dotted是什么意思 dotted的中文翻译、读音、例句

dotted是什么意思 dotted的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:dotted 是形容词,意为“有点的,点缀的”。


词组搭配:dotted line(虚线)、dotted note(碎音符)、dotted decimal(十进制小数)、dotted stroke(点划线)、dotted border(点状边框)。

短语:dotting the i's and crossing the t's(完善细节)。

发音拼写:['dɒtɪd] 或 ['dɑtɪd]。


1. The dress was decorated with small, dotted patterns.(这件裙子上有小小的点状图案。)

2. The dotted line on the map represents the border between the two countries.(地图上的虚线表示两国之间的边界。)

3. In music, a dotted note is held for longer than a regular note.(在音乐中,碎音符比普通音符要长。)

4. She wrote her name in cursive, dotted script.(她用草书体,带点的手写体写了自己的名字。)

5. The dotted decimal system is used in computer networking to represent IP addresses.(十进制小数系统在计算机网络中用于表示IP地址。)

6. The artist used a dotted stroke to create texture in the painting.(艺术家使用点划线创造出画作的质感。)

7. Before submitting the report, make sure to dot all the i's and cross all the t's.(在提交报告之前,确保完善细节。)



1. She wore a beautiful dress dotted with sparkly sequins. (她穿着一件点缀着闪亮亮的小珠子的漂亮裙子。)

2. The forest was dotted with colorful wildflowers. (森林里点缀着五颜六色的野花。)

3. The night sky was dotted with stars. (夜空布满了星星。)

4. The map was dotted with markers indicating important landmarks. (地图上用标记点标出了重要的地标。)




例句:The text is dotted with digressions. (文本中到处是离题话。)


例句:The world is dotted with futuristic, high-tech cities trying to attract the biggest international companies. (世界上到处都是未来派的高科技城市,试图吸引最大的跨国公司。)


例句:So whenever the company was signing on the dotted line, they wanted my personal guarantee, my signature. (所以每当该公司 签署的虚线, 他们希望我的个人担保, 我的签名。)


例句:The mountains eventually give way to green plains dotted with bungalows, and the shimmering Caspian Sea. (翻译:走出群山,到了平房点缀的绿色草原,看到了里海闪烁的波光。)


dotted一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在dotted AND([计] 点"与")、dotted OR([计] 点"或")、dotted with(错落其间)等常见短语中出现较多。

dotted AND[计] 点"与"
dotted OR[计] 点"或"
dotted with错落其间
dotted about点缀着
dotted arrow[计] 虚线箭头
dotted crosshatching虚线剖面线
dotted crotchet四分音符
dotted curve虚曲线
dotted decimal[计] 带点数


1. So whenever the company was signing on the dotted line, they wanted my personal guarantee, my signature. (翻译:所以每当该公司 签署的虚线, 他们希望我的个人担保, 我的签名。)

2. The mountains eventually give way to green plains dotted with bungalows, and the shimmering Caspian Sea. (翻译:走出群山,到了平房点缀的绿色草原,看到了里海闪烁的波光。)

3. Swaledale, in Yorkshire, with its moorland streams and fields dotted with stone barns, also shared fifth place. (翻译:斯韦尔代尔,在约克郡,荒地的溪流和点缀着石头谷仓的地方,也分享第五位。)

4. By now finally noticed our relationship is not as strong as the dotted line (翻译:事到如今终于察觉到 我们的关系如虚线般不牢固)

5. I've got a kink in my neck. Dotted Swiss would be nice for the curtains. (翻译:一我脖子都抽筋了 一有点,弯腰的瑞士人会让窗帘看起来好看)

6. If you ever saw a dotted line standing upright, it's the Eiffel Tower. (翻译:如果你看到由点连成的竖线时,那就是埃菲尔铁塔。)

7. Campfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night. (翻译:营火像红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。)

8. The Rotunda was almost deserted today, dotted with just a few tourists. (翻译:圆形大厅今天几乎没有多少人,只零星散布着几个游客。)

9. Now, Guindo's land was dotted with trees, one every five meters or so. (翻译:现在,金多的农田每隔五米便散落着种植些树木。)

10. Up to 13 lagoons would be dotted around the Severn estuary, not across it. (翻译:截至13湖将点缀着塞文河河口,而不是越过它。)

11. Swaledale, in Yorkshire, with its moorland streams and fields dotted with stone barns, also Shared fifth place. (翻译:斯韦尔·代尔,在约克郡,荒地的溪流和点缀着石头谷仓的地方,也分享第五位。)

12. Dotted lines indicate ordinates of extreme in and out motion of Rear top detaching roller . (翻译:点带表明了后上分离罗拉的进出运动的纵坐标。)

13. The city is dotted with small lakes, natural and artificial. (翻译:这座城市满是天然和人造的小湖泊。)

14. The breathtaking beauty of the mountains seem a world away from the crowded tourist resorts that are dotted around the coast of Tenerife. (翻译:与特内利费海岸、人山人海的观光渡假村相比,这个优美的山景,彷佛是另一个世界。)

15. In the evening sun, the land seemed as arid as a moonscape, dotted by chalky hillocks and ringed by unfriendly cliffs. (翻译:在落日的余晖中,大地像月球表面一样干涸死寂,点缀着小山丘,四周被不友善的山崖所包围。)



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