radios是什么意思 radios的中文翻译、读音、例句

radios是什么意思 radios的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及语法用法:'radios'是radio的复数形式,主要用作名词。作为名词时,表示无线电广播发射机、收音机等。

2. 同义词替换:可以用wireless、wireless radios、broadcast radios等替换。

3. 同音异义词:radios与radius、ratio等词的发音相近,但意义不同。

4. 常用搭配短语:常与listen to、turn on、turn off、tune in、tune out等搭配使用。


1. I have two radios in my bedroom, one for FM and the other for AM.


2. The radios in our cars can receive signals from miles away.


3. He likes to listen to radios while working in his workshop.


4. With the development of technology, people can now listen to radios online.


5. I always turn on the radios while cooking dinner to keep me company.



1. I like to listen to music on the radio when driving.


2. This radio can pick up signals from long distances.





例句:Like, hearing CB chatter on their radios about girls at nearby exits. (比如,听见民用波段中, 有人在讨论高速出口的姑娘们。)


例句:- Well, normally people turn their radios off when they park their cars. (通常人们wy? czaj? 他们, wychodz?)


例句:His big, deep voice rumbles out of radios and juke-boxes across North America. (他的大,深远方有隆隆的声音从收音机和自动唱片点盒北美各地。)


例句:While electric power, cell service, and Internet would be down, most radios would likely survive. (翻译:虽然电力、手机服务和网络 将会中断, 但大多数广播将能继续运行。)


radios一般作为名词、动词使用,如在transistor radios(n. 晶体管收音机)、software defined radios([网络] 软件定义的无线电)等常见短语中出现较多。

transistor radiosn. 晶体管收音机
software defined radios[网络] 软件定义的无线电


1. His big, deep voice rumbles out of radios and juke-boxes across North America. (翻译:他的大,深远方有隆隆的声音从收音机和自动唱片点盒北美各地。)

2. While electric power, cell service, and Internet would be down, most radios would likely survive. (翻译:虽然电力、手机服务和网络 将会中断, 但大多数广播将能继续运行。)

3. This is kind of like when we went from transistor radios wrapped by hand to the Pentium. (翻译:这有些像我们从 用手动包装晶体管 到奔腾处理器。)

4. The company started by selling radios but now has branched out into selling computers as well. (翻译:这家公司开始只卖收音机,但现在已扩大营业范围,销售电脑了。)

5. So, if I were you, I'd keep off your radios. (翻译:ヌミ・矿゚萍 声ヌ葹彩N゚萍 モテ赭ン 睇モ瞩桒パã)

6. Ears to Our World is supported by private donations and partners including Eton, the company that makes the Eton Grundig radios. (翻译:“倾听世界”由私人捐赠者和合作伙伴的支持,包括制造伊顿根德收音机的伊顿公司。)

7. Police-car radios crackled with reports that rogue airplanes had been spotted over the White House. (翻译:警车的无线电中劈劈啪啪地传出在白宫上空发现可疑的飞机警告。最终这只是一架带来虚惊的民用飞机。)

8. When radio waves were discovered, they weren't called radio waves, because there were no radios. (翻译:当无线电波 被发现后, 他们不叫无线电波, 因为没有收音机。)

9. Corporal Bruno and Private Machado. Your job is to fix the radios... (翻译:布鲁诺下士和马夏多二等兵 你负责修理收音机 Corporal Bruno and Private Machado, you have to fix the radios.)

10. Unlike multiband military radios, Liberty is designed to meet stringent public safety specifications. (翻译:与多频段军用无线电不同,Liberty的设计满足了严格的公共安全规范。)

11. There is no evidence that Airwave users suffer illness or any ill effects as a result of using their radios. (翻译:还没有证据显示空中电波公司的客户由于使用了他们的无线电设备而患病和出现不良反应。)

12. You are ordered to turn your radios on! (翻译:ﻮﻳﺩﺍﺮﻟﺍ ﺢﺘﻔﺑ ﺭﻮﻣﺄﻣ ﻞﻜﻟﺍ)

13. Rohde & Schwarz also delivered the radios for the first tranche and has started deliveries for the second tranche. (翻译:罗德施瓦茨公司也为首批战斗机提供无线电系统,并已开始交付第二批。)

14. OK, what I want you to do is, I want you to tune every one of these radios... to 87.6 on FM. (翻译:我想让你做的是... 我要你把所有电台调到FM87. 6)

15. For a job like this, they would have military grade weapons, radios. (翻译:对于这样的工作, 他们将有 军工级 武器,无线电设备。)



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