. (翻译:同时,在过去5天里发出的向WHO发言人索要一个该事件的粗略年表及采访相关专家的请求还未得到回应。)

4. The painter Peter Brandon never dated his works, and their chronology is only now beginning to take shape in the critical literature. (翻译:画家彼得·布兰登的作品从来没有标注过日期,其时间表现在才开始在批评文献中形成。)

5. So, the wide and narrow ring widths of the chronology that we developed in Asia provide us with a measure of monsoon variability. (翻译:因此,在我们的年代在亚洲开发宽和窄环宽度提供一个季风变化给我们了。)

6. As a result, the book flows thematically, not in aday-by-day chronology. (翻译:因此,这本书主题上是连贯的,而不是日复xx日的流水帐形式。)

7. Looking at novels written by Black over the last eighty years, he discovers recurring concerns and designs independent of chronology. (翻译:着眼于最近xx年黑人创作的小说,罗森布莱特揭示了小说中与时代无关而反复出现的侧重点和布局。)

8. Historians seem to have confused the chronology of these events. (翻译:历史学家好像把这些事件发生的年代顺序搞混了。)

9. When attempted, important achievements are left out to make room for a full chronology of the career history and education. (翻译:那么重大的成绩就要为列举多年的工作经历和教育腾出空位。)

10. He lives in a half world between stasis and antistasis and time is concentrated, chronology confused. (翻译:他生活在一个停滞与行进交互的世界里... ...而时间是浓缩的 并且乱了次序)

11. When Vonnegut ditched clear-cut fortunes, he also abandoned straightforward chronology. (翻译:冯内古特不仅抛弃了 绝对的好坏运气之分, 他也抛弃了简单的时间顺序描述。)

12. She gave him a factual account of the chronology of her brief liaison. (翻译:她就自己在短时间内的联络给了我一个确凿的大事记。)

13. As a result, the book flows thematically, not in aday-by-day chronology. (翻译:因此,这本书主题上是连贯的,而不是日复xx日的流水帐形式。)

14. It's the chronology, really. Khalil visits your place of business. (翻译:其实是时间先后的问题 卡里造访你的办公室)

15. To establish such a chronology, it is necessary to determine the relative amounts of land ice that existed at various times in the Earth's past. (翻译:为了建立这样一个年表,有必要确定地球过去不同时期存在的陆冰的相对数量。)

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