vhr是什么意思 vhr的中文翻译、读音、例句

vhr是什么意思 vhr的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 解释含义:VHR 是“Video Human Resources”的缩写,意指视频人力资源。这是一种新型用于招聘的技术,通过视频的形式展示人才的技能和个性特点,以更全面和直观的方式呈现求职者的实力和优点。


- Our company has adopted VHR to streamline the recruitment process and find the best talent. (我们公司采用了VHR来简化招聘流程,找到最优秀的人才。)

- Many job seekers now record VHR to showcase their skills and stand out from the crowd. (现在很多求职者录制VHR来展示自己的技能,从众多竞争者中脱颖而出。)

2. 使用场景:VHR 技术适用于各类职位,尤其是需要具备沟通、表达、演示等能力的职业,例如销售、客户服务、演讲、演艺等。它可以帮助招聘者更快捷地筛选候选人,也使求职者更好地展现自己的实力和魅力。


- Our company prefers to use VHR in recruiting salespeople, as it allows us to assess their communication and persuasion skills directly. (我们公司更倾向于在招聘销售人员时使用VHR,因为它能直接展现他们的沟通和说服能力。)

- If you're looking for a job in the performing arts, consider making a VHR to showcase your talent and stage presence. (如果你想在演艺行业找工作,可以考虑录制一份VHR来展示你的才华和舞台表现力。)

3. 优点和缺点:使用 VHR 技术的优点包括:提高了招聘效率,节省了时间和成本;更直观地展示求职者的特质和能力;为招聘者和求职者提供了更多的选择和机会。缺点则可能包括:不同的 VHR 录制质量和风格会对比较造成困难;虽然更直观,但也可能掩盖求职者的一些缺点。


- We found that using VHR reduced the time spent on interviews by 50%, and helped us find the right candidates faster. (我们发现使用VHR将面试时间缩短了50%,可以更快地找到合适的候选人。)

- The downside of VHR is that it can be difficult to compare candidates who have very different styles or levels of production value. (VHR的缺点是,很难比较那些拍摄风格或质量差异很大的候选人。)

4. 如何制作 VHR:要制作一份成功的 VHR,需要一定的准备和技巧。求职者需要选择合适的场景和服装,准备好脚本和演示材料,并尽可能地展现自己的个性和特质。同时,还需要注意声音和画面的清晰度、节奏和时长的掌控等方面。


- If you're planning to create a VHR, make sure you choose a well-lit and quiet location, and dress professionally. (如果你打算制作VHR,请确保选择一个明亮安静的场所,并着装得体。)

- To make your VHR stand out, try to inject some humor or personality into your presentation, and show how you can add value to the company. (为了让你的VHR更出彩,可以在演示中加入些幽默或个性的元素,展现你如何为公司创造价值。)

5. 未来发展趋势:随着技术和媒体的不断进步,VHR 技术也将不断创新和发展。预计在未来,VHR 将更加普及和实用,同时可能融合更多的人工智能和互动元素,帮助招聘者更全面地了解候选人的潜力和适应性。


- Many HR experts predict that VHR will become the norm in recruitment in the next few years, as it offers more comprehensive and fairer assessments of candidates. (很多HR专家预计,在未来几年中,VHR将成为招聘的常态,因为它提供了更全面和公正的候选人评估。)

- In the future, we may see VHR combined with AI-powered assessments, allowing recruiters to analyze candidate's performance more objectively and accurately. (未来,我们可能会看到VHR与人工智能评估相结合,让招聘者更客观、准确地分析候选人的表现。)





例句:They call this, VHR, very high readiness. (他们管这个叫VHR,非常高的准备。)


vhr一般作为名词使用,如在VHR(Very-High-Resolution 甚高分辨力)等常见短语中出现较多。

VHRVery-High-Resolution 甚高分辨力


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