1. 'CJB'可以是某种讽刺、嘲笑的表达方式。
- You failed the exam again? CJB! (你又考砸了?真是够了!)
- He's always bragging about himself. CJB. (他总是吹嘘自己,真是够了。)
2. 'CJB'可以是某个人名的缩写,如著名的中国摄影师陈建波。
- The photos from CJB's latest exhibition are really breathtaking. (陈建波最新一次的摄影展照片真的令人惊叹。)
- CJB is one of the most influential photographers in China. (陈建波是中国最有影响力的摄影师之一。)
3. 'CJB'可以是某个组织或者公司的缩写。
- CJB Enterprises is a leading provider of IT solutions. (CJB企业是IT解决方案的领导者。)
- CJB Group is a major player in the real estate industry. (CJB集团是房地产业的主要参与者。)
1. I can't believe he's still asking for money after I lent him some last week. CJB!
2. I went to CJB's photo exhibition yesterday and was blown away by his talent and creativity.
3. CJB Enterprises has been providing exceptional IT solutions for over a decade.
4. CJB's latest movie is a masterpiece in the history of Chinese cinema.
5. We need to come up with a better strategy to compete with CJB Group in the real estate market.
1. 我不知道cjb是什么意思。
I don't know what cjb means.
2. 在互联网上,cjb可能代表着不同的含义。
On the internet, cjb may represent different meanings.
例句:Dad, I don't want to lie to you, so CJ7 came out of the ball you gave me. (老爸 我不想骗你 其实 七仔是你给我的那个球变出来的)
例句:B1/p, B1/b1 , B1/b2, B1/b3, type B2, B2/b... This is the survey done on the spot. There you are. (B1/B3 户型B2 B2/B 这个是实地考察后的结果)
例句:The PLAAF began to search for a successor to its forty-year-old CJ-6 basic trainer as early as 1993. (早在xx年PLAAF开始去寻找它服役xx年之久的CJ-6初级教练机的替代者。)
1. The PLAAF began to search for a successor to its forty-year-old CJ-6 basic trainer as early as 1993. (翻译:早在xx年PLAAF开始去寻找它服役xx年之久的CJ-6初级教练机的替代者。)
2. An electron in a molecule isn't on just atom A or atom B, but A+ B. (翻译:分子中的电子不是在原子A或B中,是在A和B中 )
3. B-B-B-Brickman´s! B-B-Brickman´s Powerboats! (翻译:Brickman,Brickman动力艇)
4. To Mr. B-b-b-blaylocke yesterday! (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}布――布――布雷洛克的!)
5. We had no ending to this movie, so (翻译:克鲁格的其他演员 我们这部戏无结局,所以 CJ.)
6. Snug as a bug, while we're out here freezin' our b-b-b-beaks off. (翻译:那个家伙舒服的不得了 我们冻的鸟嘴都快掉下来了)
7. Irons captured his first ASP World Tour victory in three years defeating CJ Hobgood in the final. (翻译:他的第一个ASP铁杆抓获三名世界决赛中击败终审法院首席法官霍布·古德年巡回赛冠军。)
8. Plan B: a population bomb. (翻译:B计划 人口炸弹 Plan B, a population bomb.)
9. No, I gotta tell you something, CJ, listen. (翻译:ﺎﺌﻴﺷ ﻙﺮﺒﺧﺃ ﻥﺃ ﺐﺠﻳ ، ﺎﻠﻛ ﺖﺼﻧﺃ ، ﻱﺎﺟ ﻲﺳ ﺎﻳ .)
10. We connect the dots: A is connected to B; B is connected to C. (翻译:我们找寻事物的关联: A和B; B和C )
11. To this forklift, we can buy the product CJ1 with eight AD that is procreated by OMRON. (翻译:为此叉车,我们可以买到公元八是由欧姆龙CJ1生育的产品。)
12. They're "B" players, and "B" players discourage the "A" players. (翻译:他们都是“二等” 致谢“二等”只会让“一等”的丧气)
13. Anus and mouth and from A to B and from B to C ... Connecting the grafts incisions of the jaw (翻译:把从A到B到C的屁眼合嘴相连接 前者的排泄物通过后面的嘴 再由最后面的那个排出...)
14. And I'm going to play it all the way through and you're going to follow. B, C, B, C, B, C, B -- down to A, down to G, down to F. (翻译:我这就来把它从头到尾的演奏一遍。你会跟随这琴声,B, C, B, C, B, C, B-- 到A,到G,到F)
15. - We're going to plan B. - What's plan B? - Run! (翻译:ــ ﺳﻨﻨﺘﻘﻞ اﻟﻰ اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺒﺪﻳﻠﺔــ وﻣﺎ ﻫﻲ اﻟﺨﻄﺔ اﻟﺒﺪﻳﻠﺔ ؟)