1. VFO作为业余无线电术语,代表可变频率振荡器(Variable Frequency Oscillator),该设备用于产生特定频率的电信号。
- I adjusted the VFO to 14.200 MHz to communicate with the station in Europe.
- The VFO is an essential component of any modern ham radio transceiver.
2. VFO作为医学术语,代表视网膜前节(Vitreous Fluid Opacities)。该症状由于眼球内部的液体中存在的雾状物质导致视野模糊。
- The patient complained of blurred vision due to VFO.
- The ophthalmologist found several VFOs in the patient's eyes during the examination.
3. VFO是非官方缩写词,用于代表“Virtual Fleet Operations”,指的是模拟飞行模拟器中的虚拟航空公司。
- The VFO community has created a realistic and immersive virtual airline experience.
- Many flight simulator enthusiasts enjoy participating in VFO events and flights.
4. VFO也可以代表“Virtual Family Office”,指的是在单一平台上为高净值家庭管理所有财务和财产事务的工具。
- The VFO platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing family wealth and finances.
- The VFO software integrates all financial data into one convenient system.
5. VFO还可以解释为“Voice Frequency Oscillator”,这是一种声音频率发生器,用于声音和音频信号测试和校准。
- The VFO helped me fine-tune the sound output of my guitar amplifier.
- The technician used a VFO to calibrate the audio system in the concert hall.
vfo的中文翻译为"可变频率振荡器",读音为"kě biàn pín lǜ zhèn làng qì"。
1. 这个收音机带有一个非常灵活的VFO,可以精确调节频率。
This radio has a very flexible VFO that can adjust the frequency accurately.
2. VFO是无线电设备中非常重要的组件,它可以产生非常精确的信号。
VFO is a very important component in radio equipment, which can generate very precise signals.
例句:Jasmine, this is Veronica. V lives next door. (Jasmine 这是Veronica V住在隔壁)
vfo一般作为名词使用,如在VFO(abbr. Variable-Frequency Oscillator 可变频率振荡器)等常见短语中出现较多。
VFO | abbr. Variable-Frequency Oscillator 可变频率振荡器 |
1. V. PRIVALTSEV, A. NAZAROV A. LEBEDEV, V. KOLOKOLTSEV (翻译:主演们: 格鲁吉亚电影制片厂,年代: 1964)
2. The re-fo so la-ti-do My army suit's my tuxedo (翻译:再fo,从而LA -TI -DO 我的西装的军队是我的晚礼服)
3. Uh, I believe that would be 'vi', 'vive', V-V-V... (翻译:呃,我想应该是 vi 开头,vive, vvv)
4. Kidd Fo-Fo's tired rhymes ain't nothing compared to what Lucious Lyon used to spit back in the day. (翻译:Kidd Fo -Fo的说词 跟Lucious Lyon 当年相比差的太远了)
5. Maybe, but Tong Fo wants to, like, misunderstand you in person. (翻译:我希望猴哥会听你的 要是他不听的话 我们会连你一起抓的)
6. If the output power to 220v AC or 110v, also need to configure inverter. (翻译:如输出电源为交流220v或110v,还需要配置逆变器。)
7. Runtimes \ bi_v6 \ bin. (翻译:runtimes \ bi _ v6 \ bin。)
8. factorial N plus 2 V on factorial 3 V plus 2 (翻译:N 加 2V 的阶乘比 3V 加 2 的阶乘)
9. V. MURGANOV as Alexander I V. STRZHELCHIK as Napoleon (翻译:Г・乔霍涅利泽 杰尼索夫... ... H・雷布尼科夫)
10. Here to present the V-Chip is Dr. Vosknocker. (翻译:由Vosknocker博士展示V -芯片)
11. I take them before every date and I never get laid. (翻译:我带他们êV ERY日期前 我甲肾上腺素V ER得到奠定。)
12. No, we don't... we don't want you to apologize, (翻译:不 我们并不... 想要你道歉 - Fo)
13. The total LOC of FO-KYC is 69874, while LOC of the generated code is 48026. (翻译:FO-KYC的LOC总数量为69874,而生成代码的LOC数量为48026。)
14. Virtual memory: ulimit a "v unlimited." (翻译:虚拟内存:ulimit—v unlimited。)
15. Rah, just tak' it out 'v ma saving's ya've got fo' me fo' ma future thing! (翻译:是啊 你就当把我结婚用的钱 提前预支一些给我)