bruiser是什么意思 bruiser的中文翻译、读音、例句

bruiser是什么意思 bruiser的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Brusier 是一个名词,指的是一个强壮、暴力和具有攻击性的人,通常用来描述某个体格强健、威猛的人。常常用于形容那些在体育比赛中具有震慑力的选手,比如拳击手、摔跤手等。

2. 词性:Brusier 是一个名词,一般用于描述人。

3. 常用场景:Brusier 这个词通常用于描述体育运动中的选手,比如拳击手、摔跤手等,也可以用于形容某些暴力行为的施行者或受害者。

4. 词组搭配:Brusier 常与一些形容词和动词搭配使用,比如:

- Big brusier: 指的是体型巨大、强壮有力的人

- Muscle brusier: 指的是拥有强壮肌肉的人

- Be a brusier: 意思是成为暴力分子或施行暴力行为

- Knock out a brusier: 意思是把一位强健有力的人打败

5. 相关短语:Brusier 还常常出现在一些与体育运动相关的短语中,比如:

- Brusier weight: 指的是某个体育项目中的重量级别

- Brusier division: 指的是某个体育运动项目中的强力组别

6. 发音拼写:Brusier 的读音为 ['bruːzə(r)]。其中,u 音为长音,r 音要轻响。





1. He's a big bruiser, but he's surprisingly gentle with animals.


2. The bruiser threw a punch at the bouncer, but missed.





例句:But at ten, when she was stocked in Kingfisher, she was already a bruiser. And there, among the willow-shaded banks, she grew. And grew. (反正她xx岁时就已经在翠鸟湖横行无阻,湖岸边垂柳青青,庇荫她休养生息,养大养肥,越大越肥。)


例句:Bruiser, take him to the face and bury him in a blackhead. (布斯特,把这痞子带到法兰克的脸那儿去,埋在黑头粉刺里)


例句:Number 585, southwest second, page 431, argued by Bruiser-- by J. Lyman Stone. (585号案,西南部第二上诉法庭,第431页 由布鲁泽,哦不,由小莱曼. 斯通事务所辩护)


例句:Bruiser has contacts down at the main precinct, guys he grew up with. (翻译:伯鲁瑟和主要管区与他一起长大的家伙们 有协议.)


1. Number 585, southwest second, page 431, argued by Bruiser-- by J. Lyman Stone. (翻译:585号案,西南部第二上诉法庭,第431页 由布鲁泽,哦不,由小莱曼. 斯通事务所辩护)

2. Bruiser has contacts down at the main precinct, guys he grew up with. (翻译:伯鲁瑟和主要管区与他一起长大的家伙们 有协议.)

3. Here's Bruiser. Welcome. (翻译:布鲁斯在这里!欢迎。)

4. In an initial representative meeting Elle tries to gather support for Bruiser's Bill. (翻译:在开始阶段的众议员会议上,艾莉试图说服大家支持布鲁瑟议案。)

5. He has a reputation as a political bruiser. (翻译:他在政治上的好勇斗狠是出了名的。)

6. Reptiles and amphibians rarely care for their young after theyhatch but this South African bruiser is an exception. (翻译:爬虫类和两栖类动物 很少会照顾孵化后的下一代 但是这个南非大块头是例外)

7. Bruiser usually asks me to review the insurance cases when they come in. (翻译:伯鲁瑟一般要求我 审查那些牵涉保险的案子.)

8. The fate of Greece is being negotiated over the heads of its prime minister, George Papandreou, and his bruiser of a finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos. (翻译:希腊的命运由首相乔治·帕潘德里欧和其强势的财长Evangelos Venizelos谈判来决定。)

9. OK. Hi. I'm Elle Woods and this is Bruiser Woods. (翻译:好吧,你们好,我是伍兹埃尔 它是拳师伍兹)

10. This is Task Unit Bruiser. I got eyes on target. Initiate QRF. (翻译:这是B任务小组,我锁定目标 请求快速反应小组支援,完毕)

11. If you want to learn to swim, you gotta jump in the water. Don't forget to feed Bruiser. (翻译:想学游泳, 就得先跳进水里 别忘了喂Bruiser)

12. Yeah, some bruiser knocked me down sliding into second. (翻译:是你在少年棒球联赛上被打伤了胳膊 是啊 上二垒的时候)

13. The Midlands bruiser has been rejected for the third time by an ungrateful party. (翻译:这位中部大汉第三次地被这个薄情的政党拒绝了。)

14. Your little bruiser has reached a length of about 5 inches and a weight of about 5 ounces this week. (翻译:到这周,小壮汉已经有5英寸长,5盎司重了。)

15. It's just a matter of time before he's singing on Bruiser. (翻译:他就会对着伯鲁瑟高唱凯歌. 那又怎么样?)

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