1. "dsy"可能是一些组织、团体或公司的缩写,具体意义取决于缩写的全称。例如:"Digital Systems"(数字系统)、"Dress Your Space"(装扮你的空间)、"Delaware Symphony Orchestra"(特拉华州交响乐团)等等。
- DSY is a leading provider of digital solutions for businesses.
- Let's check out some tutorials on DSY's website.
- Have you heard of the DSY store? They have amazing home decor products.
2. "dsy"可能是一种笔误或打字错误,应该是正确的词句。例如,"day"(日子)、"disco"(迪斯科)、"design"(设计)等等。
- We spent a wonderful dsy at the beach yesterday.
- The club was packed with people dancing to the latest disco music.
- The new product has a sleek and modern design that customers love.
3. "dsy"可能是一种俚语或网络用语,也许只在特定的社交媒体或在线聊天平台上使用。具体含义和用法需要参考相应的语境和场合。
- I'm having such a dsy today. Nothing seems to go right.
- Have you seen that new meme on Instagram? It's so dsy!
- If you don't like my post, just dsy and move on.
例句:I mean, you know... maybe I don't wanna know, you know? (I mean, y - -you know...)
例句:DS : That is never gonno happen. (耽:那是不可能的。)
dsy一般作为名词使用,如在DSY([=digit symbol]数字符号,指符号)等常见短语中出现较多。
DSY | [=digit symbol]数字符号,指符号 |
1. The DS100KR401EVK evaluation board allows the user to examine the signal conditioning capabilities of the DS100KR401 device using SMAs. (翻译:DS100KR401 EVK评估板允许用户检查使用形状记忆合金的DS100KR401设备的信号调理功能。)
2. -Jerry! (翻译:- J e r r y
3. Let imagination light your way (翻译:y dd Let imagination light your wa)
4. # Lo mexicano y columbiano # (翻译:# Lo mexicano y columbiano #)
5. A child is born in the town of David (翻译:{Y: 我}一个孩子出生 {Y: 我}在大卫城)
6. Speaking of the DS3, we saw the DS Inside Concept in Geneva this year and it had dark tinted windows all around. (翻译:谈到DS3,我们看到的DS概念内部今年在日内瓦和它黑暗车窗各地。)
7. Y-y-you know what that is? (翻译:你们知道那是什么不 Yeah. Y -y)
8. ♪ Than to lay down his life for love (翻译:Than to la y down his life for love)
9. Rodeen elzcalo, ysuban hacia la azotea y esperenme. (翻译:Rodeen el zócalo, y suban hacia la azotea y espérenme,)
10. The type attribute could be "DS" or "ESS." (翻译:类型属性可以是“ DS ”或者“ ESS ”。)
11. The weight distribution is better with the DS3 and it's more reactive. (翻译:在重量分配上DS3要优于世嘉,所以具备更好的响应。)
12. - Have you invited Claude's orchestra? (翻译:- Je me rassure. - Y a pas assez?)
13. We'll carry on hunting tomorrow. (翻译:-y, on reprendra la chasse demain.)
14. - Dos yanquis y una muchacha. (翻译:-Quiénes eran? -Dos yanquis y una muchacha,)
15. Let's say I'm especially influenced by '60s music, but I like to mix it up with more modern stuff. (翻译:{Y: I}从20世纪xx年代的灵感 {Y:)