ozon是什么意思 ozon的中文翻译、读音、例句

ozon是什么意思 ozon的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 化学领域:在化学领域,ozon通常用于氧化反应。臭氧可以将双键氧化成醛基或羧基。例如:“The ozonolysis of alkenes is a common laboratory method for breaking C=C bonds.”(烯烃的臭氧分解是一种常见的实验室方法,用于断开C=C键。)

2. 环保领域:在环保领域,ozon通常用于治理污染。臭氧可以用于空气、水、土壤等多种环境中的污染物的处理。例如:“Ozone treatment is an effective way to remove pollutants from contaminated water.”(臭氧处理是去除污染水中污染物的有效方法。)

3. 医学领域:在医学领域,ozon通常用于治疗疾病。臭氧可以增强机体免疫力、促进血液循环等。例如:“Ozone therapy has been used for the treatment of chronic infections and autoimmune diseases.”(臭氧疗法已经被用于治疗慢性感染和自身免疫性疾病。)

4. 商业领域:在商业领域,ozon通常用于消毒。臭氧可以消灭室内的细菌、病毒等。例如:“Ozone generators are commonly used in hotels to eliminate odors and bacteria from guest rooms.”(酒店常使用臭氧发生器来清除客房中的气味和细菌。)

5. 消费者领域:在消费者领域,ozon通常用于清洁。臭氧可以用于清洁衣物、果蔬等。例如:“Ozonated water is a natural and chemical-free way to clean fruits and vegetables.”(臭氧水是一种天然的、无化学成分的清洁果蔬的方法。)


1. The ozonolysis of alkenes is a common laboratory method for breaking C=C bonds.(烯烃的臭氧分解是一种常见的实验室方法,用于断开C=C键。)

2. Ozone treatment is an effective way to remove pollutants from contaminated water.(臭氧处理是去除污染水中污染物的有效方法。)

3. Ozone therapy has been used for the treatment of chronic infections and autoimmune diseases.(臭氧疗法已经被用于治疗慢性感染和自身免疫性疾病。)

4. Ozone generators are commonly used in hotels to eliminate odors and bacteria from guest rooms.(酒店常使用臭氧发生器来清除客房中的气味和细菌。)

5. Ozonated water is a natural and chemical-free way to clean fruits and vegetables.(臭氧水是一种天然的、无化学成分的清洁果蔬的方法。)

ozon的中文翻译为臭氧,发音为 /ˈɑːzəʊn/。


1. 高空臭氧浓度的增加引起了环境问题。

2. 臭氧层保护地球免受太阳紫外线的伤害。

3. 大面积的森林采伐会增加臭氧生成的危险。




例句:If Stromming is this Oz character, it stacks up. (如果Stromming是这个Oz的话 说得通 把他带回来问问)


例句:Hey, Oz, I'm reaching under my shirt and I'm rubbing myself. Oz, come on. (奥兹,我摸到了我的底裤,我正在自己抚摩自己)


例句:Countless organizations use OZ accounts to work. (现今世界有各种各样的机构都利用OZ来运行)


例句:- He's the king of Oz, Billina. (翻译:- 是奥兹国里的国王, Billina.)


ozon一般作为名词使用,如在ozon layer(=ozone shield)、ozon layer monitoring(臭氧层监测)等常见短语中出现较多。

ozon layer=ozone shield
ozon layer monitoring臭氧层监测


1. Countless organizations use OZ accounts to work. (翻译:现今世界有各种各样的机构都利用OZ来运行)

2. - He's the king of Oz, Billina. (翻译:- 是奥兹国里的国王, Billina.)

3. Oz, do you know what kind of soil they have in this back yard? (翻译:奥斯,你知道在这个后院的土是什么样的吗?)

4. She is Ozma, Queen and rightful ruler of Oz! (翻译:她是Ozma, 奥兹国的王后和合法统治者!)

5. If we were in the land of Oz, your talking wouldn't be strange at all. (翻译:如果我们在奥兹国, 你能说话一点也不奇怪.)

6. Anyway, the story takes place in a, um- well, a faraway land... called Oz. (翻译:故事发生在 一个遥远的地方... 叫做Oz)

7. quick detailer is available in both 16 oz . , 24 oz . spray bottles. (翻译:快速护理液有16盎司、24盎司喷雾瓶状的包装。)

8. Oscar Diggs died so that the Wizard of Oz could live. (翻译:Oscar Diggs死了 但是QZ魔法师活着)

9. OZ supports a lively business environment as well, and companies worldwide have set up branches inside OZ. (翻译:OZ对商业环境的支持也是万无一失的 全世界所有的企业都在OZ里开有分店)

10. Oz, Tig, limo. Boon, Tanto, follow. (翻译:奥兹,提格,利莫, 布恩,坦途,跟着...)

11. Then combine 2 1/2oz Floral wine (tariquet white), 1/2oz Monin Lavender Syrup into a tin with ice. (翻译:然后在一个装有冰的波士顿摇壶中混合2 1/2盎司花葡萄酒和1/2盎司薰衣草糖浆。)

12. OZ supports instantaneous translation services for every language in the world, so you can enjoy conversation with anybody, no matter where they might hail from. (翻译:在OZ中 因为所有语言都会瞬间被翻译 所以您能和世界各地的人们愉快地交谈)

13. If someone tries to enter, you see with the oz. (翻译:其他任何想要躲藏到那里的人 都? 被我无情的击杀)

14. It's a little bit ofAlice in Wonderland, it's Dorothy in Oz. (翻译:有点像《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 是桃乐丝到了奥兹国)

15. Sometimes I think she wants to live in Oz forever." (翻译:有时候我认为她是想永远活在绿野仙境的幻想中)

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